005_ The Pull of the Moon

The Ungodly Moments: The Rhapsody [Volume I]

 “Do I dare

Disturb the universe?

In a minute there is time

For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.”

— T. S. Eliot, “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”


Maybe she has come a few days early. Maybe there is a reason why even time does not work the same anymore.

Maybe Wendy already knows what is coming. Her dreams are all real. She just needs to figure out the meaning of all these. But it is, still, the first time she sees her daughter’s face. It could have been an ultrasound photo, or when the doctor handed the newborn to her open arms.

On the other hand, Ryujin does not waste any time and is ready to let herself in while Seulgi is still having a hard time to understand the situation at hand. Carefully tracing the contour of Wendy’s face with her bright round eyes, the young girl sighs in her head as she is not exactly pleased seeing how the sunken cheeks of her mother aren’t really just a product of her mature age.

“Where did you come from?” Wendy is desperate to get some answers to make sense of what she has been seeing. And having heard the woman’s affirming attitude, Sojung quickly calls Seulgi through the radio intercom so that the officer can bring the girl in and they can finally set sail. There is no time to waste. “Or, should I ask, where will you be coming from?”

“I’d rather not tell,” Ryujin nods to greet the other women making her way to the cabin and joins the rest of the group, “You know it’s against the rules.”

“Well then,” Wendy tries to ignore the intense, questioning gazes surrounding them like a giant net rounding up fishes, “Who is your other parent?” Funny how even she herself is not able to see this part of the future, her own future, yet.

“I don’t know. I’ve never met her.” Ryujin’s smile falters and it does not go unnoticed by her mother, “But you, Wendy, you are the one who sent me here. You sent me back to save her.”

Wendy cannot help but stand there speechless. The girl’s presence has only been bringing them more questions than answers. She would like to give her a hug, or, just an assuring smile. But none of her muscles manage to even twitch other than those of her brows. She is frowning. She dares not to even think of who it could be. If the world isn’t doomed soon, does it mean she would find love eventually? Does someone like her deserve to be loved and have a family?

And it is not the “her” that Irene finds strange, but she just cannot stop staring at the two women who are standing a bit too far apart for a reunion like this. Shouldn’t it be touching? Why isn’t Wendy saying anything still? It reminds the attorney of a scene that pains her with guilt. A mother biding goodbye to her daughter at the court when she was sentenced to 25 years in prison for murdering her stepfather who had been molesting and abusing the both of them. The mother thought it was just her, so she endured, until she finally found out about how his hands had touched her daughter the same way too. But given the fact that he was an ex-national guard and having a dead cat’s body at her doorstep the next day she had taken the woman’s case, there was not much that Irene could do. Though the woman, too, knew it. She did not have the guts to face the forlorn look on the daughter’s face and say her sorry. And now, there is this weird feeling in Irene’s chest even though the situation right now is exactly the opposite.

Maybe it is because how that is exactly the opposite but feels so similar.


“Then you two must have already known what is waiting for us.” Hyunjung timely chimes in to break the silence with her gentle voice, as she offers Ryujin a firm handshake. “Oh, or should I say, who is waiting for us?”

Ryujin gladly takes the older woman’s hand before her mother can say anything, “I know. They’re trying to have my head on a stick. Literally, not figuratively.”

“They?” Hyunjung draws a sharp breath, for she is sure that there is unlikely for the girl to be wrong. She thought there was only the Prophet, a she, who is left to deal with before they can finally get their hands on the brains behind the Order and put an end to this.

“You are probably reading my heartbeat and all my other vital signs right now,” Ryujin, in return, lifts a small smile, “And I’m not a good liar. She’s got a twin. Please just trust me on this one.”

“I do,” Hyunjung turns to look at Wendy who remains solemn and Ryujin can clearly see the glow in a teal hue in those eyes, “I trust your mother with my life as well.”

“Ours too.” Jiyeon who has just returned from lending Juyeon a helping hand at the engine room says as she stops by her sister’s side.

