The Little Red - Final

The Sisters Grimm : Origins


The next morning came in an instant, Sowon and Taeyeon started their first training session as they faced each other, while Fenris slept under a tree.

“Alright first i’m going to teach you the basics of swordsmanship.” Taeyeon said while drawing her blade.

“Be firm. Be precise and only attack when you are certain it would hit.”

Sowon drew her sword and held it close to her face. She swung it a few times to get accustomed to its weight. 

“Come at me.” Taeyeon said while pointing her blade at her student.

“Right now? That quick?” Sowon replied.

“People learn best through failure. Now hurry up.” 

Sowon held to hands onto the handle as she ran and attacked her tutor with a reckless swing. Taeyeon simply titled her body to the side as she dodged the attack.

“Remember. Be precise and using one hand allows your attacks to be more flexible.”

Sowon now held the blade with her right hand as she went back in and attacked Taeyeon. Her attacks now were faster and she found it easier to control her blade than before.

“Good you’re learning.” Taeyeon commented.

Sowon continued her attack as Taeyeon continued to block all the attacks.

“Now i will attack you try to defend.” 

“Please go easy on me.” Sowon pleaded as she held her blade tighter.

“I’ll try.” Taeyeon said as she swung her blade at Sowon who barely managed to block it as she closed her eyes in fear.

“Don’t close your eyes you need to see your opponent’s attack coming.” Taeyeon swung again at her student who hopped to the side to dodge the strike.

“You need to think quick on how to block the attack and do not lose your balance.” Taeyeon swung again as Sowon managed to block it perfectly.

The both of them continued attacking and defending each others attacks for a couple more hours. Sowon started to feel exhausted as she lay under a tree next to Fenris as she had her break.

“You did good today kid. I’m surprise of how quick you pick up a new skill.” Taeyeon gave Sowon a pat on the back and a bright smile.

“What can i say. If i have the intrest i can do anything i want.” Sowon said between breaths as she tried to catch hers.

“Rest up. But your not done yet.” Taeyeon chuckled as she walked back.

A few hours later, Taeyeon decided to teach her how to properly fire her crossbow. 

“Now i’m going to teach you how to shoot properly. You have a crossbow but from what i saw on our first encounter, you have no proper clue on how to use it.”

Sowon meekly nodded her head at her teacher’s words.

“That’s fine. Okay i have set up a few targets for you to hit and you have to hit all of them down within five minutes or you won’t get to eat tonight.” 

“Come on that’s not fair!” Sowon immediately retaliated as she cried out to her tutor. 

“That’s the fastest way to learn though.” Taeyeon shrugged her shoulders before she started to count.

Sowon exhaled as she raised her crossbow, she fired her first shot that missed her target by a bit.

“Don’t let that discourage you. Come on try again.” 

Shots after shots of arrows were released but Sowon only managed to hit four out of the ten placed by Taeyeon. She kept on trying as her mentor kept gaving her both words of encouragement and wisdom to guide her. 

The sun was already about to set and Taeyeon was starting to get hungry. Seeing that Sowon was not going to progress any further than five targets she decided to call it a day.

“It’s getting late and i’m getting hungry. Let’s go back we’ll continue again tomorrow.” Taeyeon said while taking th crossbow away from Sowon and walking her back to the house. 

Taeyeon noticed Sowon’s sulky behaviour, probably disappointed in herself for not being able to do it well.

“Never forget that 

 all storms will clear

 Remember that 

 brighter tomorrows are always here.” 

Placing her hand onto Sowon’s shoulder she said once more.

“What i am trying to say is that you shouldn’t expect yourself to be an ace in this field of combat in just one day. It will take time and a lot of practice, but i will never give up on you i promise.” 

Sowon smiled back as she felt a sense of hope. The weeks went by and during every single one of them, Sowon never failed to put in her all in their trainings. She became more agile and more skilled in the ways of the blade and was slowly able to shoot down more targets.

