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A/N: Hey chingus! Here is our update for tonight!

Thank you to all our subscribers and to those who upvoted the story thank you so much!

peace yow!~






Seems like the place where they are going to bring us is far, so far that Soojung and Yerimie fell asleep beside me here in our cabin. Even though I cannot see the surroundings, I know we are already far from Seoul.


I felt the swaying an hour ago until now so it means the barge is being transported in the sea. I know we are in a barge considering that the driving stopped then we were led down the car and were guided here in this room. An hour earlier it started to sway to the current.


The car's stereo was playing children’s songs for Yerimie earlier when we were on the road… such consideration huh to make the kid sleep... thank you so much ers.


Calm yourself Amber and listen to your surroundings carefully…


The hum of the room A/C blasting cold air…




My head turned to Soojung’s side who called me with her gentle voice. I can’t see her expression but from the tone of her voice I sense her worry. Since this morning that these goons came for us until now she’s still worrying, she’s brave but with this kind of things happening now and the kid with us we can’t make any drastic move that will endanger our lives.


“Soojung-ah… are you okay? How do you feel?”


“Why are we swaying?…”


“I think the barge is sailing… we’re being transported somewhere.”


“I feel sick Am…” all I can do is pull her closer to my side and caress her head to make her feel better. Soojung-ah…


Sigh. I feel useless.


“Don’t worry Soojung, I promise we will be fine.” Whatever that Chinese Buddha wants from us, I bet its a huge favor. If he wanted us to be eliminated in this world he could have commanded one of his men to just shoot me and Soojung by a sniper and its over.


Please… God… protect us from harm and be with our side on this dangerous journey we are having. Can we take off this eye mask now? We’re on the waters….


I cleared my throat and called the ahjussi black suit guy guarding us. I know he’s still here… no one has opened the door of the cabin after we were guided inside and let us settle on the bed. “Ahjussi… can I please bargain with you? Since we are in the waters probably we won’t see anything and there’s no way to go for the three of us. Can we please take off our eye mask? I promise, we won’t do anything stupid… we have a kid here.”


There was a deep sigh from the ahjussi and I know I got what I want. “Okay, you can take it off. But when we arrive at land, you have to wear it again. Understood?”




"Okay, take it off now. Don't think that I don't care... Its just that this is my job." He said.


I immediately took off mine and instantly, the blinding light of daytime welcomed my eyes. I helped Soojung take off hers and Yerimie too who is still sleeping at my left side, her head resting on my lap.


"Close your eyes first, Soojung-ah... Don't open it immediately..." I squinted my eyes, blinking it a few times to familiarize on the bright surroundings. My hands reached for her face and pulled her head to rest it on my chest so her eyes can adjust quickly.


What I only see is the wide open sea from the window... Nothing else. No island, nothing. Just the waters... Blue waters... Where are we?


And the barge... ... This is not a simple barge. I stand corrected.


"Amber... This is..." Soojung and I shared a look when she raised her head and I confirmed it to her eyes full of confusion and questions. "This is not a barge..."



Our eyes roamed inside the magnificent spacious cabin where we are being detained. Three black suit guys holding high powered guns standing by the door looking at us. So all this time that I sit idle here and my two precious loveones are sleeping, they are just standing there watching us.


"This is a luxurious cabin..." She murmured.


"This is the Master's yacht that he had specially commissioned to be built. This room is reserved for you and Detective Jung, Detective Liu. The Master made sure the room is up to your standards..." It was Kang Hodong who appeared from the door with a smile on his face. I don't know why, but the smile he has for us is full of respect and kindness. Better not be fooled of it Amber... He may be acting to get your side... Remember, he is a gangster.


Up to my standards huh…


My standards consists of a fluffy mattress on the floor and comfy blankets, lots of pillows for the three of us, 2 bowls of popcorn and a six pack beer for me and Soojung plus a can of Grape juice for Yerimie. Yeah… that’s enough for us.  


"Where are you taking us?" Soojung asked him as she took Yerimie from the bed and carried my niece in her arms because the little girl started to cry when the boat swayed, waking her up.


I stood up from the bed and marveled at the spacious cabin, the furnitures screams luxury. Hahaha... Bought by dirty money i bet.


"We are already near the island."


"I don't see any island FYI..." I sarcastically said while scanning the vast sea through the wide glass windows. Even an islet!


"Mister Kang, let's not waste time here and just tell us why we are being kidnapped by your group? I won't be surprise if you will say its about what happened with the raid because the force is just doing their job." Go Babe! Roast that swine!


Soojung went to my side by the window and gave Yerimie to me. I carried my niece in my arms and looked at the gang leader, waiting for his answer. "If this is about your leader wanting to meet one of us privately... Then you could have told us to prepare dinner for him and a bottle of wine, i won't mind. Our home is open... Not like this!" She blurted out angrily the last few words surprising me.


And what does Soojung meant by 'meet one of us privately'... Its me, isn't it? All of this is because of that secret surveillance I spearheaded with our team and now its going back at us. I brought this to us and now i have to face the consequences of my stubborn actions.


He motioned the two guards to get out of the room and only one remained lockih the door. Kang Hodong walked around the room with his hands inside his pockets and raised his head to us, his smile still making me doubt. "He could easily ask that but are you going to allow him set foot in your home, Detective Jung... Detective Liu? And besides, like what you said... I am a Wanted person and so is the Master. Just trust me when i say nothing bad will happen. I told you, i still love my life and every men out here that you can see... They owe their life to the Master so they won't do anything that will anger him."