“Don’t want to ruin such a tender moment but…… Hm, so like what’s our plan here? Another ambush?” Seulgi, as the combat veteran with plenty of fieldwork experience she is, raises a very important question.

Clearing , Wendy finally speaks while she tries to shorten the physical distance between her and her daughter, “We’re already one step ahead of them. We can just wait, after setting up a good o’ trap of course.”

“Well,” Hyunjung who now looks much more loosened up than a minute ago resumes her role as a leader (for Sojung who is now busy piloting the ship) and tries to keep things at a level where everyone can understand, “We can save the long talk for later. We’re now heading to a command base where we believe we can hack into their secret system. Do let me know if it’s not the ideal place you have in your mind.”

“Yeah, the Noah’s Ark.” Ryujin fiddles with the hem of her jeans while her eyes are then drawn to someone else in the room whose hands are mirroring her actions unknowingly, “If we want answers, we start from them. Most of their data have been ‘hidden’ by the government ever since mo- Wendy has caused the Rapture.”

“Now,” Wendy’s hand goes up to message her temple and there is a rather grim look on her face, “Can I have a moment with Ryujin? Hyunjung, I can meet you at the bridge later.”

“Sure, I’m sure you two need some time.” The woman complies in a heartbeat, “I need to go and ask Yerim about some stuff, so I’ll have to drop by the lab first too.”

“Ah,” Seulgi takes a quick peek at the physicist who has been awfully quiet all this time. “Joy, can you come with me to the hold? There’s something I need to check.”

Sooyoung, the smart one, takes the cue and follows the officer to exit the room before sparing two more glances at the mother and daughter. Moreover, she has seen the flickers of uncertainty and fear in Seulgi’s eyes and she knows she has to do something to keep her sane.


“It’s okay,” Wendy gestures the others to stay when some are standing up from their seats to give her and Ryujin some space, “I just don’t want to keep them away from what they should be doing because of us. Feel free to hang around or enjoy the cabin as you like.”

Jiyeon quickly nudges her sister, as if she could really read her mind, signaling her that now is the time to ask her question.

“I’m sorry, but I just want to know,” Walking up to the duo, Irene does her best to orchestrate her tone and words with her usual elegance and poise, “When did you start having those……. Visions, Wendy? Is it after the episode you had back in the ward? Are you…… Okay now?”

“Thank you, Irene. I am feeling, hm, much better now. And this is what I want to talk about with Ryujin too.” Wendy lightly shakes her head to let Irene know she does not mind the question at all, “Ryujin, not sure if you’ve already known but, this is Irene. She and Yerim have helped me to get over some aftereffects of the aversion therapy I had. I owe them both a big favor.”

The young girl swiftly turns to face the woman, lips pursed and eyes glimmering. For a second, Irene thinks Ryujin can read through her like an old movie which has been played too many times. Staring at Ryujin’s complexion in such a close distance makes her wonder if Wendy would also look this great in short hair. Weird, weird thoughts.

“Thank you, Irene.” The teenage girl gives the woman a small nod.

“Don’t mention it. And I didn’t even do much to help. It’s Yerim who managed to calm you down.”

“No, Irene,” Wendy chuckles, wanting to cheer the overly polite woman, “You’ve done more than you know. You aren’t afraid of me. Right from the start.”

“Why would I?” Irene also smiles, “I’ve seen terrible people. You’re not one of them.”

“You’ve told me about your days under the wings of the Noah’s Ark too,” Ryujin diverts her curious gaze to the watch-like device on Wendy’s wrist, “They expected the aftereffects of your aversion therapy. They wanted that.”

“But why?” Jiyeon does not care if it might be rude of her to interrupt like this since she really does not quite follow the conversation there.

Wendy gives them a faint smile, “They wanted me to forget.”

