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A/N: Hey chingus! Dropping a chapter for all of you.

Happy New Year!








It has been a month since I started my duty at the Station and it proved to be a little tough like what I expected.




She really is a Dragon! Especially when she loses her … ahhh… she breathes fire. I finally understood what Jinri told me about the reason the officers being partnered to her leaves after a week. They simply doesn’t want their life to end early and some of them are total s trying to get inside her pants.


I also learned that Minho has been trying to woo her but very unlucky because she already turned him down a lot of times stating that she's not attracted to him. Savage... When Minho and I met on my first day, I thought he was a villain. I didn’t know he has that soft side when he asked me to have a drink with him and the boys on my first week at service.


Over 5 bottles of Soju, he let his heart out. Telling me he was jealous when I came because Jung was looking at me with sparkles in her eyes, that made me, Kyungsoo, Peniel, and Minseok laugh out loud. The night ended with the two of us becoming bros and him supporting me in case I decide to pursue Detective Jung. I’m lucky to meet such persons who are open minded and ready to listen. The very next day the Dragon slowly unleashed her fury. Showing me how she works and probably why she prefer to be solo before.


The reason why they all quit?


She is a monster on the road. We were following this murder suspect in the busy streets of Myeongdong getting away using his scooter, she was the one driving and me on the passenger seat. My grip on the handle was really tight while she drives in a fast manner that I think she got from watching The Fast and The Furious. I thought we totally lost him when she suddenly entered an alleyway and kept driving in full speed, when we finally reached a small intersection she suddenly stopped in the middle and like in the movies… the scooter crash on the door of the backseat at my freaking side! Missing my door by a few meters my God! We got the suspect, I was a little bit shaken but quickly snapped out of my shock while Jung went out of the car calling the other patrols chasing the suspect. I radioed the station to have an Ambulance sent because I’m afraid the suspect might be dead due to the impact. When I went out of the car she was pointing her gun to the guy on the ground who was wearing a helmet, he wasn’t armed so I approached him while pointing my gun too just to check if he’s still alive. That was my mistake, pointing my gun on the ground because the bastard was still alive and tried to fight with me to take my gun. She fired a warning shot startling the guy, giving me a chance to give him a punch on his gut and totally pinning him on the ground. When the other Police came and the Ambulance, they took him in custody while the two of us stood there looking at the damage of her car. It was a service vehicle but still, has to be repaired. Jung said she’s going to send it at Car Shop then she asked me if I’m okay, I answered her with only a nod. I did see worry in her eyes that she quickly masked me a scowl then her expression changed to shock when she pointed at my forehead.


When I touched what is on my forehead, I saw blood. Yeah, I was bleeding in my head maybe due to the impact. I got 3 stitches and a contusion. It was my 3rd day on the job. Sweet~. She brought me to the hospital to get it treated and to also have a CT Scan, thank Heavens nothing bad just a cut. I also got a scolding from her about wearing the seat belt and everything, I didn’t actually get the everything part because I was just staring at her nagging in front of me while holding her gun swaying it while talking. The attending Nurse was really scared. All I can think of that time was how beautiful she is, and how brave she is, and how she will end my life early not just because of her driving but just by staring at her inviting lips.  


You know what’s the catch, even though she scolded me that day and we went back to the Station to make a report… I was smiling. Because she told me that the moment I finish our report, we can go home.


The best part? When we arrived at the Apartment Building, she told me because its her fault I’m hurt… she’s going to cook dinner and the two of us, Yeri and me, should join her and Dani. Yeah… 3rd day and I’m already acting like a teenager talking to her crush. I do have a crush on her, nothing wrong about that. I just don’t know if she likes me too and most importantly, I don’t even know if she swings that way. The Chicken Nuggets and Spaghetti dinner was delicious, the kids enjoyed it. I enjoyed it… even though I really don’t eat Chicken because I have an allergy to it that causes me to have an itchy skin. Hehehe…. I took an allergy medicine once Yeri and I got home, the little miss saw me scratching my neck then screeched when she saw the redness. It was actually over acting from her that made me laugh, but what she did next surprised me. She called Soojung using my phone and screamed bloody hell that I’m scratching my neck like a dog. Moments later, she and Dani came to our unit hurriedly, my niece revealing me to my embarrassment that Amber is allergic to everything Chicken.


I got another scolding from the Pretty Soojung unnie, nagging me on the importance of saying the things I am allergic to because its not smart to keep quiet and eat whatever is serve in front of me at the table. She was really worried… and her worry was sincere. She’s not the Dragon when at home, she’s just simply Soojung… Dani’s Aunt and the kind, caring, pretty tenant that everyone in the community knows.


