Twenty first

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A/N: Hey chingus! How's your day so far all of you? Great? Slow? Bad? Hold on and everything is going to be alright. 😊

Enough drama, let's have some feel good time. 😉

Thank you to all our subscribers and upvoters! If you haven't, just push that button at the end of the story if you feel like doing it. 😁

Love you chingus!

Peace yow!






When I woke up this morning I told myself, ‘Jung Soojung… hold on. Just hold on. Everything will be fine.’ I have to do that because if I don’t, I will fall in a pit of sadness and regret.


Its not what I needed right now and like what Amber said last night, I will never be alone because I have her and we have each other. The way she protected me yesterday and took care of me made me love her even more.


I have Vic unnie whom I can always trust that I love so much like a true sister, I have Jinri and Luna who like Vic unnie I hold dear in my heart. Always ready to help me on my problems and they are like sisters to me too. The friendship we have will definitely last for a lifetime until our hair turns gray and our teeths fall off from our gums. They will be my sisters for life.


Even though my talk with Sooyeon unnie ended badly yesterday, I had a realization that sometimes even if how many times a family member does something wrong to you… there will still be this ounce of love you have for them. Even if they caused you pain emotionally and physically… you can never deny the fact that the anger is just momentarily because after crying it out the whole night and day, your love and care for that person will still be there. It won’t go away. Why?


She’s my sister. We share the same blood that is flowing in our veins, we grew up together talking about our future and how it will be when it happens. We held hands together through the darkest chapter of our lives and held on much tighter when one of us is going through a hard test in life.


Some people may say I think like a fool for saying that, I don’t care. Its my own belief. Dad taught me to be a person that my sister can rely on, be the tougher one in times needed but at the same time be a person who knows how to say its enough.


I guess I failed on the last part.


Because I forgot to say its enough.


Maybe I’m just too damn kind or maybe I’m just really a fool to heed on every request of unnie before… I could say No and tell her you can’t go away because no one will take care of your daughter. But I didn’t and still supported her even though at the back of my mind I was screaming not to let her because I was afraid. I was afraid that I will not do it right, that I won’t be able to take care of Dani properly because of my profession.


It was a challenge I accepted and after passing through every obstacles laid in front of me with the help of my friends, I won that challenge and was able to raise Dani to be a very bright and smart kid with good values. Our life together has been a breeze because I learned how to manage my time efficiently and of course with the help of everybody.


She’s right… she is Dani’s Mother. She has every ounce of right to do everything on the kid because Dani came from her. She carried her for nine months, she laboured for hours just to deliver Dani to this world. I know she loves the kid very much that she will lay her life for our precious Dani.


Maybe I acted impulsively too… learning she hit Dani; because I am comparing my ways on her ways. But I can’t help it… I just don’t really believe in corporal punishment and maybe because I have a trauma about it that started when I was still a kid. Mom was like that to us, she punishes us if we did something wrong and I hated it. I promised myself never to do it to my future kids… so when Dani came along I practiced the thought of disciplining a child by talking and explaining her faults and why she should not do it again. If she really is being hard headed and doesn’t want to listen, I will make her stand in the corner to face the wall and think about the mistake she did. If she’s already done realizing her faults, she will go to me and sit on my lap asking for forgiveness. Because I don’t want her to feel the physical pain and remember it for the rest of her life.


“Soojung-ah…” I turned my head to Vic unnie’s voice calling me. I was having tea with her at the farthest corner of her restaurant after finishing our lunch. Lunch time already ended and the restaurant is closed that’s why her staff are cleaning the dining area after taking their lunch and before their long break.


“Yes, unnie? Do you want me to refill our tea pot?” she was sitting across me taking a sip of her tea.


“No, goodness… you’re a guest! Stay there and relax…” Vic unnie~~ I feel embarrassed..


“At least let me pay for my lodging up there at the 3rd floor…” I reasoned to her while smiling. My heart feels light now, I already cried everything last night and Amber told me its better than keeping it all inside me. Although my eyes are fluffy hehehe…


Good thing my ever dependable and thoughtful Amber brought my eyeglasses from home last night when she packed some clothes for us. The fluffiness of my eyes from too much crying can’t be masked with contact lenses. Yeah… I wear contact lenses at work especially in operations. But if its just a normal day I wear my eyeglasses. Amber said she like it when I wear my glasses because I look smart and y.




I already know that no need to say it again. Hahaha!


