You found me


(Intro) Story teller's soft voice:

There she is. Mina just got home from work and decided to drink lots of water and just... What is it she's doing? Well, what describes her best, at the moments, is: lying on the floor like a mashed potato on a cold frying pan, a recently fished fish, an unhappy puppet tossed on the floor by an ugly child, etc

Mina's diary:

Today was so stressful! Urghhhhh what a headacheful(is that a word?) kind of day. I don't even feel like drinking tea, and I love tea but today I'm so not OK. Call me finished assignment 'cause I'm DONE! Even if I could even, I wouldn't even, I just can't even!

Working with weak, lazy, low-IQ, narrow minded co-workers is like being an environmentalist: You keep saving dumb, asses, donkeys, etc, Maybe I should go to work wearing a wwf t-shirt,just for the irony...

My head hurts, and my fists hurts because I had to hold tight and hold back the 'punch everyone' feeling.

OMG I didn't know this violent side of myself, oh wait, I did, I just don't care really. Maybe sometimes I can be aggressive because I know I'm right about a certain thing and I would do anything to protect my ideas, and to protect who/what I care about.

LOL. As if I cared about anyone but myself hahahhhahaha

Keep a straight face, they said. Keep it professional they said. I can't keep me from getting mad about something and looking like I'm mad about something. What's the point in hidding? I'm good at what I do! People come to me for answers! I behave and stuff like that but when a coworker messes up, I'll let them know they messed up! Sometimes I have a low-key impression that I'm impulsive and I can say words without realizing I'm saying. It's like my brain vomits ideas out loud...

In short, I don't think I wrong. Am I wrong? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

THE good news of the day, yeah there is a good news:

I spoke to that girl I wrote about, and turns out she's really a girl, I mean, she looks too young. I always thought older women were hotter and that I would end up with someone older than me. But there is something so....... good about Chaeyoung. What a cute-cute name. She's on my mind every now and then and I fall apart, then I turn arround, bright eyes....

We didn't talk much, she was in a hurry and I was trying to control my anger. It was some thing like:


Me: Standing absently in the hall staring a judgmental stare at the window, trying this damn yoga breathing that doesn't even help at calming the heck down.

Chaeyoung(a cute voice): Excuse me. Are you Mina Miyoui?

Me: (when I looked at her it was the first time in the day I wasn't angry anymore. It was as if my brain was on fire and she could throw an entire swimming pool at it. As if there were drunk gypsies tap dancing in my head and she had the power to say “Shoo, all of you, leave Mina alone, go get a house or something, stop being nomads!'')

Humm. Yes. That's my name.

Chaeyoung: I'm Chaeyoung from the international trade trainee team, 10th floor. My team leader asked me to deliver this documents personal in your hands, He said you requested it.

Me(ooooooh when she said “in your hands'' thoses gypsies started dancing again, this time in my stomach, ooooohh): Okay, thank you. We should totally have a cup of coffee together sometime...

Chaeyoung (Nervously laughing): Yes...

Me: What? Is tea, okay? I mean...(Oh no! I just made this conversation sounds inadequate. Must fix it!) I wish there wasn't a division between trainees and employees, you know. We should interact more.......we..... can learn a lot from each other...

Chaeyoung(smiling): Exactly my thoughts! For me is difficult to interact in here. Everyone is older than me. I look younger than I really am and sometimes I'm treated like I don't even deserve to be here, but I'm working hard to show I'm prepared and... Wow... I'm late for my team meeting!

Me: Oh, bye bye, then. It was nice talking to you!

Chaeyoung: Nice talking to you too! See you later!

Me: (Tacky romantic songs playing very loud in my head)


And that was pretty much it. How am I going to invite her for coffee if I don't even have her number? 

 I could go old style and search for her at her office. I better find a really goos excuse to go there *SIGHS* I want to see her again... 사실은 너무 보고 싶어, 보고 싶어 네가. 네 어깨 기대 울고 싶어 울고 싶어 내가 …




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"a link to this awesome report I read a few days ago about how people fantasise about a dream job " For the curious readers, here it is:


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Chapter 13: Simple and cute. :3
Chapter 13: good ending ...i loved it cuz it's simple and realistic ...obrigado!
skishajs #3
Chapter 13: Danks triz
skishajs #4
Chapter 11: Triz, u play too much
Chapter 11: Are they breaking up? They sure are weird. Anyways, is this nearing the end??
Chapter 11: hahahaha she's cute hahahaha..this is the wierdest relationship ever XD
Chapter 10: Oh mina, you could've just ask what's up,lol. I thought she's gonna propose or something. She's so weird and cute I love her. Thanks for the update.
Chapter 10: such a great idea to ask chae "is there any problem between us?" XD minari is so clever and romantic
Chapter 9: OMG. They're super weird, i 'm giggling. What a hot night tho. I died when mina whispered "do it". My mind went overboard.

When it comes to gayness, sana is the expert since she's gayer than a rainbow, gayer than gay.
Chapter 9: Omg!! that's will be a hot night for them...