Taeyeon even made Fenris run around with a piece of wooden plank on his side and used it as a moving target. But through all the training she went through, Sowon was able to shoot it and when she did, she was as happy as a lark.

Through the weeks of tiring and dreadful training and practices, Sowon skill level were already three quarters that of Taeyeon’s.

“My girl you are ready.” Taeyeon said as she rubbed Sowon’s head.

“Am i your apprentice now?” Sowon asked excitedly.

“You sure are but the Red Hunter’s apprentice needs a name doesn’t she?” Taeyeon said as she scanned Sowon from head to toe.

Seeing Sowon dressed in the red clothes she gave gave her a brilliant idea. 

“You my little Sowon, from this day forth i shall call you the Little Red.” Taeyeon said.

“I guess that works.” Sowon happily said as she shook the hand of Taeyeon.

“So what now?” Sowon asked.

“You wanted to make a difference. So let’s make a difference. I got intel from an ally that there is a small Black Scar camp located south from here. We go scope it out and maybe destroy it.” Taeyeon explained.

“An eye for an eye.” 


“We head out tonight so gear up by sun down.” Taeyeon gave her final instruction before the both of them headed back home.

Night came soon as the duo in red prepared for their mission. 

“It’s going to be your first time in the field, be careful this is not like training one wrong move and it could be the end.” Taeyeon warned Sowon who seemed to be unaffected by what she was told.

“Come on i was trained by a person who can catch a speeding arrow after being released. I’m going to be fine.” Sowon reassured with a smile as they made their journey.

Both of them headed out following a compass owned by Taeyeon as they searched high and low for the Black Scar’s territory. 

“Over there i think i see smoke.” Sowon called out as she pointed out in the distance.

Dark fumes of smoke rises to the night sky and its source had to be a campfire. The both of them slowly advanced foward till they were near the camp.

Taking their positions behind trees, they scanned the area high and low as they planned their siege. But something caught Sowon’s attention something that stood out from every other soldier there.

“T...That’s him...he was there back at my home...” Sowon said as the past came back haunting her.

“That guy?” 

Sowon nodded as a response.

“You’re lucky to have made it out alive then. He’s a general judging from his uniform. Any special non-humane abilities?” Taeyeon asked

“Fire...” Sowon replied as Taeyeon simply nodded her head.

Taeyeon then started to notice the amount of fear growing in Sowon, she knew that this would definitely affect her performance on the battlefield. Fearing for her student’s life she decided to call off the attack and to head back.

“Wait look over there!” Sowon said 

Not so far away there were a group of at least ten normal looking folks tied up and guarded. 

“Hostages...we can’t leave them here like this.” Sowon protested.

“It’s not safe for you to go in under this state. You’re scared.” Taeyeon told her.

“I want to make a difference, if i were to let my emotions get in the way of doing what is right. Then i am worthless. I want to help them sunbae-nim.” Sowon said.

The fear that was once taking over Sowon was vanquished by her strong will and good nature. Taeyeon looked at her and smiled as she saw her ownself in the girl in front of her.

“Alright. But when things goes bad i’m pulling both of us out okay?” 

“I’ll follow you.” Sowon replied.

Taeyeon saw a total of twenty guards in the area, one general with fire powers, nine with cross bows and the rest are with blades. The both of them carefully put together their strategy before executing the plan.

Taeyeon stepped in first unarmed as she walked close to the two guards at the entrance.

“Halt!” One of them shouted.

“Relax boys. Can’t you help a lost girl who can’t find her way around this scary forest?” Taeyeon cooed as she walked closer.

Not seeing her as a threat, the two guards let their guard down as they continued their conversation with her.

“I would really need two strong and brave men to help me. Will you?” Taeyeon said again as she touched the shoulder of one of the guards.

Both of them started to stutter at their words as they began to fidget around. While Taeyeon was acting as the distraction, Sowon quietly slip through the walls of the camp and was inside the enemy’s territory.