“This is why I am here.” And then it is the first time when Ryujin lets her real emotions peeks through the visage of her buoyancy. Her eyes are now shut looking like some painful memories have come back and haunted her, hands flailing as she says, “I came to make you remember so that you, we, can save her!”

Even though Wendy is yet to be a mother, it still strikes her too see the girl being drown in frustration and yearn for her loving mothers, “And now I remember. Maybe not all. But I’m getting there.”

“You told me to bring your memories back,” Ryujin looks up to meet her mother’s gaze which does not quite feel the same, less anguish and more bleakness, like a mouth of a river to a riptide by a shore. “From the ‘future’. Ha, such irony, right? I didn’t know what happened and it seems like things are now not what you expected to be. You already remember.”

“How?” Wendy reaches out to pat the forearm of the girl, because she also needs to know how this is not just another dream, “I only begin to remember when I saw the clock Yerim was showing me…… Does it mean that would not happen in the timeline where I had you? God, I’m getting none of this……. And how you are supposed to make me remember?”

“Damn, multiverse?” Jiyeon softly whispers to her sister under her breath, which only earns a warning glare from the older woman, “I should’ve paid attention when they watched those Marvel movies.”

“I would rather not show it to you now, Wendy.” Ryujin’s hand fumbles for something in the pocket of her jeans and decides to leave it be, “Because this is what you told me to do. Our Plan B.”

“Ryujin,” Wendy calls once she notices those fidgeting feet and her hand grips tighter onto her sleeve, “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be.” The girl bluntly replies as she turns away, “It’s not exactly you who made me come here. Now I need some time alone.”

“Oh, the stairs to the cabin on the left aren’t properly lit! Watch your steps!” Irene, the most mature woman in the room by age, somehow does not forget to tell the girl to take care of herself despite the very fact that the latter already disappears at the corner of the hallway.


“Thank you, Irene.” Wendy throws herself onto the sofa which is just two steps away, “I can’t thank you enough, can I?”

“It must be hard on her too,” Jiyeon’s eyes are still glued on the hallway and she thinks she knows how the teenager has been feeling, “Thinking of how she might be ending up all alone, having to save her mothers and the world, wanting a family……”

Joohyun heaves a sigh and tugs her sister’s arm, “We are just trying to do our best to help, Wendy. Don’t be too hard on yourself too.”

Wendy takes the cup of tea Joohyun hands to her, “It’s so scary though, when you can’t stop thinking who you are, who you were, and who you will become. I’m not just a heroine of a story. I can’t just magically win the battle and end my journey and be happy. I need my answers. I need to know how to work my way there.”

“You can talk to us-”

“Well,” Jiyeon raises her hands up gesturing the other two women that her fellow subjects have just contacted her through their weird telepathy, “Only you, sis. Sorry, Wendy. Dawon needs one more pair of hands and eyes on the forecastle so I should get going now.”

“It’s fine. Thank you as well, Jiyeon. Say hello to Dawon for me.” Wendy waves a little to send the said woman off, while the other sister settles down next to her with her suit jacket folded neatly on her lap, which looks too much like a therapist Wendy used to know.

“An overwhelming day, isn’t it?” Joohyun always likes to look at the sky. Jiyeon used to make fun of her spacing out during their small talks when they still shared a bulk bed.

Here it comes the dusk, a prelude to moonlight, starlight, or just gloom. But Joohyun is no longer afraid. As if nothing can no longer imperil the lives of her loved ones. She feels safe. She feels anchored. She feels calm.

The first time in her life she is done chasing around things she does not even know what they look like.

“It sure is.” Wendy’s tired body sinks deeper into the sofa as she rests her eyes, “To think that I woke up this morning still cuffed to a bed and not knowing anything about myself. And hey, you reunited with your sister. So, should we say today is a good day?”

“Yeah, I’d think so.”

“Say, Irene,” She adjusts her posture a little so that she can look at the other woman and the leather seat gently creaks, “Were you surprised? That your sister and I are that kind of people?”