It was only the 3rd day of meeting her and spending time with her… but I already have a major crush on Detective Jung Soojung. Hehehe… even if I got 3 stitches on my head.





“Liu, take a look at this…” she called from her table while watching something on her computer. We were working on a case where a girl in her late 20s was found dead on the train station last night, a possible case of murder and theft too because her belongings were gone even her IDs that’s why we are having a hard time checking her identity. Specimens were already sent to the laboratory to check how she died and now we are reviewing the CCTV footages we got from the Train Station and on the street.


I stood up from my seat and took a glance at the clock wall clock, it was already 4:30 in the afternoon. She hasn’t taken her lunch break because of what we are doing. The whole team is busy, I sent Peniel and Kyungsoo to the Train Station to get information while Minho and Minseok are on the Crime Laboratory waiting for the results of the autopsy being done on the body.


Taking my swivel chair, I sat behind her to look closely on the screen where the footage that night is being shown. “Look at her, she seemed okay when she entered the Train Station. She still has her belongings, her satchel… but look at this scene when I fast forward it…” she took the mouse and clicked on the fast forward showing the girl walking on the slightly deserted train station and stopped on the flatform waiting for the midnight train to arrive then sat on a bench. But one thing caught my eye, it was fast.


“Wait, repeat that again Jung. Bring it back a little…” she did what I said but it was damn too fast.


“Like that?”


“Yes, but repeat it again. Did you see that?” I leaned forward to her from behind, her scent instantly hitting me hard again. Oh …. not now… we’re in the middle of an investigation!


“Wait…. let me rewind that.” she re-winded the footage but it was again too fast. “Why not play it in 2x slow motion…” I placed my right hand on top of hers holding the mouse and guided it to what I wanted to happen, clicking on the slow motion option then playing the video again. “See that? The video has a cut! If you will stare at the footage being played in slow motion you will see the transition…”


“I-it is!” both of us fell silent for a while, my hand still resting on top of hers while I repeat the action again. “She suddenly disappeared on this spot…” she pointed on the screen using her free hand “She was sitting on the bench then the footage suddenly changed and she was still sitting like how she was found…”


“But already dead.” we mumbled together.


“Look at the distance from the first footage then at the cut… on the first few seconds there was at least a feet away gap from the edge of the bench and her position. But after a few seconds she’s already sitting on the middle of the bench. What kind of sorcery is that?!” she said in a whisper loud enough for me to hear. I turned my head on her direction and found out our faces are just inches away from each other.


Her side profile taking my breath away in just one glance… damn that y mole… is it creepy to say that I dreamed of her last night?  


Yes, I did. She visited me in my dreams last night and asked me sweetly what I would like to eat for dinner. Instead of answering her, I grabbed her face and kissed her passionately, trapping her at the back of her apartment door. … it felt real… her lips were so soft and taste like sweet strawberry candy same as her tongue, my lips paying respect to her y mole. The moans coming from was so addictive while I shower her neck with bites and kisses. She was guiding my hand inside her blouse…..


When Yeri suddenly woke up in a loud cry waking me up from my dream. Aww. Hot unexpected dream suddenly disappearing on thin air. .


Of all dreams I can have with her, why a scene like that!!!? Am I so frustrated now?  


My eyes landed on her lips, she was biting her lower lip while staring at the monitor in front of us. Sweat was rolling on the side of her face and it was like slow motion for me… damn… I’m going crazy. If I don’t get out now I’ll never be able to control myself and just capture that rosy lips of yours Jung!


“W-w-what do you think?” she suddenly turned her head around and we came face to face, both of us looking at each other. Don’t look at me like that… I might lose myself any minute now!


“I… I…I… think… we should…” should I kiss her? No! We’re in the Station!


But her lips are really inviting… and she’s… her gaze dropped on my lips before her eyes went back glued to mine. “Y-y-yeah… w-we should….”


“The two of you should eat lunch now and comeback later!” the two of us jumped on our seats, creating space between us when Jinri suddenly hit Jung’s table loud with a folder. My heart jumped like a scaredy cat!  


She was grinning widely at the two of us, my face feeling that hot temperature that they call Summer. Damn… she’s going to tease me later, I can feel that. Worse is, she might tell it to the boys. Dead.




She snorted at Jung who was wiping the sweat on her face with a tissue, she was pouting my goodness! The Dragon looks so soft, I wanna cuddle her and feed her with marshmallows…


oh snap out of it Liu!!!


“Are you two… going to kiss?!” WHAT?!






Both of us yelled at her, our loud voices echoing inside our office. This is embarrassing!


