Thirty second

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A/N: Hey Chingus! 

Here's our second update as promised! 

Uhh... What day is it again? hehehe....

Thank you to all our subscribers and upvoters. 770+ and counting! Wow...

Have agreat day chingus and eat as much chocolates as you want (^_^)

Peace yow~! (>_^)









When we arrived at the Station this morning, Soojung and I immediately went to our office and saw the whole team, minus Peniel who's on a vacation leave, all huddled up in Jinri’s table. They were all looking at the mountain of folders resting there and I instantly got what are those.


“What are all these?…” Soojung took one folder and read the title on the side “Cho Double Murder Case - 1994 Seoul District… WHAT?!” she took the folder from Minho’s hold and read it loud too “These are all rotting inside their file cabinets and already nearing their end date of appeal. Why is it here?! Amber?!”


Kyungsoo handed me the folder he was reading and I saw it was a case from 1995 “Minju Industries Fraud Case…” I gave it back to Kyungsoo and checked the other folders, my count is its around ten.


Ten cold cases that until now are all unsolved.


Additional cases the Chief wants us to handle. And a lot of them are already out of our jurisdiction.


I shook my head in disbelief, my teeth gritting in annoyance because of these. We still have folders in our file cabinet that we already reviewed and lined up! “Jung, we can’t afford to handle all of these, its not our jurisdiction.”


“I know Liu… who the hell dumped these here?! Jinri?…”


We all turned our heads to the door when Chief Park suddenly spoke in his baritone voice, looking at all of us one by one “Its me Detective Jung, I asked my assistant to ‘dump’ all that cases there. Those came from the Cold Case Section of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Station. They heard that you and your team solved 4 Cold Cases in a short period of time. So why not help them, right?”


The ! Its not our jurisdiction dummy! We also have other cases to solve! “Sir, we still have cases that is on our priority to solve and all of that in a line up.” can I just shove a bottle in his so he’ll stop being one?!


I saw how Soojung’s jaw clenched, she took a deep breath before answering this Chief of ours “With all due respect sir, it will be an honor to help the main Station but I hope you understand… we are all focusing in cleaning that big file cabinet full of Cold Cases that is already being forgotten. We cannot break our own plan just to handle cases that is out of our jurisdiction. I’m sorry, but I’m rejecting all of it Sir. You can have it all delivered back to them. They can handle it, they have a lot of Detectives to solve all of that.”


“So you are rejecting work?!”


“I’m rejecting what we are NOT suppose to handle, Sir.”


“Its still the same! Why?! Don’t tell me you and your team can’t solve all of these?… I always thought you are the great Detective Jung Soojung… The detective who doesn’t say No to any cases thrown at her.”


Soojung’s gaze landed on me and to all our team mates who are just listening to their exchange of words. They know Soojung can handle it, what I can’t handle is Soojung transforming into a fire breathing Dragon if Chief doesn’t stop on his stupidity.


“Sir, if you will just say out loud that you want me out of this Station and transferred to some Station far away here then I will accept it. Or why not ask the Director to just transfer me to Seoul Metropolitan? I’m sure my sunbaes there will be thrilled to have me in their team. What do you think, Sir?” Oookay…. this is getting out of hand.


Chief Park’s eyes narrowed at Soojung, but Soojung… tsk tsk tsk.. she was staring directly at Chief Park challenging him.


“Very well… I will tell the Director that you are declining to help their Cold Case Team. Choi and Do, please collect all of that folders and deliver that to the Seoul Metro, tell them Detective Jung is not interested.” he gave her a stare down before turning around to leave with his assistant trailing behind him.


Soojung and I shared a look and sighed deeply. “I… I have to call Seoul Metro and clear it up with them before Chief make up something.”


We started our day being annoyed by that . When is he going to let us live!?


Our day passed by with the usual bickerings and laughter while doing our job. I managed to calm Soojung and not jump on Chief to turn his face into pulp. By coffee break instead of having coffee, all of us went to the Gym upstairs and pour our annoyance to the Chief by training in Krav Maga and Jiu Jitsu. Kyungsoo is very good in Jiu Jitsu even though he is small. He easily toppled Minho who is bigger than him and had him tapping out in 5 seconds by Arm bar.





We were already home and just finished dinner, Soojung and Yerimie was watching TV in our living room with lollipop each on their mouth when I approached Soojung and tap her shoulders to get her attention.


“Babe, I’ll be in the balcony.” I made a motion with my fingers indicating I’m going to smoke.


“Are you okay? Did Yuri unnie already called you regarding Sooyeon unnie’s feet? She hasn’t call me I’m beginning to worry now.”


“Yuri told me over the phone, your Unnie’s feet is okay. They just have to stay at the hospital for a night to make sure it doesn’t develop any infection. I told you we should have went there and visit her.” she shrug her shoulders as an answer and on her Strawberry lollipop again giving me an eye smile.


I ruffled her short hair and reached for a kiss on her nape making her giggle, swatting my head away with her hands. Yerimie saw me and started hitting me with a pillow sticking out her tongue on me with a smile. Silly kid… Always blocking our moments!




