Chapter | 7

Erased | Krisho
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It's a new day but he still feels like crap. His alarm is still going off, blaring and annoying but he couldn't care less. School had been so bad for him lately, and he can't help but think that it's due to the stupid dreams he's been having.

No, that's absurd.

Although, every time he thinks about it, everything went down hill after the first one. Everything.



There are the three of them, two of which are taller than the latter. The taller two are speaking in Chinese, laughing and the smaller is sitting there looking confused. One of the two taller crawl over to him, embracing him and soon the other joins in. Yifan wakes up. 



Jongdae seems happy - too happy, but Kris is too disgruntled to even ask why. He can't think straight. Stress has taken over him and he's not his usual self. Not that he was ever the most optimistic anyway. Every class so far has been an endless cycle of bent shoulders and boring, boring lectures. 

He doesn't even want to talk to his own friends who seem to have forgotten what happened the other day. He wishes he was like them. Able to let things slide, forgive easily. But he's not. He knows that he's being a downer at the moment and the last person anyone would want to sit with is himself. 

So, he stands, leaving the table, supplying a bored "I'm leaving." before he escorts himself outside. He settles for one of the bleachers on the football field, away from everyone. No one else is outside, and he doesn't blame them. Winter is starting to kick in, and the wind nips at his face forming goosbumps along his skin. 

He doesn't mind though. 

He's felt trapped all day long. And if it weren't for the images that had run through his mind when he'd touched Junmyeon then maybe he wouldn't be feeling like this. THe spark that electrified his body and heated his insides, his stomach twisting in a knot. Kris had never felt like that before and he was so damn confused. 

He'd decided now that he hated Junmyeon's guts. The kid was nothing but trouble and another rich kid for Kris to tick off on his "avoid" list, right next to Sungyu's name. 



"You have a crush you idiot." Baekhyun extends his elbow, aiming, tongue stuck out. 

Kris almost chokes on his drink and splutters after trying o swallow. "W-What? A crush? I c-can't!"

Baekhyun chuckles, letting his arm surge forward, hitting the balls perfectly and he straightens, leaning his weight atop the pool staff. Grinning far too much for Kris' liking, he teases. "Is my little Kris finally exploring the human anatomy?"

Kris's cheeks heat up, going a blazing red and he turns, signalling for another drink. "No. I'm not Baekhyun! Did you not listen to anything I said before?"

"What?" He quirks a testing eyebrow. "About the wet dreams?"

"They weren't wet dreams!" Kris splutters, pink and red all over.

Baekhyun shrugs, "Okay, whatever you say bigshot." 

Kris lets out a frustrated cry, letting a hand slide down his face. "You're so damn annoying sometimes you know that?"

Baekhyun lets out another hearty laugh, setting down his staff to the side. He approaches Kris, popping down beside him and after asking for a beer, turns and looks at him. "You're like the only person in the world with the guts to talk to me like you know?" He says, mimicking his tone. He winks when Kris buries his face in his hands, obviously done with the male. 

"And I thought you were the adult in this pair." The younger says shaking his head.

"Oh I am." Baekhyun says, popping his legs up on another stool.  "But hey, don't you have any other frends to hang out with? I'm not exactly in your age range."

Kris sighs, "I do, but...I've just been feeling so out of it that I can't even talk to them right now."

Baekhyun's eyebrows tugged inwards and he leaned over, uncaring that Kris still towered over him in height. "Why not?" 

The latter shrugged, slumping forward. "A lot has been on my mind lately...I was thinking about my dad the other day, like I don't remember much about him but its so damn frustrating that I don't even know who he is, or remember what he even looks like."

Baekhyun didn't seem fazed; Kris often talked about his father to him. It wasn't anything new. But Kris had been quiet about it for a while and Baekhyun had just assumed he'd gotten over his curiosities and accepted that he would probably never find out who his dad was. 

Baekhyun didn't know much, but he knew enough t

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2444 streak #1
Chapter 39: who is Yifeng talking about???
it can't be that he knows of Yixing's plan already, right? coz Qian wasn't worried... she even thinks, "just a few more days" so I think she's part of the plan! and her thoughts would've that of worry if Yifeng was talking abt Yixing and his plans... and he wouldn't have said "kids" too if that were the case right? I mean, it would've been more personal and since it's Yixing so, he wouldn't care abt the others on Yixing's side, just him...

anyway, Yeol and Dae!!!
it's been a while since we last heard abt them! huhu
what is Yeol planning, how is he gonna find Kris tho? he doesn't even know where he is...
2444 streak #2
Chapter 38: it surprised me to find out that Junhyung was part of the plan to kill the mother??? specially when he was the one who the mother was talking to, he was supposedly gonna benefit from his mother's plans... but I guess he's his father's son thru and thru...
and if this is the case, no wonder Jun was affected so much by his brother's death, it was only supposed to be the mother, but his brother got dragged into death as well...

where are Jongin and Sica being taken to by Tiffany tho???

Yixing? he's getting people on his side to take down the two fathers? I mean that's the only reasonable thing he should be doing...
Chapter 38: Still so many questions
But still loving this so much
IizaEri #4
Chapter 38: Finally chapter 38 TTTTT
I so fxcking love this story (>//<)
Are we nearing the end authornim or still in the middle??
2444 streak #5
Chapter 37: so you only killed Kyungsoo! STILL!!!
poor poor Baek! qnd turns out it isn't only Baek who is affected by Kyungsoo's death, also Yixing and Wendy... didn't know they all knew each other

but... but... but I think the most important time here is knowing that Yixing is planning something with Yoona, and probably the rest of the good guys, to end Yifeng and his plans??? saving Yifan and Jun and Jongin even??? they seem positive abt the plan too, specially when Yixing asked Yoona to punch Hong for him... what's going on?
Chapter 37: Looking forward to more
Chapter 36: Aww just caught up on this
Poor Soo
2444 streak #8
really no getting away from Yifeng's wrath then
huhuhu... tragic... at least they were able to utter words of love before they both... pass out... huhuhu I still can't believe you killed them :(

I had a feeling he was connected to Soojung's "accident" so IT'S THEM!!! Jun and Yifan! coz Yifan ofc, won't let him do such thing alone!!!
having heard what Soojung and his older brother were talking about, they planned something amongst themselves and enacted on it... and asked Hong for help with the cleanup... and that left the adults to mull over what they're going to do to the kids... aigoo, is really getting real!!!
Chapter 34: Oh this is getting all complicated but still great fun and boy things are going to get crazy
Looking forward to more