“Do you know how I used to absolutely hate the first boyfriend Jiyeon had?” She lets out a hearty giggle and does not even bother to hide it, “And when she brought him home for dinner, I asked him so many questions and I eventually scared him away. Even our mother was taken aback. But I knew. I knew they wouldn’t last. I don’t care who she is with as long as it is someone who can make her truly happy. Let me tell you though, doesn’t Luda look like she walked straight out of a manga book?”

Not expecting Irene to really answer her question in such depth and honesty, Wendy can only marvels at her earnestness while thinking of Seunghee, “You are such a great sister.”

“Didn’t you ask me what I want to do if I ever survive this?” And it takes Wendy by surprise when Joohyun gives her arms a couple taps to get her full attention, as if she was a child who could not wait to tell her parents the funny stories they had in school, “Well, if I ever survive this, I would really want to see how Ryujin is born.”

Then, again, Wendy sees Joohyun smile.

Maybe she has seen it in her dreams before.

While the night is nigh. The colors might soon be lost, but they are already painted in her head.

“We will survive this.”






Sooyoung is getting used to just following the drug task force officer to wherever she goes. From a dimly-lit control room which came straight out of a scary movie to a gymnasium where guns were fired and blood was shed. Seldom did Sooyung ever really have doubts over Seulgi’s integrity or ability.

Now the hold in the ship is looking much more eerie than she thought. It is not only unreasonable bright but also empty. And it is not hard to spot those compartments which are sealed and locked to the walls. Whereas Sooyoung dares not to imagine what can be in there.

Seulgi inches closer to a panel-like pillar on their right with her index finger on the trigger of her rifle, eyes fixated on the digits on the screen but her mind is obviously somewhere else, “Thanks for tagging along.”

“I heard about the Lancelot thing from the girls,” Sooyoung slightly rubs her hands together because this hold is way too cold for a lady in a nice dress like her, “Meiqi told me things as well. As a physicist, I swear I have no idea how their bodies work. Though I guess I’m intrigued to know more about their mechanics. Maybe I should go to talk to Luda next?”

“Sooyoung,” There is a shiver running down to Seulgi’s spine, not because of the unusual temperature of the room however. “Instead of Wendy, now I’m more resentful of what I did. How did we even come down to this?”

“Listen, Officer Kang,” Sooyoung walks up to the said woman whose face screams “I need help” and her heels echo off of the steel floor and hammer onto Seulgi’s head like nails on a chalkboard, “First of all, thank you for calling me Sooyoung. So, are we going to have the deep talk right now? You know, I’m always ready.”

The officer dully stares at Sooyoung for a few seconds before grabbing her own head, “And I killed the guards! I’ve spent years of my life getting trained and hunting for thugs and now I finally realize that the government I am working for is the biggest thug ever!”

“You aren’t working for the government.” Sooyung, unfazed by the sudden emotional outburst of the armed woman, just takes Seulgi’s hand which is clutching onto her own neck a bit too tight, “You didn’t choose this job because of your loyalty to the government. You chose this job because you believe in justice. They might have fooled you before but not anymore. Seulgi, not anymore. And this is what matters.”

Seulgi watches her hand being enveloped by the two warm ones of Sooyoung’s, and her other quietly raises to an angle where her gun is pointed directly at the bottom of the panel. Sooyoung does notice the movement as well as the torn evident in Seulgi’s eyes. And she knows what exactly Seulgi needs to hear at times like this.

“Look at Wendy. Don’t you trust her too?” The physicist turns out to be a rather decent negotiator, and her job here is just to prevent the gun being pointed at either one of them, “I might still be a bit scared, but I still believe that she is a good, kind-hearted person. Not the judge who gave her 50 years, not the guards, not the journalists who painted her to be a psychopath.”

“Sooyoung, I know. It’s just……” Seulgi steadies her hand for a better aim. She feels like she is a sailor in a storm. “I had a hard time digesting all of these. I talked to Sojung and she told me about this place. And there is no return if I do this.”