Her mission was to rescue the hostages without any being harmed. She hid behind her cover as her eyes stalked on the group of hostages. Seeing that both guards on duty were forcing them into one of the tent, Sowon moved closer and followed from behind.

“Taeyeon said she could hold them off but not for long, and the hostages are now secured in a tent alone with two guards. This is my chance.” Sowon said to herself as she walked closer and closer to the hostages.

She peeped through the tent doors and saw the guards pointing their blades towards one of the hostages. Not willing to take a risk she barged in and drew her blade.

She blocked the first attack from one of the guards and parried the other. She turned around and slashed her blade slicing across the torso. She switched her target and dueled the last guard. Remembering whatever Taeyeon taught her she managed to take down her opponent within seconds.

The hostages now started to panick as they held tighter to one another as Sowon slowly approached them.

“It’s okay you’re safe now. Stay here and i’ll come back for you later. Can anyone one of you use a blade?” Sowon asked and two men raised their hands.

“Here take these.” Sowon tossed the blades of her previous enemies towards them.

“I’ll be back later.” She winked and left the tent.

Sowon whistled a specific tune which caught the attention of everyone around her as well as Taeyeon who was still outside teasing the guards. 

“Did you hear that? I guess this is over, it was fun to be honest.” Taeyeon said before she took out her blade and stabbed the guard next to her. 

The guard in front of her had his hand on the blade handle but Taeyeon pointed down towards the ground. As the eyes of the guard slowly lowered he saw a loaded crossbow aiming directly at his abdomen.

She squeezed the trigger as the guard’s lifeless body fell to the ground. Taeyeon ran to find Sowon only to find her student facing off three guards by herself. She felt a sense of pride of the fact that Sowon had the advantage. 

She was spinning and slicing as she dodged everything and landed almost every hit. Taeyeon saw from afar a guard aiming at Sowon, without thinking she ran foward with her crossbow and shot it.

Sowon felt the movement of the arrow and turned around to see a dead guard on the floor. She turned her attention to Taeyeon and gave her a thankful smile. The both of them started their fight against the guards till only ten of them were left.

The remaining few gathered together with the general in the center palms blazing with his powers.

“You have caused enough trouble already i shall have you both killed. Surrender now that you’re outnumbered.” The general spoke.

“Sowon do it now.” Taeyeon said while Sowon did a loud whistle and was replied with a loud howl.

Seconds later Fenris came and pounce on the guards sinking his giant razor sharp fangs into them as he clawedtheir bodies till they died. 

Sowon and Taeyeon immediately joined in the fight with as they fought off the rest of the guards. Moments after the general grew irritated as he used both hands and shot Taeyeon and Sowon sending the both of them flying backwards.

“Taeyeon! Taeyeon!” Sowon cried out as she tried to wake her friend up.

“ she must have hit her head.” Fenris immediately came to Sowon to check on her. There was still two more guards aside from the general and Taeyeon was still out cold.

“Fenris guard Taeyeon i’ll take them on.” Fenris tilted his head in confusion but Sowon gave him a hug before standing up and advancing foward.

She saw the two guards run towards her as she shot the first from afar and slashed the other one when he got closer. It was now down to the both of them as they faced off each other.

“Remember me?” Sowon asked

“How can i forget, i destroyed your village with my men. Not only that but it was me who killed your mother.” He said with a devilish grin.

The pent up rage in Sowon finally exploded as she ran towards the general with her blade, but was shot back by another fire ball.

“Weakling. I let you off the first time, i won’t make the same mistake again.” He said as he walked closer.

Fenris started to bark and growl.

“Fenris stay there!” Sowon shouted back.

“Brave girl, but so naive and foolish too. You would have been good help to the Black Scar.”

“Go yourself.” Sowon said as she spit on the ground.

“Just die...” The general said as he prepared to brun the girl alive. 

Sowon suddenly felt a strong feeling of pain in her head at the same time the heat emitted from the general was unbearable too. She started to scream in pain as tears dropped from her eyes. 