Sitting on the floor of the balcony, I took a hit of my Bubble Gum flavored Vape doing some thick smoke shaped like a circle. I just love the smell of Bubble Gum hehehe… and I only know limited tricks because I’m still a Novice in Vaping. I only Vape because its better than smoking tobacco.


I hope Sooyeon unnie is okay, Taeyeon unnie said Yuri unnie was in such a panic earlier when she went out of their office carrying my future sister-in-law. Apparently, Sooyeon accidentally stepped on a very sharp broken shard of glass on the floor. Her feet was bleeding because of the small shards also embedded in her skin that she took off causing it to bleed. She’s okay now though, Yuri unnie told me the Doctors already injected Anti-Biotics to her and pain killer. She also asked the Doctor to inject medicine to make her calm because Yuri doesn’t want her to transform again into a Super Saiyan.


Soojung sat behind me and wrapped her arms around my body, her legs also circling on my waist like a Koala Bear. She rested her chin on my right shoulder then chuckled amusely. “When are you going to listen to me and stop doing that?”


“Soojung… its just Vaping. I’m not really smoking… look, its Bubble Gum..” I blew a thick ring smoke upward so she can smell it “Like it?”


“No. You know I don’t like you smoking…”


“I am NOT smoking.”


“Then what is that thing going out of your mouth?! Isn’t that smoke… tssss…” she pinched my sides making me laugh and wiggle in her hold like a worm. Why does she always pinch me so thinly!?     


She gave me a noisy kiss on my cheeks then rubbing the tip of her nose after, making me smile. “I’m lucky to have this girl beside me…” she chuckled at what I said then buried her face on the side of my neck smiling. “Am I your Lucky Charm?”


“Do you really have to ask me that question? Should I say another woman’s name? Awww!” Awww~~ she bit my neck!


“Remember this Inspector Liu… if I see you flirting with another woman you will really get it from me! Say goodbye to those magnificent fingers of yours because I’ll chop that off one by one singing Happy Birthday.”


“How about you?! If I see you being all smiley and cute with your Sunbaes you’ll get it from me too… huh!?…” Damn that Seoul Metro Police officers who visited us today. They were all her Sunbaes! She literally went on cute mode when she was talking to them!


“Are you jealous?”






“NO. I am NOT jealou. I am ING jealous! Don’t be too cute again at them, understand?!”


“Wow… I like it when YOU are jealous.” she gave me a wink biting her lips. Oooohhhh woman, don’t give me that lip biting thing. You know it makes me weak!


We stared at each other and smiled lovingly, her eyes conveying all the love she has for me. Why does my knees turn weak with just one smile from you? “I love it when YOU are jealous.” I whispered.


Resting my lips on her forehead, I gave her a kiss that lingered for a while before staring back at her eyes again. I always gets lost in her eyes… it carries all the joys and love,care, pain and sorrow she experienced in her life. All I want to see in her eyes is the happiness I give her and the love she has for me.


“Just don’t break my heart Amber Liu, or else I’ll die.”


“You won’t die of heartbreak, you’ll die of reckless driving! But don’t worry, I’ll always be here to drive for you Jung Soojung.”


“Sometimes, I’m having this stupid thought in my head that I will die because of too much love for you.” wow… where did that came from… (0.0)


“So you mean to say your love for me is greater than my love for you?! I don’t think so!” she poked my nose repeatedly while giggling, her giggles filling the quiet night surrounding us. “Prove it Liu!”


I took both of her hands that is resting on top of my stomach and intertwined our fingers together holding it tight. “I won’t let go of these hands even in my last breath… if you die, I die. I won’t leave you alone Soojung, I promise you that and in the grave of your deceased family members and mine too.” her eyes became glassy then gave me her beautiful smile that I love, that crinkle on her nose that makes her adorable in my eyes.


“Why are you such a fluff ball? Its not even Valentine’s Day…”


“You know everyday is Valentine’s Day to me when I’m with you..” ooohhh smooth Liu… work it a little more…


She pouted at me, looking all flustered and smiling because of that cheesiness I just fired. Then she suddenly started pinching my nose hissing. “You’re at it again! I know where this conversation will lead!”


“Awww~ my nose…!”


“Quiet! Yerimie is already sleeping… don’t wake her up!”


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snackplate #1
Chapter 52: Enjoying every details on the story.. a baby is already handful, what more with triplets…. Uhuhuhuuuu…
Appledots5 #2
Chapter 42: lmao
fxllamafan #3
Chapter 3: well soojung play a role as a cops, remain me of this story so I am back!
1139 streak #4
Chapter 52: Just finished reading this and still wondering why the hell I didn't notice this story before..... Love it. Perfect amount of everything in each chapter. 💜💜
mochick #6
Chapter 52: I wish you make an epilogue for this one Author-nim ... their life story are wonderful :)
Bluenight_0217 #7
Chapter 52: Great story. Thanks for writing stories like this.
Chapter 52: Awesome story!!! authornim tho long chaps need to read but still worth it?,cause I enjoy reading it and I love it.
Adesta123 #9
Chapter 52: Good story. Thanks Author ❤️
2072 streak #10
Chapter 6: I'm gonna buy latex gloves