
Who's birthday is it?

4th February

The classroom was,as usual, filled with chattering students.Jisung and Hannah were busy copying each other's homework before class starts.They didn't realise the looming shadow creeping behind them.


Hannah jumped as the high pitched dolphin scream scared her out of her chair.Whilst, Jisung almost scream back (but he didn't cause he's a man now), the pencil on his hand made a straight line across his note book in shock.

"How are my two best friends doing?", Chenle put his arms around their shoulder, smiling as if nothing happened.

Jisung erase the long line he accidentally made.

"Trying to save ourselves from punishment for not doing our homework."

Chenle sat on his seat behind them,a happy smile still on his face.


His sudden cheerful demeanor was weird and it creeped them out.Enough to make them forget about homework.They looked at each other with confusion.Chenle was never this happy on school mornings.He would always start the day complaining about why does school have to start so early in the morning.But today was different.Today, he's being giddy and overjoyed.His eyes sparkled with joy while humming to his favourite song.This kind of behaviour is only when...

"Chenle,are you planning something?", Hannah starts.

Chenle looks at both of them, still smiling.

"Is it obvious?Well, it's for a special someone of mine"


Someone special? A girlfriend? No,he doesn't have one.Is it me? My birthday is tomorrow.Or maybe it's Jisung?

Wait, hold on.When's his birthday?I 

I never asked...


Someone special?My birthday is tomorrow.Is it me?Or maybe Hannah?

Wait,when's her birthday? I don't think she told me.


The two of them spent the whole day wondering who's the special someone.Chenle kept his mouth shut.As a result,they never finished their homework and had to suffer the teacher's wrath.But by the end of the day,they both guessed themselves.

5th February

Hannah was walking to school when Jisung caught up to her.

"I think I know who's party it is",he smirked.

"Me too",she side-eyed him with a smile.

'It's me!' they both thought at the same time.

The walk to school was filled with excitement but it didn't prepare them for the shock when they open the classroom door.


They both jumped (Jisung screamed) (men can scream too okay)when the whole class shout and sang happy birthday.Chenle was holding a cake,behind him Haechan and Jaemin were holding balloons.Jisung and Hannah took a look at the cake that says 'happy birthday to Jisung and Hannah'.

Jisung and Hannah turn to each other,wide eyed at the new discovery.

"It's your birthday too?",they said in unison.

Chenle rolls his eyes,not believing they never knew each other's birthday.

"Ya! Hurry! Blow the candles.My arms are tired."

Together,the two blew the candles and the class erupted into cheers.

When Chenle wasn't looking,Hannah leaned in at Jisung's ear.

"I know it's still a long time but wanna help me set up a surprise birthday for him next time?"

Jisung smiled mischievously.           

"Chenle doesn't like big balloons.He's scared it would pop.Let's do that."

Hannah returned his smile with one of her own.         "Call"



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Chapter 1: Hahaha cutee
And I also have the same birthday as an NCT member but it's Mark not Jisung :D