How are you, old friend ?

I Wanna Be Yours and You're Mine Forever



Gahee’s POV:


I woke up early to finish up cleaning the house. Leeteuk was still sleeping. I woke him up. I told him to go out and buy some furnitures since our house is still empty. He says okay. I went to Minhyuk’s room to wake him up to follow Leeteuk since he’s the only son in the family.


Leeteuk’s POV:


I had a good night sleep until Gahee wakes me up. She told me to go out and buy some furnitures for our house since its still empty. She told me to bring along Minhyuk since he’s the only son in the family. So I went shower and waited for Minhyuk in the living room.


Minhyuk’s POV:


I was sleeping. Suddenly I heard someone is knocking on the door. I slowly opens my eye and look at the time. It was 7.30am. I walks toward the door and slowly opens it. I saw mom. She told me to get ready to follow dad to buy furnitures for our house. I said okay. I went shower and get ready. I quickly went down and saw dad is reading the news paper while waiting for me.  But then I saw Yuri noona in the kitchen. So me and dad left the house to buy furnitures.


Nobody’s POV:


It was a very beautiful morning. Gahee was the first person to wake up. Since its still early, she went to shower. She felt so fresh. Later, she woke her husband up. She told him to go out to buy furnitures because their house is still empty.  She then told Leeteuk to bring along Minhyuk.


Gahee: *yawns, slowly open her eyes and found that Leeteuk hands are on her waist, she quickly remove Leeteuk’s hand to his own head* Honey, wake up.


Leeteuk: *yawns* Huh ?? Oh, morning dear *smiles*


Gahee: Morning. Can you go out and buy some furnitures, honey ? Our house is still too empty.


Leeteuk: *eyes close* Okay but later. I’m sleepy, dear.


Gahee: *sat beside him* Honey, not later. NOW ! Come on. Tomorrow the kids will start schooling.


Leeteuk: *opens eyes* Okay, dear but you must give me a kiss then I’ll go out and buy the furnitures. *smiles*


Gahee: *kiss him* Here. Will you take a shower now ? I’ll go wake Minhyuk up. *knocks Minhyuk’s door* Minhyuk ! Honey, wake up and open the door please !


Minhyuk: *opens the door* Ya, mom ?


Gahee: Honey, can you follow your dad buying the furnitures for our house ?


Minhyuk: *yawns* Now ?


Gahee: No, next year. Yes, now ! Go get ready, your dad is going to wait for you if you don’t take a shower now. *close the door*


Minhyuk: *yawns, slowly walk to the bathroom*


After 20 minutes, Minhyuk came down and quickly gets into the car because his dad was waiting for him. So, off they go !


Yoonji’s POV:


I woke up from my beauty sleep and realise that it was morning. I woke up and took a shower. After my shower, I tied my hair into pony tail and rushly ran downstairs. I saw there were nobody in the living room nor the kitchen, I went to the backyard and saw Yuri unnie was helping mom cleaning the yard.


Yoonji: Good morning, mom, Yuri unnie !


Gahee: Morning sweety. You look pretty. Did you took your shower ?


Yoonji: *smiles* Of course mom.


Yuri: Unnie ? Whats that, mom ? (Yuri doesn’t know how to talk korean)


Gahee: Unnie means elder sister for girls in korean, dear. *smiles*


Yuri: *nods* Oh..


Yoonji: Unnie, you must learn korean since you started to live here.


Yuri: *laughs* Okay. Will you teach me ?


Yoonji: Sure. Although I’m not good but it gets better each day. *smiles* So, where dad and Minhyuk oppa ?


Yuri: Dad and Minhyuk went out to buy furnitures since our house is still empty. Mom told them to. *laughs*


Yoonji: *laughs*

Gahee: What are you two laughing at ? Dont just laugh, quickly finish your own work.


Yuri+ Yoonji: Okay, mom. *smiles*


Gahee: After finish cleaning this yard, I want both of you change to your formal clothes and follow me to the supermarket. I want to some groceries.


Yuri: Again ? I thought you’ve bought the groceries yesterday with dad ?


Gahee: I only bought to make last night’s dinner.


Yuri: Fine then.


Yuri and Yoonji finished their work. Both went upstairs and enters each other’s room. They change to formal. Gahee too. Yuri wears a short jeans and T-shirt and tied her hair. Yoonji wears the same as her sister. While their mom wear a peach blouse with jean. They are off to the supermarket.