What the hell is he talking about?!


"Mommy... Amber..." my attention shifted to Yerimie who is now fully awake and has stopped crying. Soojung cradled her face with her palm and kissed her forehead affectionately.


"Yerimie... Baby, Mommy's here..."


"I'm hungry..." ... Come to think of it... We haven't have a decent breakfast. All we ate before we went out is boiled egg and sips of water in between.


"I already asked the Chef to prepare something light for the three of you, its ready upstairs at the deck. Why don't you come with me?" This is really weird... Kang Hodong is really weird.


Soojung looked at me, her eyes asking for permission. "Yerimie is hungry... And if he wants to kill us he should have done it earlier."


They opened the door of the room with Kang Hodong motioning his arms like a Butler for us. What the hell... Why is he acting like this? He looks stupid...


"Okay..." I nodded at her and intertwined our hands tight before following the gang leader out of the cabin. He said in the deck... Just how huge is this boat? Or yacht to have that very big cabin that looks like a hotel?


We followed him and saw a lot of black suit guys standing by the hallway of the boat like soldiers bowing at us. Passing by a narrow stairs, we finally reached the deck that made Soojung and I stop in our place.


"Oh my God..."


Our eyes went wide seeing the spacious deck of the boat and luxury in front of us. Wow is an understatement..



"All of this luxury makes me puke..." Soojung mumbled loud enough for me to hear. "Don't puke now, save it later when we're already on land."


"One of the most priciest super yacht ever made, more bigger than the commissioned yacht by the Sheikh of Oman. The Master had this built so he can spend his time fishing and sailing in this vast sea without anyone disturbing him."


We sat on the couch still fascinated in this big boat. What fish is he baiting here?! A Shark?


One of the black suit guys came pushing a food trolley and stopped beside the small table in front of us. Yerimie went down from me and sat in between me and Soojung clapping her hands when the guy started putting utensils on the table like an experience waiter.


He placed 3 bowls of Congee in front of us, complete set of banchans and filled the goblets with water. "Detective Liu, Coffee or Tea?"


"Don't worry my dear Detectives, no poison in there. The Chef prepared the little girl's favorite Abalone Congee and the banchans are all of high quality and delicious, I tested it myself." He approached our table and took the cup of coffee the guy poured for him and had a sip of it. Then a tablespoon of the Congee showing it to us that made Soojung's eyebrow raised in a chuckle before he shove it on his mouth to taste. "Its delicious little girl! Try it!" I reached for a bottle of water and uncapped it while studying Kang Hodong’s face, taking a sip first just to be sure. Hmmm… his mouth is not foaming so its really safe.


Hmm…. this water is nice… okay… I don’t feel anything. And the water is sealed.. I gave the bottle to Soojung for her to drink because I saw her lips is a bit pale. “Drink some water babe, come on… still feeling sick?” she scrunch her nose and took a sip of the water. “This is refreshing…” she mumbled after taking a sip. She gave it back to me and I chug it because I’m really thirsty.


"You didn't die ahjussi!" I choked on the water I'm drinking upon hearing Yerimie's joyful outburst. This kid... Where did she even got that idea!?


"Yerimie, that's rude baby... Don't say that."


"But Mommy, isn’t this like in the movie Dani and I watched at Auntie Yuri's house?! Aunt Yuri said its a spy movie… when you are kidnapped and they give you food, let the kidnapper taste it first you will not die.” Wow… Sometimes, Yuri unnie talks with sense.


The gang leader answered her with a loud laugh while placing down his bowl of Congee on the table across us with a smile. “Of course I didn’t die! And I won’t do that to you little girl and to your Aunts…”


“Are we there yet, ahjussi?”


“Yes, we are approaching the island now actually…” he smiled at us and pointed on the direction ahead. I stood up from my seat and to confirm if we really are near in any kind of land our here, … I don’t even know if there are sharks underneath this waters. Are we still in Korea or already in the Indian Ocean? South China Sea perhaps?


“Take this, Detective Liu so you can see…” he handed a high-tech looking binoculars to me and motioned for me to see. … I feel like a robot with this kind of gear. This is like Ironman’s visual when he is wearing the suit!


“Wa-wait… how do I operate this?!”


“Just talk to it, its superior AI technology that is being used now. Give a command…” a command… okay…


“Does it have a name? You know… Batman has Alfred and Ironman has J.A.R.V.I.S….”


“Ironman has F.R.I.D.A.Y. now I think…” oh. He is a fanatic, huh? Another AVENGER?



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snackplate #1
Chapter 52: Enjoying every details on the story.. a baby is already handful, what more with triplets…. Uhuhuhuuuu…
Appledots5 #2
Chapter 42: lmao
fxllamafan #3
Chapter 3: well soojung play a role as a cops, remain me of this story so I am back!
1150 streak #4
Chapter 52: Just finished reading this and still wondering why the hell I didn't notice this story before..... Love it. Perfect amount of everything in each chapter. 💜💜
mochick #6
Chapter 52: I wish you make an epilogue for this one Author-nim ... their life story are wonderful :)
Bluenight_0217 #7
Chapter 52: Great story. Thanks for writing stories like this.
Chapter 52: Awesome story!!! authornim tho long chaps need to read but still worth it?,cause I enjoy reading it and I love it.
Adesta123 #9
Chapter 52: Good story. Thanks Author ❤️
2078 streak #10
Chapter 6: I'm gonna buy latex gloves