Sooyoung holds her hand closer to her body, “It’s not the Order that we believe in. We believe in ourselves. And, I’m here.”

Finally, Seulgi finds her respite. She then pulls the trigger, destroying the power supply to the panel as well as the whole room – which also makes the hold turn dark in just a blink of an eye.

The sudden darkness and the sound of a gunshot startle Sooyoung but then she can feel Seulgi’s hand is gripping back onto hers. It is also when she finally realizes how bony but strangely cozy the officer’s hand really is.

“Let’s go now. They’re waiting for us.”






In the world that Irene knows, the line has long been getting thinner–between what is right and wrong, between light and dark, between day and night, between good and bad.

She cannot say for sure if she is the saint amongst the people on this ship now. To be honest, she does not even know why Jessica would give her a chance to stay alive. When she was still an apprentice, she had followed her mentor, another famous attorney in town who frequently represented rich clients, around and learned how the world really works in a hard way.

The pit of despair kept beckoning.

It was not like she had never thought of the people they left behind, the people who got thrown to the bottom of the cruel pyramid she had helped build.

There was so little she could do to save them.


She remembers Jiyeon locking her in an embrace once they all settled down on the ship. They had told each other their stories as they walked and brushed shoulders with Jiyeon’s many comrades. Juyeon gave them a really bright smile before excusing herself to the room next door.

“It’s braver to let go sometimes.” Jiyeon said.

Maybe Joohyun has always been the lucky one. Even that one spy from the Spectres has spared her life. While Jiyeon had to secure a ticket to survival and a reunion with her sister with the price of her physical body, Joohyun’s life has been fairly easy–also compared to Sooyoung who masks her insecurity and scars with her bubbly personality, to Seulgi who dedicates her life for the greater good but was deceived, to Wendy who tries her very best to save lives and has to resolve to killing instead–and this pusher her further down to the pit, this drowns her, this suffocates her, to a point that she just wants it to stop because she believes she does not even deserve to feel shame.

Joohyun did not know she is not the only one who fears silence until Wendy starts humming a tune after they have let their conversation slowly fade away earlier, like bow waves they left on the ocean. So insignificant, so transient–as every beautiful thing would be.

Once again, her eyes track the woman’s every movement, which is casual yet intricate, as she shuffles her feet by the windows, her fingers tracing along the wooden frames as if she can touch the night sky above.

And Joohyun remembers what Yerim told her about aversion therapy. As much as she would not want to believe is true, Wendy is not the normal person she might seem to be. Perhaps even before the Rupture, Wendy has been unordinary. Joohyun could never imagine herself having the guts to kill or endure such torture – perhaps she would have just ended her life right then and there.

The soft melody coming out from Wendy does not match the burden she is bearing, not at all. If the Noah’s Ark does mean well, what is the real purpose of putting a woman through all of those terrible experiments, or, “therapy”? Is Wendy sick? Does Wendy need that kind of “help” to “right her wrongs”?

What kind of help does she really need anyway?

What kind of help do they all need?


Wendy may or may not know that someone has been watching her so closely from behind, for she is busy trying to keep herself distracted from seeing all those pictures she cannot tell where they are from. She cannot be alone with her thoughts. Even the shadows of the walls have been keeping her awake.

What if she cannot do it? What if she cannot save the world? What if she cannot save herself, her daughter, and her……. The other mother of her daughter?

Who knows it would all come down to this? As if this is what the world compels her to do. Every single step of the way.

The moon is so cold, but she just cannot look away.

And she used to love music. If she was not a vet, she would probably become a singer, or a composer of some sort. She used to love music for what it is, not merely as a form of escape. From the moment she saw the gramophone at the house, she has that song stuck in her head. It feels like a distant memory, it feels like she has heard it a thousand times before, it feels like home.

She can hear Irene sigh just a few steps away.