(I’ll skip to the afternoon)


That afternoon:

Leeteuk and Minhyuk returned from the furniture shop. They notice that Gahee’s car was not in the garage. Without wasting any time, Leeteuk told the workers to put the furnitures in the house. Leeteuk bought a full set of furnitures. A few minutes later, Minhyuk heard a car honk from the outside. He went outside and saw his sisters carrying some groceries. He quickly help them. They enter using the backyard door since their living room has been block by those furnitures.


Gahee: Leeteuk !! Leeteuk !! Minhyuk, where’s your dad ?


Minhyuk: Outside, mom.




Gahee: Honey ! Help me arrange those furnitures.


Leeteuk: Okay, dear. Oh yeah, by the way, my friend is going to have a dinner here with his family tonight. I want you to meet them. They live next to our house.


Gahee: So.. our neighbour ?


Leeteuk: Yeah.


Gahee: Sure. I’ll start cooking after this. But you need to arrange those furniture nicely.


Leeteuk: Okay, dear. *kiss her cheeks*


That evening:

Yoonji’s POV:


Dad told us that his friend is going to have a dinner here tonight along with his family. I mean... our neighbour. So, me and Yuri unnie help mom in the kitchen while Minhyuk oppa help dad arranging those furnitures.



*door bell rang*


Leeteuk: Honey ! They’re here !


Gahee: Okay !


Leeteuk: Everythings fine there? Yuri ? Minhyuk ? Yoonji ?


Yuri: Fine here !


Minhyuk: I’m good.


Yoonji: Ready !


Leeteuk: *opens the door*


???: Hey, my good friend ! How are you doing ?


Leeteuk: *hugs his friend* I’m fine ! How about you, Nichkhun ?


Nichkhun: I’m good. Here, I want you to meet my family. Here’s my wife, Victoria.


Gahee quickly approaches Leeteuk and stand next to him.


Leeteuk: Hi, Victoria. Nice to meet you. Nichkhun, good choice, my friend !


Nichkhun: *laughs* Yeah. I’m lucky. And my kids, this is Junho, Jiyeon and Hyunseung.


Junho+Jiyeon+Hyunseung: Annyeong uncle Leeteuk !


Leeteuk: *smiles* Oh here, meet my wife, Gahee.


Gahee: *smiles* *shake hands with Nichkhun and Victoria*


Leeteuk: Dear, can you call the kids to come down ?


Gahee: Okay, honey. Excuse me..


Leeteuk: So, please, have a seat.

So, they all have a seat while waiting for Leeteuk’s kids to come down. Finally, they heard footsteps coming from the stairs.


Leeteuk: Finally. Have a seat kids. Nichkhun, meet my kids, the oldest is Yuri, second Minhyuk and the youngest Yoonji. Say hi to unlce Nichkhun and aunt Victoria.


Yuri+Minhyuk+Yoonji: Hi unlce Nichkhun ! Aunty Victoria !


Nichkhun+Victoria: Hi ! *smiles*


Gahee: I’ll go set the food first.


Gahee walk to the kitchen. Not long after that, Victoria enters the kitchen.


Victoria: Can I help ?


Gahee: OH.. sure. Thank you.


Victoria: Welcome. You had pretty daughters.


Gahee: Really ? Haha.. Yours too.


They begin serving the foods and starting to eat their dinner. While eating the dinner, they enjoy their food while talking. The dining tables that Leeteuk bought was big and long, so pretty much, it fits for many people.

They finished their dinner. Leeteuk and Nichkhun sat on the sofa while talking about their pasts in high school. Gahee cleaned up the tables with the help of Victoria. While their kids are playing with each other. Junho was talking to Yuri in the backyard. Minhyuk and Jiyeon read magazines together while Hyunseung and Yoonji play in the garden. The clock reach to 10.00pm. Its time for Nichkhun and his family head home. They said goodbye for each other. Yuri, Minhyuk and Yoonji went bed right after they change to their pyjama and sleep since they had to wake up early tomorrow for school.




I know my story is a bit weird. But the next chapter, they will be more characters might be out.

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Purplelovve #1
Amazing story
poppop3 #2
what?!! ts is made 2011??
beastieboys #3
this was really good.
i heka loved it!!
i love it :)
Ehhhh? <br />
Ended already?! :O <br />
NOO!!! T.T <br />
Waeyo?! <br />
Anyway, sad ending story.
Suddenly? <br />
WHAT?! <br />
Cliffhangers! T.T <br />
JK! xD
OMO! I hope their parents approve!<br />
But to make it more dramaticly, make it don't! HAHA!<br />
JK! xD <br />
Anyway, update soon! :)
@jemmayoung: Jee~! Thanks :)
jemmayoung #10
shioh....u can be a writting novel