page eighteen.

 roleplay diaries archive  : season one
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Do You Really Have A Life or Not?

posted on july 8, 2014

so this was the roleplay i joined almost two years ago, it was my first time rping so i chose to be an ulzzang, i joined with my best friend who was also an ulzzang with me, it was also her first time rping. we were quite dumb back then, used all those girly emoticons and giggles all the time because we didn't know much about rping and now when i look back, i just feel like slapping myself on the face. so my friend was ulzzang hana that time, firstly in the roleplay, we met lots of amazing people though we have lost contacts with most of them by now but we definitely treasure all the memories we had there and why am i writing here because i really want to tell you the all the dramas that happened there which i usually like to share because they are funny and will make you speechless at the same time.

so like every rps, there's always a guy who's extremely popular and everyone likes him, that guy had to be myungsoo, though i never really liked him, but most girls in that rp had fallen for him, and in the rp, there was a confession thing and myungsoo receives maximum two confessions per day which made him bang his head on the wall every time apparently, we could that that at least five girls liked him at the same time, then yuri, who always comforted him after every confessions he received, and then they just got together somehow, this was just a side story because the real drama is later on. then myungsoo went to everyone and pmed them asking did they like him before or not, which included me, like what would you even thinking, do you think the whole world like you, please don't always think too high of yourself, so i said no at his face and he also asked my friend hana who also didn't like him.

i had

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Chapter 3: tao breaking up with her is a proof that he's an intellectual.
Bangtan_sonyandan #2
Lol good idea