Will You Change Your Mind?

MIINAH (Pretty Woman Revisited)




 Donghae still left for “work” after they finished their dinner and Kyuhyun was left alone in the house, not that he wasn’t used to it. It’s just like he’s suddenly feeling claustrophobic in there while he was alone. The night was a bit warm so he went out to his small courtyard where there was a small platform variously used as a folding table for clothes, workbench, kitchen table (when he was young his parents sometimes cook their meals outside and prepare the meal and eat on the platform) or as a sort of bed to watch the stars above. It’s still early and he can’t sleep while he kept thinking about the inevitable loss of the house if he can’t come up with a solution. But how?

     He thought about Donghae and his job. He thought about asking Donghae for a loan. But where will he get the money to pay him back? He now knows that Donghae is doing what he does because he is saving money to go back to school and pursue his dream of a college degree and a “decent” job. Donghae already has plans of going back to school by next year and if he ever willingly lends Kyuhyun money then his plan will go bust because Kyuhyun will not be able to repay him immediately in time for the enrollment and Kyuhyun doesn’t have the heart to do that to him.

     This is his problem. He’s the one who needs to find the solution. Kyuhyun closed his eyes, thinking he was just getting tired of staring into space. He never thought he’d fall asleep on the platform.

     He awoke to a slightly cool dampness on his skin and he shivered a little. It’s already dawn. He was surprised to find that he had fallen asleep outside the house on the hard platform without pillows and blanket but he felt refreshed. And this early, having just woken up, he thinks and he feels like he knows what to do with his problem.

     He was just about to go inside when he heard the gate opening. It was Donghae.

“Kyuhyun-ah! Good morning! You’re up early.” He greeted. He was struggling with some packages as he closed the gate.

     Kyuhyun hurried over and helped him. “I went out to watch the stars last night and I fell asleep here. I never thought I’d fall asleep in an uncomfortable spot but I woke up feeling good. What’s all these, hyung?”

     “Breakfast and other goodies. A client of mine had them in his truck. He delivers those to stores all around the city and I asked him for some. He said okay and since he felt satisfied and happy with my service he gave me more.” Donghae said, smiling.

     Kyuhyun sheepishly smiled back but he thought this is the perfect opportunity to ask his hyung about certain things. He cleared his throat cause he’s starting to get nervous.

     “Ahermm! Ahmm…Ahh, Hyung! Could I ask you some things?” He finally blurted.

     “Ahuh?! What’s it all about?”

     “About ah…, about your job.” Kyuhyun said with that uncomfortable look on his face.

     “What about it? Are you starting to feel uncomfortable with me, doing what I do and still living in your house?” Donghae said a bit wary himself on where Kyuhyun’s question is going to lead.

     “Oh no! Not about that Hyung!” Kyuhyun protested. “It’s just that I want to really understand how it works. How you deal with the people you take on as clients and some other stuff.”

     “Why do you seem suddenly interested in this, Kyuhyun?” Donghae asked. Trying to raise an eyebrow and failing.

     “I’d like to work with you, Hyung.”



Donghae nearly fell off the chair he was sitting on when he heard what Kyuhyun just said.

     “What the hell did you just say, Kyuhyun?!” he accidentally raised his voice.

     “I said I want to work with you. I mean, I want to join you in your work if you don’t mind.” Kyuhyun said trying to convince himself internally that he really wanted to do this.


     “I have a huge financial problem right now, Hyung. If I don’t raise enough funds, I might lose this house in a few weeks.”

     “Why? How did it happen?”

     “I received a notice a few days ago. Before you arrived. It says that my parents owe them real estate/property tax for several years now and it is such a huge amount for me to raise in such a short period of time. Most of the people I know can’t even send their own children to college so I don’t have anybody left to turn to to ask for a loan.”

     “You got me.” Donghae said in a low voice.

     “Oh no, Hyung!” Kyuhyun blurted out. “I won’t do that to you! I can’t ask you for a loan because I know what you intend to do with your money. I won’t hold you back from your dream just because I asked for a loan which I know I won’t be able to repay immediately.

     “B-But why do you want to be like me? You don’t have to. You’re smarter than me; you can get a better job than trying to e yourself.” Donghae was trying to get Kyuhyun to change his mind. “You should know that this is not a simple thing to do. There are much greater risks than you can think of. You shouldn’t decide on doing this just because you think that there is no other solution and when you finally get the answer to your problem, Bam! Your going crazy as to why you ever did such a silly thing! No Kyuhyun. I don’t think I can let you do it.”

     He got up and started to go to his room when Kyuhyun spoke.

     “I’ve thought about it since you arrived. I know I’m smart but smart won’t get me the amount of money I need to earn in a few days. Maybe you were sent to me to be the solution to my problem.”

     Donghae turned around again to try and say something but Kyuhyun stopped him.

     “Don’t worry. I’ve already made up my mind; I’m coming with you tonight.”

     Kyuhyun left Donghae open mouthed and blinking at what he just heard his young friend say.

     “Ahhh! Why does he have to be so hard headed now?”



     Later that afternoon, Kyuhyun comes rushing home from school. He still has to prepare for tonight. His debut as a….

     “Hyung?! I’m back. Are you in your room?” Kyuhyun knocked on the door but got no answer. He opened it and found the room empty.

     “Where is he?” he asked himself. He was about to close the door when he noticed a piece of paper taped to the bedpost with his name written on it. He took it and read.




     I have left early but I won’t be leaving you. I know you need a friend right now but I want you to think this over once more because I don’t want you to regret anything. If you have to, RECONSIDER. And you will make me happy if you do change your mind. I’ll do anything to help you out. One or two more years out of college won’t hurt. I’m your friend, and friends help out each other. No, we’re more than friends, we’re brothers, right? Take care and sleep well tonight. We’ll talk in the morning.




     Kyuhyun was touched with the short note but he knew deep in his heart that he have to do this.

     Without nothing else to do because he thought he would be coming with Donghae tonight, Kyuhyun tried to study after eating but he couldn’t concentrate.  He decided to clean his room. It didn’t even take him half an hour and he’s nearly done. He was rearranging some books when he dropped one and something flew out of it. It was a picture of his parents that he always brings with him since they died.

     Kyuhyun blinked several times while he looked at the picture. He wasn’t aware that he was trying to hold back his tears. But they still fell.

     “I know you are giving me a sign Umma, Appa. I know you don’t like what I am going to do to raise money but I don’t have much choice, I need it as soon as possible. Please forgive me for what I’m about to do. Please help me pray for the forgiveness of the sin that I’m about to do.” He muttered to himself while holding on to his parents picture and crying.




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richan24 #1
Chapter 3: please update soon!
loooooooooove it please update sooooon ^^
jersheylei_10 #4
aaahhhhh cliff hangerrrrr!!!! i am always waiting for your update!!!! this is a nice story!!!! pleaseeee update soon!!! thank you author shi for this story!!! i know its not easy to update so often but please update this one because i love the story and i know im not the only one!!! read all the readers comment and you will find out how amazing a writer you are!!!
Beniikyuwon #5
I want this fic to continue :c </3 why!
beasien #6
Please update soon. You're killing me here! :)
I love this story haha Kyu is the cutest, most adorable hooker ever
Please update soon xD
silentreader1990 #8
please update soon :O
Zee3173 #9
oopsss... forget the most important thing...
UPDATE SOON please!!! :D
Zee3173 #10
this is just me with my y thoughts,, but please please please let Siwon be Kyu's first... kekekekekekekekeke. and Hyukie, please appear soon or else Hae will have to do "this" and "that" with such an old woman :(