page fifty-two.

 roleplay diaries archive  : season two
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A Warm Hearted-Ice Queen

posted on july 22, 2014



Weird title? Yes, but really, that perfectly describes this girl, S. Anyways, this is my friend's story so I'm just going to say this out of my pov.

Moving on, so, S here, has been a really friendly and all social rper. I liked her, really. She was kind to every body, welcoming newcomers like they are family-- a perfect friend, you can say. I rarely talked to her-- honestly, only once-- but as much as a stalker I am, I tend to stalk everyone's page and the groups-- which automatically made me notice all of her posts and stuffs. And yes, I never-- even once saw her act y, she's an ideal woman any guy would kill to have her.

So that kept me wondering, why is she still single? And I can't fine anyone who dared to make a move. Are they too scared? But she's too kind-- maybe because she was an admin. Anyways, so here comes my closest friend-- who I can talk to for almost everything, not outside the rp, though. Anyways, we'll call this friend of mine W. W here has a crush on S. And I was super glad since they fit each other very well-- and no, I'm not jealous, not even a single tiny jealousy. And he didn't tell me this, I well, stalked him. As always /coughs. So W here has been displaying constant affection towards S, which sadly, S decides to ignore. S will simply like hi

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