page thirty-one.

 roleplay diaries archive  : season one
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Twins before Sins

posted on july 11, 2014

Before I start, I just want to say that this whole thing wasn't really a sin, I just wanted a really catchy title, ahaha. So let's just forget the sins thing please.
And also, before I start, I just want to say that this isn't my story. And when I say this isn't my story, I'm not trying to subtly do the drama thing where the main character is like "um a friend of mine--" when they're actually talking about themselves. So yeah, I just wanted to clear that up. (y)
This isn't much of a big thing, but let's call my friend Lamp because that's the thing I just happen to be looking at now. So, Lamp liked a girl on a rp, let's call her Tissue because that happens to be the next thing I'm looking at now. Tissue was a very nice girl, she was close with everyone, especially someone who she referred to as a twin, let's call him Scarf.
So Tissue and Scarf both referred to each other as twins throughout the rp and that's something everyone knew about. They were always very close, talking everyday and writing long messages for each other in blog posts and so on and so forth. Meanwhile, our friend Lamp here, simply liked Tissue but was afraid to confess because she was so close to Scarf.
Through my encouragements (?) for Lamp, I was able to get Lamp to confess to Tissue. Lamp made a blog post for her using pretty gifs and writing a long paragraph about how nervous he w

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Chapter 3: tao breaking up with her is a proof that he's an intellectual.
Bangtan_sonyandan #2
Lol good idea