Maybe she should have said something. But then, what is left to say? Nothing, or, just anything.

She has also heard the gunshot down at the hold a while ago. She was just slightly surprised that Sojung has entrusted Seulgi with the task. After all, those are some fine specimens and they can just easily ask one of their own to do it, instead of trusting a former drug task force officer who used to serve the system they are built to defy.

Maybe that is humanity, never robotics.


And now, she can hear…… Wait. No.

“Wendy, we need you.”

Hyunjung’s serene voice rings in her head. Like a wave knocking on the shore.

Instead of the bridge, she somehow knows where exactly to go without needing Hyunjung to say another word. She dashes towards the forecastle where Jiyeon and Dawon were heading to earlier as quick as she physically can.

It takes her less than five minutes to run from the middle of this gigantic ship to its very front. Most of the Witkin’s are there waiting for her already while Seulgi and Joy are nowhere to be seen yet.

“She was fine when she first came here.” Dawon, kneeling beside the girl who looks more like Sleeping Beauty than the rebellious teenager she is, explains to the worried mother, “Jiyeon and I were planning to do some regular scouting for a bit. Then she came from nowhere but since she looked like she just needed some fresh air, so we let her be. And she collapsed on the ground once we had our backs turned.”

“Do you happen to know what this is about?” Soobin looks like she is about to cry while Luda hands her a handkerchief after her best attempt of performing a checkup on a human girl.

“Well, I only have limited knowledge about human body but her vital signs are fine,” Their team mechanic shyly scratches her head, “So I’ve called to the lab and asked Yerim to come. She should be here any minute.”

“I didn’t see it coming.” Wendy mutters to the cold air in the night where there isn’t a single star. Even the moon is by its lonesome.

“It’s not your fault.” Dayoung quickly scoots to the woman’s side when she herself already have tears in her eyes.

Hyunjung carefully looks around before testing the waters, “Is it the prophet twins’ doing?”

“Seulgi has already destroyed the boxes,” Sojung appears from the door to the forecastle with the said officer and Joy tailing behind, “They shouldn’t have such control over any beings. Let alone Ryujin has never been touched by the Noah’s Ark.”

“But Wendy has,” Luda speaks again, not sure if she should look her in the eye, “Only heaven knows how this works but what if they can also track Ryujin, and now they are really after her instead of Wendy or any of us.”

“Maybe they just want me to come to them first.” Wendy also gets down on her knees so that she can take a closer look of her daughter’s face and hold her hand.

“Either way, we should get rid of that device on your wrist first.” Hyunjung gestures Luda to get her toolbox.

“With or without it, they can find me.” Wendy gives the mechanic her arm so that the latter can work her magic, “Just like how I can find them.”

“So, what should we-” Juyeon’s voice cracks a little since she is so nervous, “Yerim, here! You’re just in time!”

Trying to catch her breath, the medic huffs and yanks the stethoscope from her neck. The attorney, too, emerges from the doorway with sweat on her brows.

“No visible injury or wound,” Delicately, Yerim who is no longer her playful self, examines her patient bit by bit, part by part, “We need to do some more scans at the lab back there to confirm what caused a shock like this.”

“Thank you Yerim.” Wendy warily stands up, wanting to take Ryujin to the lab this instant.

Juyeon spots her shaky hands and offers the woman who just looks like she has aged several years some help, “Let me. I didn’t get this body for nothing. You go get those bastards.”

Wendy can only mouth another thank you to the taller woman who carries the unconscious girl away in no time, accompanied by Dawon and Yerim of course.

But she just cannot stop herself from quaking.


While everyone else is still in their own bubble, Joohyun does what she thinks is right–she gives what she thinks Wendy needs the most right now.

Some comfort.

A hold of the hand.

Wendy snaps her head to their intertwined hands almost immediately, and Joohyun’s smile only grows wider.

“Seungwan, it’s okay.”

Yes, her name is Seungwan. And Joohyun knows.