She always has those lines under her sleeves that sometimes… well all the time, she uses to get my attention so she can seduce me. And here I am loving every moment of it hahaha… whipped.


“Silly… I’m not even asking for payment. You know I like having you and the girls up there. Like I told you and Amber last night you can stay as long as you want Soojung.”


“So its okay if I help here, right?”


“Yah! I just said you don’t have to… tsss… really hard headed.” Vic unnie said snorting at me. Both of us laughed and continued on drinking our tea enjoying the afternoon.


Spending half a day here in the restaurant made me thought things that made me laughed inside earlier. It was actually fun being this relaxed… no stress coming from a Chief who does nothing but question your work, my mind only thinking about what Table # 3 asked for and if Table # 5 ordered Sharks fin dumplings or Hakaw?


What if I leave the force and just live a quiet life, work here in Vic unnie’s restaurant and be a normal citizen. What if I just let Amber stay working at the Station and I will just be a plain house wife waiting for her at the end of the day, taking care of the house and Yeri, doing my own thing that makes me happy? Can I?


Will Dad flip out in the after life saying ‘You spent 4 years studying in the Police University! Trained and fulfilled your mandatory training for 2 years and became a full pledge Detective being respected by your colleagues and other individuals in the field! Then you will just give up all of those for that kind of life Inspector Jung Soojung?!’…


Or maybe I’m just thinking too much…


The community still needs me… I still have a lot of people to help and cases to solve. I shouldn’t give up that easily! Like what I said, if the Chief wants me out, ask Amber to knock me up and I will gladly file for an early retirement in the force. I wonder what Chief said to Jinri when my friend informed him I’ll be on-leave… maybe he had that weird face again asking, “Why? Is she gravely ill?” tssss…. I don’t even know why he is like that to me. Maybe Dad bullied him when he was still alive that’s why Chief is treating me unfairly.


The bell of the restaurant door chimed, Vic unnie and I turning our heads to the person who came in. My stomach suddenly went into backflips and sommersaults seeing Amber walking to our direction with a very beautiful smile on her face once her gaze landed on me.


Tell me… tell me… who can beat that pretty face? That jaw… Oh MY God that perfectly chiseled jaw that ended Minho and his blabbering of being the most handsome police officer in our Station. Its 3:00 in the afternoon and here I am thinking of ways on how to lure Amber upstairs and lock ourselves inside the room?


Why is it like she’s walking in slow motion? Hahaha… I feel hot… I think the A/C is broken hahaha… damn it.


Why is her lips red? Did she put on some lipstick there or lip tint? Or did she kissed someone before coming here!?? This llama will get it from me if that happens! But the more closer she gets the more I realize that Amber’s lips is really like that. Soft and juicy…. I mean rosy… gosh what’s happening to me?!


Because its been 4 days since you and Amber had… you know… *wink wink*


Oh… yeah. Of course I won’t forget that. Yesterday morning was a fail hahaha!


I do miss her inside me… even though we kiss and fool around its still different....


I mean I miss her! Damn it! 




Choking on my own saliva, I cleared my throat after coughing a little earning a quiet giggle and teasing from Vic Unnie. Damn this creature for making me like this! I was the most innocent girl before I met her but here she is making me think of things we have done in the sheets.


But I do miss her and her gentle touches, and okay... That occasional roughness too when she loses herself in the moment of ecstasy. I actually like that side of hers... Yeah... ier. REALLY Y when she does that growl that will make me burst out into a laugh after we finish.


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snackplate #1
Chapter 52: Enjoying every details on the story.. a baby is already handful, what more with triplets…. Uhuhuhuuuu…
Appledots5 #2
Chapter 42: lmao
fxllamafan #3
Chapter 3: well soojung play a role as a cops, remain me of this story so I am back!
1151 streak #4
Chapter 52: Just finished reading this and still wondering why the hell I didn't notice this story before..... Love it. Perfect amount of everything in each chapter. 💜💜
mochick #6
Chapter 52: I wish you make an epilogue for this one Author-nim ... their life story are wonderful :)
Bluenight_0217 #7
Chapter 52: Great story. Thanks for writing stories like this.
Chapter 52: Awesome story!!! authornim tho long chaps need to read but still worth it?,cause I enjoy reading it and I love it.
Adesta123 #9
Chapter 52: Good story. Thanks Author ❤️
2078 streak #10
Chapter 6: I'm gonna buy latex gloves