A New Years Eve That Won't Be Forgotten

A New Years Eve That Won't Be Forgotten


Eunhyuk sat in the club, looking at his friends, specifically one, on the dance floor. They looked like they were having such a great time. But he didn’t want to be too close to him….he might just do something he’ll regret later.

The monkey sighed and turned back to the bar and asked for another round. Then he just leaned against the bar, waiting for his drink, and thinking about the past couple of months. He drew circles on the wood as the thought.

About three months ago, he started to feel scared. Being around his best friend made him feel weird. He would always get this funny feeling in his stomach, and he would always want to be closer to him. But, Eunhyuk didn’t understand what he was feeling. All he knew was that something had suddenly switched in his feelings. As time progressed, so did his feelings towards his best friend. He started to always be around him, and always want to talk to him, and do everything he could so they could hang out. It wasn’t until his best friend went on a date(that ended terrible, mind you) that he knew what he was feeling. After he figured it out, he started to stay away from his best friend. Eunhyuk started to stop talking and hanging out with his best friend so much. He stopped replying to his texts. Everyone realized what was happening, soon enough. But, Eunkyuk didn’t want him to be suspicious. He didn’t want him to think he was a freak. He didn’t want his best friend to know that he was in love with him.

Eunhyuk was brought out of his thoughts as someone sat next to him and started to talk to him. “Hyukkie! Come dance with me!”

The monkey looked at Donghae, as the fishy boy grinned. Then he shook his head. “Nah, I’m good. You go dance though. I know you like to.”

Donghae’s smile started to fade and he turned himself into the bar completely and stared ahead at the wall. “Hyukkie……please talk to me. Whatever is wrong, please let me help. These past few months….I’ve been so worried. I’m your best friend. And I want you to know that you can talk to me about anything.”

No I can’t, HaeHae, the monkey thought. Then he sighed and twisted his mouth into a smile. “I’ve just been tired lately. It’s okay, I’ll probably start to feel better again soon enough. Don’t worry about me.”

Donghae just rolled his eyes and turned his head to look at his best friend. “Hyukkie. That’s the only excuse you could come up with? Seriously? That’s the oldest one in the book. Besides, I’m your best friend. You, of all people, should know that I know you better than that.”

Damn you for always being right, Hae. “It’s fine, it’s fine. I’ll be alright. I mean, I’ll get over it. Just go have fun, I don’t want to ruin your night.”

Donghae had a sad look on his face. “But, it’s not a good New Year’s Eve if my best friend can’t even hang out with me.”

Eunhyuk sighed. He felt so bad. He’d been practically ignoring his best friend, thinking that it wouldn’t matter. But that was stupid. Anyone would be sad about their best friend mentally leaving them. But, was it better than having you best friend find out that you were in love with them? Eunhyuk couldn’t answer that.

“Okay, okay! Let’s go dance, Hae.” Eunhyuk finished off his drink, already knowing that it was a bad idea and then got up and dragged his best friend with him. They got to the middle of the dance floor when the song had just ended. The next song that came on a few seconds later was Oppa Oppa, which made Eunhyuk smile a little.

The music had started going and Donghae and Eunhyuk had no trouble jumping into dancing. Each second was filled with movement, and both of them were in sync with the other. They danced together and in such unison that the crowd backed away and made a circle around the dancing boys. They all watched as the two danced with such grace, but the boys didn’t pay attention to the crowd. They’re attention was focused on the music, each other, and the move that they were going to dance next.

Eunhyuk was only focused on one thing. Not the music, or his feet, or what he was doing. He was only focused on Donghae, and how he was moving. Each movement made by the boy was beautiful, and he couldn’t keep his eyes off of him. He was gorgeous, and it broke Eunhyuk’s heart. He knew that Donghae would never be his. He was just a freak compared to the most beautiful person in the world.

They stayed together perfectly with each passing second and eventually they could have just stopped looking at the other to see what they were going to do next, but they were both looking at the others eyes. They went with the beat, and they knew each other so well, that they started and finished dancing in harmony.

Then the thunderous applause started. Eunhyuk and Donghae both looked up at the same exact time, startled. They were so into the music that they didn’t notice that everyone had stopped to watch. Then Donghae turned to his best friend with a grin and mouthed the words, “Good job, monkey.”

Eunhyuk returned the smile and mouthed words of his own. “Good job, fishy.”

And then Eunhyuk started to feel his stomach float with butterflies. He knew because of the sheer panic that he had to get out of the crowd. So once the people started filing in again, he started to head for the doors. Before going outside he looked at the clock and saw that it was about fifteen minutes until New Years. He stumbled through the door and went to sit against the wall of the building right next to the club. His eyes started to water, and he almost cried. He felt like such a freak. Who falls in love with their best friend? Especially when they’re the same gender as you. It just wasn’t right.

“I’m just a stupid, gay jerk! He would never like me…” Eunhyuk muttered and pulled down the sleeves of his hoodie to wipe the tears that had fallen. For the next few minutes, the monkey had just sat their wallowing in self-pity, wiping away the few tears that escaped every other minute.

A little bit later, the club’s door had burst open again, but this time Donghae ran out of it. He searched frantically until he noticed his best friend sitting on the ground.

“Hyukkie!” He exclaimed and went to kneel next to his best friend.

But Eunhyuk just shook his head and tried to push Donghae away as the got off the ground. He started to walk away until the Donghae grabbed his arm and swung him around so that they were facing each other. “Hyukkie….what’s wrong?”