“Go away!” Sowon shouted and a sudden strong force tossed the general backwards as he landed on the floor.

“Th...that power how?” The general said in disbelief as he saw Sowon slowly getting up and walking closer towards him. 

The general got up again and started to hurl more fireballs but Sowon just simply dodged them. Her body started to glow red too but her body was getting weak. She took out her cross bow and shot the general in the leg as he fell to the ground in pain.

He looked at Sowon who was about to end his life as he started to feel fear. Sowon took her blade out and pointed it at the general’s throat.

“This is for everything you have taken from me.” And with that ending phrase she end slit his throat as he fell down choking on his own blood.

Her vision started to blur and her legs started to wobble. She lost her balance and fell foward but was caught by someone.

“You did good...” Was the last thing Sowon heard.

Hours later Sowon woke up and she back in her room at Taeyeon’s hut. Fenris immediately greeted her with a as she sat up wondering what happened.

“You’re finally up.” Taeyeon said as she gave her a loaf to eat.

“What happened?” 

“You passed out but we brought you back. The hostages are okay they went back to their homes and everything is fine. You did good Little Red.” Taeyeon complimented her.

“So where to now?” Sowon asked but Taeyeon kept her gaze low without speaking anything.

“Listen. I’m afraid this is where we part ways.” 

“Why? What happened?” Sowon asked in disbelief.

“An old friend called and asked me for help on his quest.” 

“Take me with you, i’m your apprentice remember.” Sowon joked as she nudged Taeyeon’s shoulder.

“I’m sorry this is too dangereous for you to follow along.” Taeyeon felt terrible for what she was doing.

“So you’re leaving me? Like the others?” Sowon said as her voice started to crack up.

“No! No one is leaving you. Listen to me Sowon ah, i really cannot bring you with me i’m afraid that something might happen.” Taeyeon said this time feeling worse than ever.

“I understand. Thank you for everything i think i know what i am going to do when you leave.” Sowonsaid as she looked at Taeyeon.

“What’s that?” 

“I’m going to further investigate the Black Scar and save those who suffer from them.” Taeyeon smiled at her answer.

“I know you can do it my Little Red, my little Sowon.” Taeyeon leaned in and kissed Sowon’s forehead as she got up. 

“Take this.” Taeyeon said as she handed her a basket.

Sowon opened it and saw its contents and looked up smiling.

“You’re giving me your cloak and hood?” 

“Of course dear you deserve it. Remember to follow your heart and i know you will do me proud.” Taeyeon said as she gave Sowon another hug.

Years has passed and Taeyeon left for her journey and Sowon has never seen her ever since. But Sowon had her own worries to care about. Doing more closer investigation about the Black Scar not only improved her skills further but also her bravery. She even faced off the new leader of the Black Scar, Myoui Mina. 

As times passed Sowon grew older, she became more lonely as she roamed the lands with Fenris. She missed Taeyeon so much but she knew she had a mission to do and one of these missions led her to the city where sinners dwell. Pechadur, The city of the unforgiven.

As the tale was told from here on out

Her abilities and skills start to sprout

Although the battle is far from over

Day by day her time comes closer

The sound of her name causes dread

This is the story of the Little Red


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Chapter 7: A third and a final book? I can't wait!
Chapter 5: I think it's also Sowon but... It could also be Yuju...
Chapter 1: Poor Sowon ;(
suu777 #4
Chapter 4: So who gonna be yerin mentor,so curious
Chapter 3: Hello!!
I've been reading sister Grimm for a while and it's awesome!
And now that theres a side story for it. I REALLY REALLY really love the side story!

Taeyeon as her mentor surprise me though!! Didn't expect her! She's my bias <3

Thank you so much!
I'm assuming that there's side story for all of them right? I can't wait to read more! Thank you so much for this <3 hope to read more soon!!
suu777 #6
Chapter 1: Aw,thank you so much for this side story,always curious about their past,finally we can get to know the grimm sisters better