
The Scene Stealer
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As the song came to the end, Yuan lifted up her chin and looked at the clock hanging in the practice room. It was ten minutes before nine. She sighed before taking her jacket and bag. "I'll go first, I'll be back before ten" she hurriedly said and left without hearing her members’ answers. "Stay safe!" was the only thing that Goeun managed to shout before Yuan disappeared from their sight. 

Unlike her friends' school or her old one, JYP Private School wasn't that far away from her dormitory or from the company building. She just needed to ride the bus and get down by the next stop or take a fifteen-minute walk if she wanted to.

When Yuan arrived at the field of their school, the lamps still brightly. She couldn't see any players but a single boy in a baseball jersey with number zero-zero on his back. Yuan couldn't see his face clearly since she had very bad eyesight –she didn't wear her lens today, even still, she was certain he was her co-worker, Jisung.

With a small sigh, Yuan approached him. 

Jisung half-heartily dragged the huge basket of baseballs around as he picked up the balls one by one. He was busily cursing his tedious day that he wasn't aware that someone approached him from behind. He nearly got a heart attack when someone patted his shoulder. Jisung flinched away almost instantly, tripped over his own shoes until he lost his balance and fell in the half-full basket. The young guy groaned, the roughness of the balls made his back sore. What bad luck.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!"

The feminine voice sure made Jisung shocked, for nearly two years in his experience as the ball boy, he never encountered a woman after a game or when practice finished, moreover in the field.

When his eyes caught the sight of blonde hair and a pair of pretty cat-like eyes, he remembered the event early that day. Bang Chan, their captain and second baseman personally and randomly at that, scouted the famous new student as their ball girl.

He couldn't figure out that captain of theirs. 

"It's okay," Jisung softly said while trying to lift up himself from the metal basket."I kinda forgot that you'd come tonight"

It was a full minute of awkwardness for both of them, with Jisung trying to get up but failing miserably and Yuan looking at him in silence.

"...do you need help?" Yuan asked finally,

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I'm so sorry, I'm on hiatus for a while because of Student Community Service TT


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Chapter 13: OMG I DIDN’T KNOW YOU UPDATED THIS FICXD I didn’t open my account for a monthXD I can’t wait to see more:)
Jazmin8Sarina #2
Chapter 13: Are they going to study at her dome or at the cafe? Please update your story soon:)
Chapter 12: Wooaaaa!!! An Update!! Can't wait to see more!
Chapter 12: yawww missing your update! and yes jisung deserves all the attention like finally yeayy
Chapter 11: Thank you for updating:D can’t wait for the next chapterXD
Chapter 11: this is so cute dklfjdksjfd pfft
Jazmin8Sarina #7
Chapter 11: Jisung change so suddenly. I wonder what make him change like that. Please update your story soon:)
Jazmin8Sarina #9
Chapter 10: Should I be glad that there are no jisung in it because if he’s in then there would be some kind of trouble that he’s going through. Please update your story soon:)