Chapter | 26

Erased | Krisho
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Kyungsoo goes as far as contacting Taehyung for help because he's just that damn scared. Word travels fast in this business and even though he made his intentions clear to Wendy over the phone, he knows that Wu will not be happy with him. Yifeng's reputation isn't there for show; it's damn real and Kyungsoo has seen it enough with his own eyes to know it. He just never thought he'd be on the receiving end.

He's always known how beneficial it could be to work with the powerful, but he's also known how dangerous and ing risky it was. Working with someone like Yifeng was like riding an angry, untamed horse. No matter how skilled you were, no matter how much control you had, the horse was wild and unpredictable and always had the upper hand.

When the younger finally picks up on the second call, Kyungsoo comes out in a panicked rush. ", Tae I need your help."

"Woah, what happened?"

Kyungsoo explains, and tries not be discouraged at Taehyungs wince when he mentions the Wu-Zhang faction. There's a long pause after he's finished and when Taehyung finally speaks up, it's low and fast. Kyungsoo can hear typing in the background.

"Alright, you're in Muan right?"

Kyungsoo gives a hum of approval.

"And you have a...guest?"

Another hum.

"Ok, there's a taxi on its way, you'll know who the driver is. From there, she'll take you to Busan where you'll meet a friend of mine. You can stay there for a while until I can figure out something."

A relieved breath tumbles from Kyungsoos lips and he holds his head with his free hand. "Oh, dear lord, thank you Tae." A shaky sigh. "You don't know how ing relieved I am for you, what can I do to repay you?"

The other laughs through the phone. "Don't worry, you've done more for me than I could ever do for you thing. Just stay safe alright?"

Kyungsoo nods, even though the other won't see it. "I will." He fishes gratefully, "Thank you again."

"No problem." He cuts the line.

Kyungsoo places the payphone back on to the receiver and walks back over to the stall where Baekhyun holds two steaming fish kebabs. Linking his arm in the others and leaning onto his shoulder, Kyungsoo utters in a low voice, "We need to get out of this country."

With a grim nod, Baekhyun starts forward, handing the other his stick. "I figured as much."



Minseok arrives in a flurry and is amused at how flustered Yifeng looks today. He notices Yixing standing in the corner and raises an eyebrow at the other. The Chinese male looks away and Minseok can only shrug, seating himself in the familiar leather chair of death. Yifeng doesn't look happy at all, but that doesn't stop Minseok's snarky comments. Letting his arm hang over the chair and propping his legs up onto the armrest, Minseok makes himself comfortable. 

"So," he starts, "how's your day Mr. Lovely? Done brainwashing the children?" 

Yifeng narrows his eyes at him and Minseok allows the corner of his lips to tug. He knows just where to hit him; he also knows where not to hit in order to sustain his beating heart. "Shutup. I want to know how he managed to find this." Yifan pointed an angry finger towards the table and Minseok had to resist the urge to scoff. 

Shifting, Minseok leaned forward to get a better look and he almost choked on his breath. Yifeng was pointing at a family portrait, and it was obvious whose family it was. Stealing a glance to the corner yet again, Minseok caught Yixing glaring at him. Minseok gulped because, , he was treading in dangerous water. However, he didn't allow himself to falter. 

Glancing up to meet Yifeng's eyes, he said, "I don't know how he got this, but I had no knowledge of it whatsoever."

"You were supposed to watch him," Yifeng snapped, "that was your job you useless ! You couldn't even do that."

Ouch. Minseok visibly flinched under the other's words. He now admitted that he may have been ting his pants. The message in Yifeng's words was obvious. Minseok couldn't slide out of this one with an awkward laugh or a lame excuse. His freedom was on the line this time. "In my defense," he came out surprisingly controlled, "my job was only to watch him at school. You know I have a busy schedule outside of that and you got my report last week, did you not?"

Yifeng narrowed his eyes. "Qian?"

The women made herself present at once, entering the scene from behind Minseok. "Yes, we did receive it although you postponed the reading due to a meeting with Mr Kim about the shipping placements."

Yifeng holds out a hand and his secretary places a device. He gives Minseok an arched eyebrow before quickly scanning through the email, then continues to toss the tablet onto the table. He draws a long breath before speaking again, but he's not looking at Minseok. Instead, he turns to his son. 

"Yixing, I want to the two of you helping Dr Im."

"And what exactly is that?" Yixing questions, not sounding particularly joyed. Not that he's ever actually happy anyway. Minseok can't remember the last time he's seen him smile, let alont show any form of affection. 

"Making sure the subjects stay where they are."

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2452 streak #1
Chapter 39: who is Yifeng talking about???
it can't be that he knows of Yixing's plan already, right? coz Qian wasn't worried... she even thinks, "just a few more days" so I think she's part of the plan! and her thoughts would've that of worry if Yifeng was talking abt Yixing and his plans... and he wouldn't have said "kids" too if that were the case right? I mean, it would've been more personal and since it's Yixing so, he wouldn't care abt the others on Yixing's side, just him...

anyway, Yeol and Dae!!!
it's been a while since we last heard abt them! huhu
what is Yeol planning, how is he gonna find Kris tho? he doesn't even know where he is...
2452 streak #2
Chapter 38: it surprised me to find out that Junhyung was part of the plan to kill the mother??? specially when he was the one who the mother was talking to, he was supposedly gonna benefit from his mother's plans... but I guess he's his father's son thru and thru...
and if this is the case, no wonder Jun was affected so much by his brother's death, it was only supposed to be the mother, but his brother got dragged into death as well...

where are Jongin and Sica being taken to by Tiffany tho???

Yixing? he's getting people on his side to take down the two fathers? I mean that's the only reasonable thing he should be doing...
Chapter 38: Still so many questions
But still loving this so much
IizaEri #4
Chapter 38: Finally chapter 38 TTTTT
I so fxcking love this story (>//<)
Are we nearing the end authornim or still in the middle??
2452 streak #5
Chapter 37: so you only killed Kyungsoo! STILL!!!
poor poor Baek! qnd turns out it isn't only Baek who is affected by Kyungsoo's death, also Yixing and Wendy... didn't know they all knew each other

but... but... but I think the most important time here is knowing that Yixing is planning something with Yoona, and probably the rest of the good guys, to end Yifeng and his plans??? saving Yifan and Jun and Jongin even??? they seem positive abt the plan too, specially when Yixing asked Yoona to punch Hong for him... what's going on?
Chapter 37: Looking forward to more
Chapter 36: Aww just caught up on this
Poor Soo
2452 streak #8
really no getting away from Yifeng's wrath then
huhuhu... tragic... at least they were able to utter words of love before they both... pass out... huhuhu I still can't believe you killed them :(

I had a feeling he was connected to Soojung's "accident" so IT'S THEM!!! Jun and Yifan! coz Yifan ofc, won't let him do such thing alone!!!
having heard what Soojung and his older brother were talking about, they planned something amongst themselves and enacted on it... and asked Hong for help with the cleanup... and that left the adults to mull over what they're going to do to the kids... aigoo, is really getting real!!!
Chapter 34: Oh this is getting all complicated but still great fun and boy things are going to get crazy
Looking forward to more