

Wonwoo pov. 
He's ignoring me again . Hahaha is wonwoo invisible? Hey kim mingyu I'm here. Look at me! I'm your boyfriend right? But why do you keep on turning to other people? Minghao? Really?

"Hyung!" Oh he called me! "Yes mingyu? " i said with smile. See i'm not that invisible you know haha. "Hyung~ this weekend we need to cancel our date because minghao ask me to accompany him to meet his parents.  I'm so sorry hyung." Great . Now that's just great . Really kim mingyu ? you want to ditch our date just because your so called bestfriend asked you to? Great job . Just which one of us are more important . Haah I don't know anymore . It's okay kim mingyu is always like this . It's okay. "It's okay then , next time?" He's so lucky to have me as his boyfriend. If hisBoyfriend is jihoon surely he's dead by now .

Hi readers today , we are having me as your narrator , jeon wonwoo imnida. I'm currently having a secret (shhh) relationship with the almighty mingyu sunbaenim. Kim mingyu is the one who suggested to keep it a secret even though the other members are in relationship too . So I can't really blame the members for getting near mingyu . But it's getting overly annoying because kim mingyu is so oblivious that he didn't even realise that I'm jealous for goodness sake. Huhu who do think i am? I'm jeon wonwoo , a living human being not a doll. I'm so tired . Okay back to author narration . I'm tired zzz

