Chapter One : The First Smile

A First For Everything

"What's your name?"

"Excuse me?" She fumbled.

"For the cup."


"Mina." The girl tasted. "Pretty name."


This was it, where it all started... Or where it could've started. This brief exchange had happened a little over four weeks ago and even now it was most likely the longest conversation Mina had had with the barista at the local Starbucks. Now, to a lot of people, this may be no big deal. Who would fret over a conversation with a barista? Well... Myoui Mina would, specifically when said barista was a very cute, very bubbly.... Very attractive girl. For four whole weeks, she'd found a time in between her busy days at work to, you guessed it, silently pine over a cute girl. his was totally normal for a woman of her age... Right?




It was in both annoyance and distraction that she closed her laptop.

Surrounded by the buzzing of chattering teens, the hurried panic of businessmen late to work and the overpowering stench of coffee, this was far from her ideal way to spend a free Tuesday morning. Getting out of bed this morning the young writer faced the internal dilemma of whether it was really worth it, her roommate chortling at this dismay and stating the obvious that was there was a clear answer. To a normal human being or even a person who was her age, the idea of lingering in such a crowded place was hardly worth it, especially when the most she could get was a couple glances.

It was with childish frustrated that Mina had grown to know that baristas nowadays didn't wear name tags, therefore, she found herself left with an unwanted guessing game of the girl she was so desperately captivated by. Short blonde hair, assumedly long limbs, a smile that, while boyish at a time, had enough feminine charm to make her heart thump in her chest. So basically, in her own very biased opinion, this girl was everything she could ask for and more.

"Still a lovesick sapphic?" A voice called.

Twisting slightly in her seat the writer was greeted with the familiar face of Park Jihyo, co-worker, mother friend, and, much to her own envy, dating a cute girl. God, she sounded so pitiful... It was just the season, right? Mina always got lonely during winter. Only... It was spring. Not Winter. Spring. Squinting slightly the realization hit her that this remark had not come from Jihyo's mouth but the girl bouncing behind her, with a wide grin and light ponytail swishing behind her Minatozaki Sana parked herself on the seat across from her. 

"Still falling in love with every girl you see?" Mina attempted to fire back, playful tone misted by her occupied gaze. 

"You bet!" She confirmed, half-winking. 

"You two..." Jihyo sighed amusedly as she sat. "Do I need to ask what you've been up to this morning?"

"Not all of us can find our soulmate that easy, Jihyo." Sana jumped to the defence. 

"Yeah." The writer found herself agreeing quietly. 

"Hey?" Her co-worker prodded softly. "I'm not criticizing you." 

"Sure." She replied wryly. "It's okay."

"Is that her?" The brunette whispered loudly. "The blonde one?"

"Yeah, it is," Jihyo replied for her. "Mina always had weird taste."

"Mina is right here."

Rolling their eyes her two friends returned to a conversation, mostly about their shared interest - girls. Well, at least Jihyo tried to contribute until Sana's mind and words breached inappropriate territory. Smiling fondly at the flustered look her co-worker got at her girlfriend being brought up in that light she let her gaze slide around the room, searching for her not-girlfriend. Surely enough her eyes settled on the blonde, following her movements as her hands worked at double time to prepare coffee-to-go for a customer, a windswept smile prepared for when she would hand over the drink. Smiling to herself Mina couldn't help but find it cute, the mannerisms of the girl, the way she'd huff out a breathe to get her bangs out of her face, the way she'd rub her wrist before looking to the clock, obviously used to wearing a watch. All of this had a way of captivating the writer in a way she hadn't been since her high school days. 

"Right Mina?"

Glancing up at Jihyo's sharp tone her brows furrowed, "What?"

"Sanas hardly an adult." Her friend explained, eyes large. 

"How old are you again?" Mina questioned, cocking her head curiously.

"I'll be nineteen next week!" Sana proclaimed proudly. "I'm in my prime relationship-wise."

"I'd say you are." She found herself saying. "An immature one sure but you're a young adult."

"Mina," Jihyo whined. 

"She's three years younger than me." The writer expanded. "And four younger than you."