And finally, Seungwan knows.

Seungwan’s gaze stops at the corner of Joohyun’s lips but she cannot utter a word. Whilst Joohyun’s eyes are like the moon to the tides in Seungwan’s – magnetic, welcoming, and solacing; sublime, resplendent, and sacred.

Joohyun has let Wendy know that she is not the monster she thinks she is. It is her kindness that urged her to save the kids, it is also her kindness that brought her to the path of violence.

It is her kindness that she needs to see for herself.

And even her coldness is still kind–she gentles her small hand then soon breaks away from the hold–leaving behind a hauntingly lingering warmth, leaving a light on Joohyun’s heart, blandly, slightly…… So very dearly in the strangest way.


“If our ship has to sail for a few days,” Sooyoung looks at the horizon in front of them as the wind combs her hair, “Where are we actually going? I bet it’s somewhere farther than Japan. Forget it, I don’t even know which direction we are heading.”

“I was about to tell everyone,” Hyunjung pauses and Sojung gives her a firm nod, “Hm, I’m not sure if you have already noticed how things have been off. But we weren’t actually in Seoul.”

Seulgi gulps remembering the conversation she had with Sooyoung back in the university. Everything begins to click. There is no way for Joohyun to survive a week after a helicopter’s crash landing. There is no way for Wendy to magically wake up at a house and find her way to them with that mysterious device and those unknown codes. There is no way for her, the most rookie member, being the lone survivor of her well-armed team.

“It’s not Seoul,” Sojung adds since every face in the room only spells confusion, “Nor Korea. It’s Base Seoul. One of the testing grounds. We are all here for a reason. Including me, and you.”

Some are chosen. Some are lucky. Some fought their way in.

“And we are actually heading to another test ground which is identical to this one,” The Witkin’s leader continues. The winds are now roaring, but her voice is still loud and clear. “Theoretically. We have no idea what happened there. We’ll have to see for ourselves, so be prepared.”










I'm back! I really wanted to drop an update on the 15th for once...... But obviously I failed lol 

This chapter is not as long as the previous two but I hope the picture is getting clear neverthelss. 

I have made some radical changes to my "cast" so I took a long time redrafting the whole story (again).

We are halfway to Volume One already and I know there are still many questions left. 

While I can only tell you that The Spectres will definitely make their appearance in the next chapter, and they should bring us some more answers.

Do let me know if there's any character you want to see more. 

Take care!

(p.s. Yay, Monster's 1st win!!)


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Guys, I'm finally back to drop another chapter. Hope it answers some of your questions!


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areytrea #1
Chapter 7: i always had this story opened in my 1000 tabs somewhere but didn't think it would be so good. hope you are doing good author! And happy new year!
1672 streak #2
Chapter 7: Hey, it's me. Hope you being healthy and safe~ I miss this story lol
Wenrene_08 #3
Chapter 7: Ohhhh your back i miss this story
1672 streak #4
Chapter 7: I miss this story and parent line. So I came here again
Chapter 7: I am confused at first that needing to re read the precious chapters.

So, Seungwan's future is with Joohyun and her past was with Rosé??? Wow! I hope Ryujin can recovered soon but on the other hand I still feel sorry for her. Oh well at least we have Joohyun who is looking and take care of her.

Anyway I am glad you are back
Favebolous #6
Chapter 7: I'm glad you came back
Favebolous #7
Chapter 1: I have to read all over again
nicella #8
Chapter 7: Welcome back author! Oh wow will reread this from the start and im very glad to see another update :) thank you so much!
1672 streak #9
Chapter 7: Welcome back Author, I almost scream out loud on middle of night seeing new update lol. Yup I immediately catching on "chiral matter" from death stranding too. So Wendy died in future eh, but nothing set on stone.
Chaeyoung is her childhood friend, but not EX. Then who is it? Sejeong? I'm so happy you continue this gold again author
cattoed #10
Chapter 7: wowwwwww