Kpop One Shots

It was a nice Saturday. The sun was shining.

I went out to go to the shopping mall to meet my friend. 'Oppa heeyyy' I smiled and hugged him. 'Heeyyy Angel...' RM said. 'What's wrong you sound like something is wrong' I said confused. 'No it's nothing wrong' He smiled. 

'Sure?' I asked. 'Yes, so let's go to the Arcade' He smiled and grabbed my hand.

We know each other since we were 2 years old. Our parents are best friends. So yeah and I have feelings for him but he doesn't know it yet..

'Oppa I want ice cream' I whined. 'Ok ok I buy you some ice cream' He laughed. After a few minutes he came back with ice cream. I'm so hungry after playing at the arcade. 'Thank you RM' I smiled happily. We ate our ice cream in silence. 

'Oppa you are so silent' I said. 'Really? sorry..' He said. 'What is wrong..?' I asked worried. 'Really it's nothing' He said and suddenly his phone rang.


'RM? Can you come over I need your help?'

'Oh yeah sure'

'Thank you bye'

'Sorry Angel I have to go it was nice today' He smiled and went away. I was so sad....

After 20 minutes of walking I went home. I turned the TV on and watched a movie. Suddenly I got a message.


Hey Angel I'm sorry.. Can we meet at 7 pm in the beautiful park?


It's OK, yeah sure:)


And dress well ;)



Why should I dress well...? What is he going to do..

*6 PM*

I made myself look beautiful, first I went to shower and put a nice dress on, made my hair look soft and put some light make up on. Now it was 6:40 pm. 

I locked the door and made my way to the beautiful park. I saw some candles on the floor. Candles? why?? I followed the candles and saw a table with food on it and flowers. I walked to the table.

'Ohh you're here' I heard RM. 'RM what is that all?' I looked surprised. 

'Angel I have something to tell you' He started. My eyes widened. Is he going to confess????

'I love you.. I love you since we know each other.. Please be mine' He said. Tears were falling down on my cheeks.

'YES OPPA YES I LOVE YOU TOO' I shouted and kissed him. Since then we are happy together and maybe we will be soon a family ;)


This Chapter goes to my best friend:)♥

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leeann2212 #1
Chapter 1: Awwww thank yoooouuuuu :D Saranghae Mookie <3
vixx ken pls
Lovelyskeptic #3
Could you write Sebaek please?