"Yeah." Sana followed happily, glancing at the other woman curiously. "How olds Tzuyu again?"

"Older than you." Jihyo bit back, crossing her own arms childishly. 

"By a month." Mina found herself mumbling slyly. 

The little argument went on for a while before Sana finally caved, losing the spark the debate had given her, eyes now taking interest in her once forgotten blueberry muffin. It was only as the time spent on, as it grew closer to two that the scraping of their chairs sounded in the place. The once chatter from earlier dying down, businessmen have long gone to work, the light that brought out the vibrant cafe colours now fading along with the sun. It was relaxing, Mina acknowledged and must've been for the barista too as the blonde was freely checking her phone due to the lack of customers. Surprised by the sudden grip on her elbow she looked up to find an exasperated Jihyo. 

"Don't your lectures  start soon?" She reprimanded. "Come on." 

"Hm?" Mina replied, confused expression only deepening. "That's yours, mine doesn't start for another half hour."

"Please." Jihyo insisted. "It'll do you good to go for a walk."

She knew she was right, her co-worker was always vocal in her need for exercise... Sometimes more enthusiastic than she prefers. The writer wasn't sure she could count the number of times she'd been dragged to yoga by this woman on one hand. 

"I'll go dancing if you go to yoga." 

"I like dancing alone." 

"Everythings more fun with two!"

This described a large range of the two friends sparse arguments, only one or two of which had made Mina lose her cool in how frustrated she was. She loved Park Jihyo, she truly did. She was a lovely, caring friend and some days was the only person to pull her through. This was true and yet... Their personalities could clash horribly at the time, resulting in one ignoring the other and one purposefully getting in the way. They had been through two years of this, two whole years.

"Fine." Mina caved. "You owe me one." 

"Like a coffee, you won't even drink?" The other woman joked, nudging her affectionately. "I promise I'll make it up to you." 

"Sure sure."

Following her friend to the door the writer let her eyes slip to the blonde one last time, finding her gaze locked at the sight of the girl brushing her fringe up tiredly. As if the girl wasn't already the most beautiful thing she'd seen as if she wasn't breathtaking enough Myoui Mina found herself stumbling. No, not for the words that usually came to naturally o her, instead she had unknowingly tripped over a table leg, only just catching herself at the very counter the girl was standing at. Holding back a string of unordinary curses the writer felt her cheeks flush, awkwardly letting her head raise, eyes shaking timidly before solidifying with what little dignity she could grasp on to. 

"Are you okay?"

That should've been Jihyo's voice, her best friend, she should be the one helping her and yet she was fairly certain she was silently laughing with glee. 

"Y- Yeah."

Allowing her eyes to travel the first thing she was met with were concerned dark eyes, still visibly worried even through the blonde bands. Pushing herself off of the counter Mina gave a small wave of her hands, a dismissal of what was possibly one of her most embarrassing accidents in recent years. Not noticing the outstretched hand she found herself pushing away from the counter, mentally scolding her face for its cherry hue. 

"Hey," The same voice called. "You sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine." The writer promised. "Really."

What happened just before she left was something she was sure her childish heart would never let go off. As she left for the door she turned to see the blonde who, adorning an equally embarrassed expression gave a small smile before waving her off. 

That, Mina realized, was the first time the blonde at the cafe smiled at her.




A/N: Ahhh okay so I know this first chapter is relatively short ! However, I promise you the chapters will get longer as this fic progresses. ^^ 

As always, I hope you enjoy whats to come.






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Chapter 1: It’s really nice! I hope you don’t stop updating.
Heyboiii #2
Chapter 1: Cute~♡
Heartshaker #3
Chapter 1: So jihyo and mina more older than Sana in this story? Ok noted. Wait for next chapter
Chapter 1: Aww Minari is so cute~ Dont worry, spring is the season of love after all xD
Chapter 1: A lot lot of fluff incoming!!! Brace yourself!!! Hahaha, this is cute ^^
Keep up the great work :)
Chapter 1: this is ut jeongmi.. please continue and thank you
This gonna be cute jeongmi ayeeee >.< cant wait for the chapter(s), author-nim
cheery45 #8
Awww the foreword so cute haha