
Don't love me back.
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It was winter. 




Cold and icy.


I was trying to warm my hands. Rubbing them against my blue tinny jacket while sitting on a bank. Next to me was a big green tree. Shining like a star. The streets were empty. I felt the coldness crawling through every single bone. 

What was I actually doing here on this cold day?


Well, actually waiting for him.

I was really excited for today. I mean, today was Christmas and of course his birthday.

I knew he didn't like celebrating his birthday but for me it was the most important day of my life. 


My lips were feeling cold and dry.

My whole body was shivering like crazy but still I felt happy, excited.

I knew he would come.

Even though he was almost every time late he would come for me.


But somehow I felt that today things wouldn't go the way I wished for.

Somehow that thought was making me really sad.


Suddenly I heard foot steps behind me.

My heart was beating fast against my body.

It felt like it would jump out any moment.

My lips were forming a smile.

At that moment I was happy.

Happy that he came as promised.


I got up from the bank.

He came nearer. My whole body was shivering again but now not because of the cold wind.

Just when I was about to turn around and fall into his arms I felt like my heart was sinking like the titanic. 

This wasn't something I was supposed to see.


Before me it wasn't the person I wished standing in front of me here. 

No, it was someone I truly despised.

Someone who I wanted to be dead. 




That girl that stole everything from me.


Every. Single. Thing.


I hated her. I hated her more than anyone of else in this world.

A girl who looked like an angel with her long curly golden hair but was in reality a fearful devil.

So why is she standing in front of me?



Before I could even react I heard someone calling my name.

My eyes left her ugly face to that someone who called me.

My eyes widened from shock.


It was someone I wasn't expecting right now.

Someone who I actually truly treasured and for that someone I have been waiting since snow fall to celebrate his birthday.




So why was he standing next to her?

I expected him to say something.

To explain what was going on.


Didn't he realize that I loved him more than anything else?

That I would do everything for him.


Silence filled our atmos

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Scoups_mymuse #1
Chapter 1: It's good! I want to know more how this story is going! Keep it up :D