Eunhyuk just shook his head again and looked down, still pulling at his sleeves. “Donghae. Y-you should just stay away fro-from me.”

He let out a dry sob.

Donghae just looked at him with confused eyes. He couldn’t understand what his best friend was saying. “Hyukkie….” He reached for the monkeys hands, but was rejected a few seconds later when the shorter of the two pulled away.

Donghae felt his heart break a little. “Eunhyuk….”

The shorter boy looked up to see that his best friend’s eyes had gone glassy. He looked as if he were about to cry, and that made Eunhyuk feel even worse. “Fishy….I’m not what you think I am.”

Donghae just looked even more confused. “Monkey, what are you talking about?”

Eunhyuk started to shake out of fear. He didn’t want his best friend to think he was a freak….but he had to know. “HaeHae…..I’m gay.”

A few moments of silence passed and then they started to hear people from inside the building around them count.


“And….Donghae. I like you. A lot.”


Donghae’s expression started to change as his best friend kept talking.

“No….Donghae. I….I love you.”


When his best friend was silent, Eunhyuk started to talk fast. “But, don’t let this ruin our friendship. Please don’t think I’m a freak, I can take it back, I don’t mean it. I don’t mean it. I can make myself believe that, if you want. I don’t have to-”


And then Donghae grabbed Eunhyuk around the waist, pulled him close, and kissed him right on the mouth. It took a couple of seconds for the shorter to function, but when he did, he started to kiss back. Eunhyuk wrapped his arms around his best friend’s neck and stood on his tippy toes, kissing back with small force.

Donghae broke the kiss first, and just smiled down at the monkey and leaned his forehead against Eunhyuk’s. Eunhyuk looked up confused. “Donghae…? What….?”

The taller let out a small laugh, and squeezed Eunhyuk around the waist. “Hyukkie. I’ve liked you for such a long time.”

Eunhyuk’s mouth popped open in the shape of an ‘o’. “What?”

Donghae just nodded and laughed some more. “I love you, my Hyukkie.”

Eunhyuk just stuttered, still confused. “But….what….bu…..since….since when?”

“Uhhh…..about a year ago, I think?”

The monkey’s mouth popped open even wider, and then a grin started to spread across his face. “A year!? Why…..you little love sick puppy!” He started to giggle.

“Ahh, I may be the love sick puppy, but who was out here crying because he was afraid of his feelings?” Donghae retorted, smirking.

“Hey!” Eunhyuk shouted, smacking the taller one’s chest. Then he just turned his back, crossed his arms, and pouted.

Donghae wrapped his arms around his best friend’s – now boyfriend’s – waist from behind and rested his head on his shoulder. “Ahh, Hyukkie. I’m sorry……I love you.”

Eunhyuk couldn’t help but smile widely, loving how he said that. “Ah, I love you too.”

“Good.” Donghae took back his arms and put them around his own neck to take something off. It was a necklace. It was a gold chain, with a gold heart on the end with the name Donghae engraved on the front. It made Eunhyuk gasp.

“Donghae!” He whispered, looking at the necklace. “What are you doing?”

Donghae sighed, and started to put the necklace on his Hyukkie, while talking. “Well, you know it was from my mother. She meant the world to me, and when she gave me this necklace before she died, I swear I would never get rid of it, or give it to someone. But, Hyukkie. You are my world now, so I really want you to have it. Please accept it.”

The shorter just shook his head, speechless. “Hae….I want to, but-”

“Hyukkie,” Donghae cut him off and put each hand on either side of his boyfriend’s face. “Please? I want you to have it.”

Hesitantly, Eunhyuk nodded. And then he smiled. “Thank you, Hae. This means….so much.”

“I know,” Donghae said, and then wrapped his arms around Eunhyuk and kissed the top of his head. “I love you, so much.”

“I love you, too.”

The taller smiled. He let go of the monkey and grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers. “Come on, let’s go back inside and celebrate with everyone.”

Eunhyuk just glowed, and agreed. He was so happy, words couldn’t describe his feeling. So, he just squeezed his boyfriend’s hand and leaned on him. At that moment, Eunhyuk knew that everything would turn out alright, and he knew that Donghae would be by his side forever, though the hard times, and the amazing times. And he was ready to take everything on, head first, knowing that Donghae would be with him.

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Az_StMd #1
Chapter 1: ;w; cute
agnes_yunita #3
Sweeeeeeeeeeeettttttt......fufufufufufufu >.<
yooya93 #4
hhhhhhhh that was SUPA CUTE !!! I really loved the ending * wish it was 4+ chapters though* !!!! But that was a lovely fic !!! <3 <3
deeragon93 #5
Kekeke, Eunhyuk is so lucky for having Donghae as his best friend and boyfriend. I envy you, Lee Hyukjae ;DD
But I'm happy that they can be together :)
Thanks for shaaring
killerpanda #6
awww cute! hyukkie is such a silly goose!^^
WAKAKA so adorable. I love the part when Hyukkie confessed while the countdown was going on(: Good job ^^
Kind-Hearted_Devil #8
Aigoo, this oneshot was so sweet <3
My grin kept gettting bigger and bigger while reading this xD
Anyway, I really love your writing style, you described the emotion and everything so well that I could imagine about what was happening :)
Good job!
And thank for writing this beautiful oneshot, it's made my day!
katie35643 #9
Oh my goodness. This was SO adorable. I was smiling the whole way through. God job. *applause* ^.^