“Fine…. fine! You two weren’t going to kiss, why too pressed?! As what I have said, maybe you two needed to step out of the Station, take deep breaths, and eat lunch for goodness’ sake! It’s already quarter to 5:00 in the afternoon! All you did was that candies, especially you Soojung!”


She made a grimace to Jinri and stood up from her seat, I stood up too and went back to my table getting my phone and blazer. “We were… really going to eat after watching the footages. I think we already have a lead but I think we need to visit the Train Station again, Jung.”


She nodded at me agreeing. “Yeah, there is something wrong with that video… like its edited. Yah! Jinri-ah! Stay here and call me once Kim and Choi got the results of the autopsy.” the two of them made funny faces to each other because Jinri was teasing her. Gosh… are we going to kiss earlier?


Do we look like we are going to kiss earlier??!


Aiiishhh! Keep it to yourself Liu!


I drove the car going to the Train Station but before that, I stopped in a nearby Subway shop first surprising her. “Hey Liu, why are we here?”



“Stay here, I’ll just get us something to eat. What do you want?”


“Turkey wheat sandwich with BLT, no cucumber, extra cheese, mustard, mayo, and black olives. Got it?!” she narrated to me in a teasing way, raising her perfect eyebrows.


I snorted at her and took my wallet from the case “Of course! I got it! Turkey wheat sandwich with BLT, extra cheese, mustard, mayo, black olives, LOTS OF CUCUMBER. GOT IT!” I went out of the car laughing at her grave expression and smack on my back. Awww.


“YAH! NO CUCUMBERS!!” I waved back to her and made an okay sign before entering the empty store.


If our guess is true, then we can solve this case immediately. I gave my order to the attendant and paid for the sandwich and juice then sat on the chair while waiting and fiddling on the transaction slip of my credit card purchase. I’ll just have this reimburse later…  My mind wandered to the Camera Operator of the Train Station, the one who is on duty that time. He was the one who gave us the copy of the footage when we went there this morning for investigation.


Park Seojoon, 30, well built and has been working in the camera room of the Train Station for a year. Quiet guy, single and leaves alone in a small apartment at Itaewon. Only answers when you ask him a question. No criminal records. No bad records at his work. Pays his taxes right.


The order came and I gave my thanks to the attendant. I was on my way out when I heard the attendants talking in a loud voice since there were no customers that time.


“I’m wondering why that girl was found dead last night at the station. She looks like a nice person, remember she always comes here every morning for her sandwich? I didn’t even got her name…”


“Stupid! She’s already dead and you’re still dreaming about the girl’s name. It was really unfortunate of her… I saw her last night when she passed by before our closing time. She said she was hungry and had to work late that’s why she came in and bought a sandwich. She was an Angel… so sad…”


Last night… before closing time… on the way to the Train Station…


I went out of the shop and knocked on the window side of Soojung, she rolled it down looking at me with wonder first. She probably saw my serious face and asks in a positive statement. “You found out something while buying sandwich?”


“I accidentally eavesdrop on the attendants, they have an info about seeing the girl last night but they don’t know her name.” she nodded at me and went down the car. We entered the shop again and her expression suddenly changed into a sweet one.


Sudden character change? Nice.


“Excuse me~… oppa…” the two attendants suddenly became snappy while looking at her. Gosh… her effect. If you two just know how she is… tsk tsk tsk…    


“Yes, Miss? What can we do for you?” we took out our badge and she smiled at them.


“We are from the Myeongdong Police Station, I just need your statement about the woman who was found dead last night. Can I take a minute both of your time?”


“If we give you our time, are you also willing to give us your time?” my eyebrows raised on the male attendant who said it. “Why you…”


Soojung stopped me and smiled evilly at both of them, then purposely took out her gun putting it on the counter in a blag surprising them. “We

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snackplate #1
Chapter 52: Enjoying every details on the story.. a baby is already handful, what more with triplets…. Uhuhuhuuuu…
Appledots5 #2
Chapter 42: lmao
fxllamafan #3
Chapter 3: well soojung play a role as a cops, remain me of this story so I am back!
1139 streak #4
Chapter 52: Just finished reading this and still wondering why the hell I didn't notice this story before..... Love it. Perfect amount of everything in each chapter. 💜💜
mochick #6
Chapter 52: I wish you make an epilogue for this one Author-nim ... their life story are wonderful :)
Bluenight_0217 #7
Chapter 52: Great story. Thanks for writing stories like this.
Chapter 52: Awesome story!!! authornim tho long chaps need to read but still worth it?,cause I enjoy reading it and I love it.
Adesta123 #9
Chapter 52: Good story. Thanks Author ❤️
2072 streak #10
Chapter 6: I'm gonna buy latex gloves