
forgive and forget

Jihoon's POV ( Third Person )




Classes was not bad. But Jihoon still havent made any friends yet. For some reason his classmates did not approach him at all. Isn't it a common courtesy to greet the new student? His mom always says that. 


Lunch was a challenge. Jihoon's new school, Pledis Middle School, is huge. They have a huge library which has 2 floors and shelves full of books. They also have a big garden and a basketball court. The cafeteria was big too. They have long tables and benches where student can hang out and eat. 


As he entered the cafeteria, he noticed that most of the tables were packed with students chattering and laughing away. As Jihoon pack  his own lunch, he decided to search for an empty table or seat. After minutes of searching, Jihoon found one all the way at the back. As he walked towards it, he saw a boy with glasses and dark brown hair sitting alone. He was reading a book. To Kill A Mocking Bird. 


Jihoon hesitantly approach him and tapped on his shoulder to acknowledge him. He looked up and frowned.


"M-may I s-sit here? There's n-no empty t-table left." jihoon stuttered. He looked intimidating and has cold like eyes.


He suddenly smiled a little and said," Yeah, sure."


When he smiled, he looked very kind despite having cold like eyes. 


"Thank you." 


"My name is Wonwoo. Jeon Wonwoo. You are Jihoon right? Lee Jihoon?" he suddenly asked.


Jihoon's eyes widen as the former said that. 


"Y-Yes. How do y-you know my n-name?" Jihoon asked, still startled. 


"You're the new kid. I was in your class when you introduced yourself. I also have the same class as you for Mathematics." he replied.


Wonwoo continued talking, " I'm guessing you didn't notice me since you barely look around the class this morning and I was most probably at the back of the class. That's where I usually seat."


Jihoon just hummed because he don't know what to say next. 


Wonwoo noticed that Jihoon wasn't paying attention to him and stopped talking. He continued to read his book, food still untouched.


"D-Do you have any f-friends that are going to join you later?" Jihoon suddenly asked.


Wonwoo laughed soundlessly as if it was the funniest thing he heard all day.


"Me? Have friends? Maybe in my next life. For you information, Jihoon, I am the loner in this school. No one seems to like talking to me or invite me to their birthday parties because they think that I only read books." stated Wonwoo. "You would probably have other friends some day and will also leave me like we never talked before. Like everyone else."


"I. I'm sorry, Wonwoo. I don't have any friends too. They all ignored me in every class i go.  And assume things okay. You barely know me. I dont just leave people behind just because I found new friends and if you didnt know already, I have social anxiety. It having to panic whenever people start to talk to you." Said Jihoon


"It's okay. Im sorry too for assuming things. I guess we could be friends. You're starting to grow on me." chuckled Wonwoo.


Jihoon smiled. "Sure"

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Hello! I edited chapter 12 a lil bit cause my grammar there lol.


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Min_Ilsang #1

/Who r u, bih.
saymansae #2
Chapter 14: Cheol cheol cheol pleaseeeeee #teamjicheol
Chapter 14: Oh my ... NOOOOOOOO!!!! DON'T DO THAT! Why can't they be together! Kwon Soonyoung, I'm disowning you!
Chapter 14: Seungcheol seungcheol i want jicheol
Chapter 14: Poor jihoon ;-; at least this time hoshi was honest. Even if it tore my heart out of my chest. I liked the ending though. I felt like it was more, like, realistic..? I dunno I loved it though. Seungcheol and Jeonghan are such good friends though. Always there for Jihoonie. And poor Seungkwan getting ignored lol thank you for this amazing fic. It was a great read and I really enjoyed reading each chapter!
oieaolkin #6
Chapter 14: Epilogue please and thank you, I enjoyed this story quite a bit. I also liked how the the title of each chapter formed a continuing sentence.
Min_Ilsang #7
Chapter 13: I'm laughing to Seungkwannie HAHABABAHAHAHABHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA sorry Boo. I can't help.

Update soon, please? :33
Chapter 13: Please put a happy ending. Please. And thanks for always updating and I hope you have a good day !
Chapter 13: I’m triggereddddddd holy kkk soonyounggg but team #jicheol
DokKodok #10
Chapter 12: Well, I'm not hating soonyoung in real life. But I ing hate soonyoung in this story ???
Soonyoung you son of a
*ok. I'm just triggered by seungcheol*