Friend or Enemy?

War Over You

You woke up to a bright light in your face. "W-whaa.." You squinted and turned your head away.

"You got her?" Your ears perked up.

"Yeah, she's just in there."

You swallowed and tried to squirm out of the ropes. *Ottokae?!*

The metal door slammed open and there was a hansome man with chin hair. He walked towards you and went to one knee in front of you. You looked at him with wide fearful eyes.

"~~~~. Right?" He raised an eyebrow. "Do you know why you're here?"

You fervently shook your head.

He chuckled. "Keeping his own daughter in the dark. It's a shame. Because your life it the most at risk."

You swallowed. *What did he mean?*

Just then he snapped your ankle and your screams were muffled by the gag.

He reached his hand forward and you jerked back. He smiled. "I"m not going to hurt you anymore. I"m going to bring you back soon. This was just a warning. Not even two bodyguards can stop us." He smiled and turned his head to look at a man who tapped his shoulder, handing him a folder.

"Let's see.."

"Lee Seungho. Hasn't been your bodyguard very long." He looked at you and turned the page. "Lee Changsun. Also known as Lee Joon. He's-"

He looked at you with wide eyes. "Maybe not all of them are bodyguards. Hmm?" He smirked and tossed the file in a fire.

"I think it's time to bring you home." He smiled sweetly and took off the cloth around your mouth. Other men untied your hands.

As soon as they did you tried to make a run for it but forgot about your broken ankle and just fell. The man chuckled and came over lifting you up. "I'll personally take you home." He picked you up bridal style and held you tight. You tried to squirm.

"You're lucky I'm keeping you awake. Do you want to make this harder?" he growled at you.

You shook your head and he smiled.

"I-is...that it?"

"Hmm?" He side glanced at you but just kept walking. You were outside now.

"Why didn't you kill me?"

He smiled and thought about it awhile. "It's not the right time. A few more things need to fall into place. Don't worry though, that time will come eventually."

You swallowed. *Who was he?*

"Are you going to kill me?" You had no idea why the topic of you dying didn't seem to phase you...Maybe reality hasn't sunk in yet.

"I would like to be the one, yes. But there's one other who might get there before me." He grimaced.


"Oh, you know who it is already."

"I do?"

He smiled. "No more questions. We're almost there. And I think it's best to go along with my story. Yes?"


"Unless you want me to kill your brother."

You gasped.

He chuckled. "I didn't think so."

You kept your mouth shut then.

Before you knew it you were in front of your house. The man knocked.

You swallowed. A maid opened the door and gasped.

"SHE"S HERE!" She called back.

The man stepped in and sat you on the couch. He pressed his finger to his lips, telling you to be quiet. You nodded.

Mir was the first one there. He hugged you tightly. "Where's Appa?" You asked.

"He had to stay. Kwenchana?" He searched your face and brushed your hair back.

You chuckled and the man raised an eyebrow at you, impressed with your acting skills. "I'm fine Oppa. Seungho.." You looked around.

"Here." He pushed himself off the wall and his eyes wouldn't leave the man. "Who are you?"

He smiled. "Just a passerby. Call me G.O." He offered Seungho his hand.

Seungho just stared.

"He helped me." You reinforced G.O's story. G.O smiled proudly at you.

Seungho looked your way and slowly nodded.

"I'll be going then." G.O nodded and looked at the house once more before walking out.

You sighed. Seungho closed the door and looked at you with a glare. You ducked down. He sighed angrily and looked away.

"Cool off Seungho." Mir told him. "Changsun's here. Go take a walk." Seungho grimaced and looked at Joon who has been quiet all this time and to the back garden.

"Are you sure your alright?"

"Only my ankle hurts."

"Which one."

"My right-OW!"

"Mian! I think it's broken, it's already swelled up."


"I've got her." He walked over and picked you up bridal style, just like G.O.

"Oppa?" You asked peaking over Joon's shoulder.

"I have to get back to work." He smiled. "Joon will take care of you. You can trust him."

You nodded and the three of you walked out together but went seperate directions.

Joon wasn't much attention to his surroundings. All he could think of was you in his arms. *My moment is coming.*

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Chapter 20: Best story ever <3 <3
Chapter 20: I liked all three endings but the one where she ended up with joon was the best! :)
--Amber-- #3
I liked the ending where thunder and the girl lived but then joon didnt...But they were all good :D
I love this story and I love all of the endings. I'm glad the girl dieing was an ending because there should be an ending with the guys still alive and friends.
Of course I favored Joon's ending since I requested it :) I hope you write more about MBLAQ
OH MY GOODNESS. SHE DIES. -________________-
LOL at least the friendship lives on! <3
I'm a new reader and so far it is FABULOUS!OMG I am like spazzing sentence after sentence.
Keep up the good work!
i really hope that she ends up with Thunder.But then again it's Joon. WELL< do whatever is best for the story! <3 Please update soon!
You've got a new reader~~^^!! even though u killed my poor babyㅠㅠ I was like this not the reality i wanted~*even if it's a fic ><* NO just NO~~ OTL
Was waiting for someone to make it into a fic~+__+ 대블랙~
curious who she'll end up with~~ i's getting better nd better~~
u need to update soon~\^㉨^!/
YAAAY ! Do make a Joon alternate(x eheeheheh continue and update soon !