Author pov.
So the day came. The cancelled date between jeon wonwoo and kim mingyu become the date between the 2ming (mingyu and minghao) . Both of them are having their great searching for the suitable clothing to wear while wonwoo just watch with a swollen heart. Poor jeon wonwoo. 
While waiting for the 2ming to come home (more like to wait for his mingyu) . Jeon wonwoo plays his nintendo at their living room. When there's a knock and the door opened and so does jeon wonwoo's fragile heart . His heart stopped for a while because he sees his boyfriend smiling so brightly while holding hand with minghao . Wonwoo feels like his gonna slap kim mingyu's face but he hold it in. He knows his boyfriend are just dumb and clueless. So he just smile and welcome them back. 
After that time, mingyu and minghao are getting more closer than before. They spend most of their time together . Laughing together , playing together, cooking together . Doing most of the things together , leaving poor boyfriend jeon wonwoo alone. Oh mingyu! Are you in your right mind? Jeon wonwoo is such a kind boy , just wait for mingyu to notice him back but it's ain't working man . So he got himself a plan. 
Wonwoo pov.
I'm going to changed myself into someone new. Yes! I'm no longer the old emo jeon wonwoo ! I'm the newly recreated cutie patootie jeon wonwoo. Now I'm gonna get kim mingyu back all to myself. I'm gonna be all clingyy to him so he won't forget me even in his dreams. Yes! Jeon wonwoo! That's a great plan! *pat himself* so his mission begins~
Author pov. 
The new edition of jeon wonwoo have begin . Everywhere kim mingyu went there's always jeon wonwoo , even in the toilet (kyaa) . Wonwoo thinks his achieving his goals of making kim mingyu falls more for him but his wrong , totally wrong . Guess he's also as dumb as his boyfriend because his boyfriend , the almighty mingyu didn't even like the new jeon wonwoo , he's annoyed by how wonwoo acts and talks. And without realising he starts to ignore him and act so coldly towards him . Oh poor jeon wonwoo. Why are you sacrificing yourself for this man. He isn't that worth of you . (Come to me babe kyaa) . 
Kim mingyu (that ) keeps on avoiding jeon wonwoo and went to other members . He ain't gonna stay with jeon wonwoo alone . He always stick to minghao and that thughao opps i mean minghao doesn't really care , well he even enjoy his companyy. (Hey you thughao)  please don't blame him , he doesn't know and he have all the rights to like kim mingyu. ()
So he starts to make a move on kim mingyu without him realising . But obviously wonwoo realise that and he had been deeply injured ( the heart) . 
Wonwoo pov.
Right now, I'm making a special drink for my lovely kim mingyu .. hope he like it:). Okay done! Let's go! Hmmm where is he? Oh right there ! When suddenly someone run towards him . "Mingyu! I brought you a drink! Drink up!" Whoo the hell is that. Oh no it's xu minghao. No no I'm no gonna lose to him . So i run towards mingyu too and said " Mingyuie~ I brought you a special drink specially for you . Come drink up ~ " I'm trying my best to act cute . But mingyu and minghao just stare at me expressionless. And after that he takes minghao's drink and drink it right infront of me. Ouch . Really mingyu? I'm annoyed so i said to him "Hey mingyuie~ why did you drink minghao's drink? I have brought this special drink for you right?~ " And he just directly rejected me " I don't want it. I'm don't like that drink ." Seriously kim mingyu?? Why are you acting like this to me?? What did i do wrong? Sobsob stay strong heart.
Author pov.
Congratulations kim mingyu you dumbest among all dumbest in history , you has once again broke your cutie patootie boyfriend's heart. After kim mingyu said that , jeon wonwoo trying his to contain his cool and just smile it away. How pure is your boyfriend oh kim mingyu. Eventhough it's hurts him to death , he just hold it in. And said "nevermind". Stay strong jeon wonwoo. I'm rooting for you. 
These kind of acts repeated itself I don't know how many times and jeon wonwoo is still there , loving kim mingyu with all his heart. While kim mingyu , he thinks that his feelings has slightly changed . Still Going strong with xu minghao . Wow really. Until one night, minghao decided to take a step ahead and kiss mingyu right on the lips. Infront of everyone. The members, the staffs and the cutie patootie boyfriend.. everything stop for awhile and then there's cheers everywhere. And xu minghao confesses his love towards kim mingyu . Kim mingyu just stand there speechless and shocked. And a second has passed then he turned to jeon wonwoo , who was tearing up . He stand the farthest and he looks so lonely but he's smiling. Still smiling. And kim mingyu saw it , the love inside his boyfriends eyes. He wanted to hug that frail body but everyone was crowding him and cheering for him to accept xu minghao. So he stand there still and shut. Unable to do anything useful. YOU STUPID BOyy!! (Author bawling)(im sorry) .
And the day just pass like that . And everyone thought that kim mingyu and xu minghao are officially official. The 2ming couple (aww so sweet) . And the poor cutie patootie Boyfriend just turn back being his old unexpressive self. He's tired of being a fake , he's tired of loving kim almighty mingyu . He's just tired. He can't cry infront everyone because they don't know and they are all happy . He can't cry at the dorm because there's other members. So he just keep it in securely. By his expressionless face. But the real truth, he's crying blood in his heart. He's so deeply hurt that he can't contain it. He just let it pass through. He's so tired and he want to end it. 
Wonwoo pov. 
I have decided to have a happy ending for everyone so I'm ending this. I'm gonna ask mingyu to end it. Hey it's okay , this is what we call life. Even if we get the one we love , sometimes doesn't mean its happy ending.
So , i knock on mingyu's room and guess what, there's also xu minghao the new boyfriend with y mingyu whose obviously just finished showering . Hah whatever. "Mingyu. Can i talk to you? Privately? " i said in a straight tone. Mingyu the just nodded his head. Then i wait outside of his room for him to takes his time doing whatever he wants first. After mingyu get out of his room . I'm saying to myself to stay calm and collect eventhough he looks ddamn handsome (hey I'm about to breakup with him) . Jeon wonwoo! Stay focused!. Sooo... i was about to start my break up speech but he says something first( guess i was to late huhu) .. "Hyung , I'm really sorry for all of these things happening.. I don't know how did it become like this but i swear i never meant something like this to happened. Please hyung forgive me!" He said with his apologetic face. Hah stop kim mingyu you make me want to kiss you kyaa. Okay stop! "Haha ! Seriously it's okay! I forgive you and i know you didn't mean any of these to happened but I just want to say that i love you so muchh eventhough i know you're so done with me ,sooo I'm hereby announced that we have officially break up because i know I'm just not suitable for you , you are such a prince while I'm just an emo boy stuck in a kpop boygroup . I think you should be with minghao . You guys look good together , I can't deny that. And i know your feelings has changed towards me because you have been avoiding and ignoring for I don't know how long... haaah but it's okayy .. just know that I'll always be with you whenever you need me. I don't want to be your burden so you can move on with your life and I'll never blamed you kim mingyuu saranghae nae dongsaengi !!! " and by now I'm bawling my eyes out because it's hurts sooo much I wanna die.. I can't stop crying!!! I have been holding my tears since I don't know when and it's killing me seriously!!!. I keeps on crying for the next 5 minutes or more( I don't count) when suddenly kim mingyu hug me!! Stop making me melt kim mingyu!!! I want to move onZzz. And while he was hugging me he whispered to me "you will never able to move on from me, you're trapped" 
NOOOOO you kim mingyuTT


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Thank you for reading this crap! I'll will try my best to updatee..


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Chapter 1: Omo I feel bad for Wonwoo!!
By the way the story is great, I hope u update as soon as u can!