
Over You

4 ) I'M DOOM

Jiyeon looked at her phone.After the " Awkward " incident with Taehyung,her phone have been bipping non-stop with her friends messages and missed calls.
Jiyeon does not want to explain anything to them,she was too lazy to explain those and waste her saliva,she rather kept quiet than telling those stupid trio.
They will make her life harder by teasing the hell-out-of-her and she didn't like that idea.

Jiyeon can still felt Taehyung's soft hand on her cheek.She cannot really differentiate the event yesterday.Was it a dream or the reality ? She was still in the dazed about what happened yesterday.Kim Taehyung is such a cutie pie,she cannot forget it.

Jiyeon hummed to the song that she is listening.It was a great idea,listening to music when you arrived at school.As,the earphone blasted music,she cannot hear any voices from outside.She didn't want to focus on people,they are looking or more specifically,judging her because of the incidents.She knew better that they would threw malicious and mean comment to her.

That is why she chose to pluck in her earphone and blast her favourite song in full volume,To The MAX !

Walking to the canteen,she sighed,why did that incident have to happen? She has not opened her friend's messages as she does not want to reply it.Looking at her phone,she sighed once again.She was grateful that she didn't have the same class as her friends this morning because they would bombarded her with questions and she is lazy too reply any of it.

Unfortunately,she knew that her peaceful ended when the bell of recess rang.It will be a few minutes of a few seconds that her friends will find her and squish the out of her in order for them to get their answers.

" Yah! Park Jiyeon! Are you ignoring us now? " She laughed,hearing Joy's voice.Jiyeon fastened her steps,she does not want to talk to them.Too lazyyyyy.
" You are going to get it! " Yeri said and after a few minutes,someone caught Jiyeon by her arm.Jiyeon tried to run away but she failed miserably.

" So tell us about your "MagicaL" Incident " IU said and looked at Jiyeon,the others also do the same.They wanted to heard the real story from her.They have settled on their usual place,as it was already lunch time.

"Nothing happen " She tried to avoid the question and Yeri smacked her arm. " Don't you dare to lie,We saw it " She said and Jiyeon sighed.She rolled her eyes.

" He was just a little bit excited and accidently hug me " She said,not telling the truth though.People might said that she was the one who is excited when she was not !

Her friend nodded.They seemed to believe her words.Jiyeon was also going crazy like all of them.Why on the earth would Kim Taehyung freaking hug her out of nowhere? She was too shocked to think at that time. " Looks like you already got yourself a fan,Jiyeon-ah " Joy nudged her when she was trying to eat her Double Cheese Burger.

Jiyeon sighed and looked at the direction that her friends are looking,to her shock,Kim Taehyung is looking at her and he threw her his OH-SO FAMOUs SMILE!
Jiyeon stunned,and then she smiled back at him.Her friends are seriously embarassing her.

Taehyung then waved at her,Yeri quickly took Jiyeon's hand and waved back at him.Jiyeon was still in dazed,Did Kim Taehyung just waved at me She mentally cursed herself for being stupid once again, gosh you're so doomed

To her horror,her friends have the gut to wave at Taehyung's table and pointed their finger at Jiyeon.Jiyeon just hid her face in embarassment.She really needed to find a hole and put her head in it just like how ostrich did.Jiyeon looked at his table once again.

Kim Taehyung friends just laughed and waved back at them. " STop it,it's embarassing " She whinned,begging them to stop whatever their action were and glared at her friends.

"What is the use of friend if it not for embarassing you? " They laughed and Jiyeon smacked all of them. " YOu Monster! " Yeri whinned,rubbing her head,Park Jiyeon just hit all of her friends head.

Kim Taehyung laughed at her action and gave her a thumb up. Jiyeon just smiled shyly.

Oh god ! Kim Taehyung ! Why would you do that ? How am I supposed to move on now ?
How am I supposed to get over you if you are smiling so brightly at me ?
You are the death of me. Gosh,please help me,sombody !

I MUST GET OVER KIM TAEHYUNG NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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ktak_dbwh_tempurung #1
Chapter 3: That was so cute. Thank you for the chapter
ktak_dbwh_tempurung #2
I cant wait for the next chapter. Fighting!
gyoona #3
It’s funny and cute
jiyeonyesung #4
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: the story was funn and good:)