Trouble in Parad-...When was it ever Paradise?

War Over You

You were sulking while sitting in ballet class. A few of the girls felt sorry for you but couldn't do anything to help. You saw Seungho standing outside the door while Changsun was outside. You sighed. *When will I not need bodyguards?*

G.O breaking your ankle flashed through your head and you flinched. *He said he's going to kill me.*

"Alright class. That's enough for today."

You grabbed your crutches and limped out. A few girls rubbed your back soothingly as they passed by and you stopped my Seungho. With another sigh you started for your next class.

You were a senior in college and was so ready to graduate.

There was a commotion and you looked up. Your brother came running up and picked you up bridal style.


"You're skipping today."

"I can't~"

"Yup! Off we go! Arcade here we come!" He cheered and you giggled. "Dont' look so down Seungho."

Seungho shot him a glare and just fell back behind us.

"Party pooper." You lightly hit Mir's chest and he gave you a cheeky smile.

We met Joon outside and he didn't look at us.

"Such cold bodyguards." Mir mumbled.

"They're just doing their job." You whispered back.

"Still...A smile wouldn't kill them."

Joon smirked at the comment and just followed.

"I wish I could steal you away without any bodyguards for once." Mir complained.

"Me too." You whispered to him.

"Can we try?"

"Maybe when I don't have a broke ankle."

He frowned.

"I guess that would make it hard to escape."

You nodded.

"Still~ Oppa can dream!"


"The arcade!" Mir cheered and sat you down and took off.

"Oppa~" You called.

Joon showed up beside you and offerred his arm.

You smiled at him and took it. He steered you to Mir who was waiting for you on the motorcycle.

"Come on slow poke~"

You shook your head and Joon helped you on.

Mir steared through the 'city' and you laughed happily.

When down you started to slide off, forgeting your foot, and stumbled into Joon's arms.

"Mian-" Your faces were inches away. He glanced to your lips and then cleared his throat and straightened you up.

"Come on~" Mir pulled you, gently. Before you could react to the situation with Joon.

"Someone was getting cozy." Oppa whispered in your ear.

"Oppa!" You smacked him.

He chuckled then frowned and glanced to Seungho. He had a stoic expression but Mir could tell he saw Joon and your moment.

"Just be careful." Mir said seriously.

You nodded. Thinking he meant about the assassin, not about the two bodyguards who refused to acknowledge that they were in love with you.

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Chapter 20: Best story ever <3 <3
Chapter 20: I liked all three endings but the one where she ended up with joon was the best! :)
--Amber-- #3
I liked the ending where thunder and the girl lived but then joon didnt...But they were all good :D
I love this story and I love all of the endings. I'm glad the girl dieing was an ending because there should be an ending with the guys still alive and friends.
Of course I favored Joon's ending since I requested it :) I hope you write more about MBLAQ
OH MY GOODNESS. SHE DIES. -________________-
LOL at least the friendship lives on! <3
I'm a new reader and so far it is FABULOUS!OMG I am like spazzing sentence after sentence.
Keep up the good work!
i really hope that she ends up with Thunder.But then again it's Joon. WELL< do whatever is best for the story! <3 Please update soon!
You've got a new reader~~^^!! even though u killed my poor babyㅠㅠ I was like this not the reality i wanted~*even if it's a fic ><* NO just NO~~ OTL
Was waiting for someone to make it into a fic~+__+ 대블랙~
curious who she'll end up with~~ i's getting better nd better~~
u need to update soon~\^㉨^!/
YAAAY ! Do make a Joon alternate(x eheeheheh continue and update soon !