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A/N: Hey Chingus! Kinda long update for tonight. 

New characters coming in~!

Meet JungSoojung and her life... 😊

Peace yow!







“Amber, when are you going to start in your new work?” Yeri asked me with full of Ramyeon I cooked for dinner. When we got back from the grocery store I immediately went to work and cook the noodles for the little miss because her stomach was already grumbling the moment we stepped inside the house.


I wiped with a paper towel and playfully flick her forehead “Yah! No talking when your mouth is full!”


She pouted at me cutely then chewed her food in a faster manner before swallowing it, then stuck her tongue out showing its empty before asking again. Hahaha… “Sorry Amber… I just want to ask when you will start at the Police Station?”


I stared at her curious face and remembered my brother… their eyes are similar. Its like I’m looking back at my brother, the same tender gaze I knew all my life. Tsk… I cleared my throat and reached for her head patting it “The day after tomorrow Yerimie, I still have to register you at the Kindergarten School tomorrow.”


“Do I really have to attend Kindergarten Amber? I already know how to write and read and count…” of course… she already knows. She attended a Kindergarten school at our District since she was 3 years old, little miss Yeri already knows how to read basic words but doesn’t know the meaning of some. When she doesn’t know the meaning of the words, she will ask me for the explanation.


“Yerimie… I thought you want playmates? You will meet new playmates at the Kindergarten school, then the teacher will teach you how to draw and count, sing some songs and dance too. Don’t you want that?”


She sighed then nodded at her food, fiddling the spoon on the soup. I smiled at her expression, she looks like done and can’t do anything about it! “Okayyyyy…”


Hmmm… she acts like being force hahaha… I just want her to be around kids her age and to have a place for me to leave her while I work on the station. My only problem is after her school hours. Where can I leave her? I don’t want to hire a nanny since that will be expensive… my friends back in Busan jokingly told me why not get a girlfriend or boyfriend so someone will look after Yeri. I declined. It will be like I’m just using them so someone can take care of my niece at the same time I’m not ready for any commitment. I am committed to one person only: my niece Yeri.  


I suddenly remembered the little girl earlier at the grocery store. What’s her name again? Ah… Dani. “Hey… don’t be like that. Maybe Dani will be your classmate at the Kindergarten. Did you ask her?” her eyes suddenly turned wide like she just realized something then turned to me with a big smile on her face, the gap cause by the missing front teeth making me burst out in a small laugh. Cute~


“Ohmygosh. I completely forgot about that Amber!” tsk tsk tsk… I need to limit her watching that Ariana Grande music videos she has saved on her USB. “Thanks!” She took her kiddie chop sticks again and started eating her noodles while I shake my head with a smile. Minutes after, she placed down her utensils on the table and took her cup then started slurping the soup of the noodles in a quite noisy manner. This kid… hahaha… when we are at home, she eats like this. But when we are outside she acts like a prim and proper little lady on the dining table.


“Done! Do you want me to wash the bowl Amber?!” she asked after placing down her plastic bowl with a thud then wiping on her arms. Yeah… definitely still a baby.


“Nope, just leave it to me Yerimie I’ll take care of it. Why don’t you watch TV first?”


“Can I watch Drama?”


“Hmmm… okay but not too much. Go, I’ll finish this.” I smiled at her and ruffled her hair giving me a grin.


“Thanks Amber! I love you!” she stood up from her seat and gave me a noisy peck on my cheeks before running to our small living room to watch her favourite drama.


Sigh… I hope I can find someone who will take care of her while I’m away and doing my work. It was easy when we were in Busan, I can leave her on Mrs. Park’s care and pick her up after my duty. Where can I find a person whom I can entrust her safety?


Maybe I should ask my neighbor… Dani’s Aunt… Eric said she’s also a Detective. Aha… Maybe I should knock on her door and introduce myself, since we will be working together in one station it will be pleasant enough if we already know each other.


I finished my noodles quickly and gathered the bowls for washing with the thought running inside my head. Practicing what I will say to the neighbor whom Eric calls as a Goddess. I was already standing in front of the kitchen sink washing my hands when I realized… it will sound weird if I will suddenly knock on their door and introduce myself.


What if she freaks out and think I’m so ahead?! That I can’t wait for the day I will be introduce to all of them?!


Well… we are neighbors. Maybe I can just introduce myself as their new neighbor and anyways, I bought meat for them hehehe…. Dani surely told her Aunt about it.


That is… if Eric told her. Sigh.


I’ll just talk to her tomorrow.. anyways, its already late and time for the little miss to wash up…


“Yerimie….” I turned around to call Yeri but she was missing on the couch “…oh, where is she?” Where is that kid? “Yeri!….” I opened the door of our room and saw her at the small veranda of our bedroom happily waving at the other side like she was talking to someone. I took her bear plushies that is scattered on the floor while watching her wave her hands ecstatically with a cute smile on her face. I slowly approached her, curious of who she is talking to.


“Goodnight Pretty Soojung unnie!” Pretty? “Goodnight Dani-ah! See you tomorrow!”


“Goodnight Yerimie! You’ll love it on our school! We have a room full of plastic balls where you can dive and swim!” it was Dani saying it. Ah… Yerimie probably asked her about the school.


“Goodnight cutie Yerimie! I’m glad to meet you… bye~!” Oooohhh…. that voice… I recognize that voice…








Why am I feeling this way? Did I had too much coffee earlier? Yeah… maybe…


But that voice…


“Bye Pretty Soojung unnie!”


I immediately went out to the veranda where the little miss is, hoping to see who owns that sweet voice I just heard. “Yerimie!”


“YAH! AMBER! You scared me! Don’t scare me like that! I’ll die of heart attack!” Awww….


“Silly… you’re still young to die of heart attack.”


“You’ll never know!”


“Stop that!”


My eyes darted at the small veranda a meter away beside us but all that I saw is the sliding door being closed and a pair of hands before the curtain fell down to cover it. Sad… I didn’t see her…


“Why didn’t you call me when Dani’s Aunt was talking to you!?” I sat on the floor of our veranda while giving my niece a pout to . Tsk tsk tsk… I could have met the Goddess that Eric is referring to. I wanna see if he is not lying…


“Sorry Amber, I forgot about you when I saw her. I was just getting some air when I saw Dani and her Aunt outside too and I instantly forgot about your existence when I saw Pretty Soojung unnie. Ohmygosh she is so pretty!~~” she gushed at me clutching her chest like dreaming, even looking up in the sky. Drama queen. She turned to me and raised her eyebrows that made me raise mine too. “And you were so busy sighing in front of the kitchen sink when I was getting your attention, I thought you are having your episode of deep thinking again.” I chuckled at what she said scratching my head. "By the way, Pretty Soojung unnie said Thanks for the meat."


“She’s pretty?” I asked her with wonder. A pretty neighbor is good… especially when you will see her first thing in the morning. Hehehe….


“I just said it earlier, why do you have to ask me that question.” she rolled her eyes at me dramatically then plopped on my lap sitting like a boss. “But for you Amber, I’ll repeat it again because I love you.”


“Wow… that’s so kind of my Yerimie.”


“Thank you! Where should I start… ah! Pretty Soojung unnie is so pretty and very kind and pretty… did I already say she’s pretty?”


“Yeah, like 4 times..”


“Well she is! She answered my questions about the school where Dani goes and she said she is friends with the Teacher. She said, “Yerimie~~, tell your Aunt to take you tomorrow at Luna’s Child Care Center. Its beside Ailee’s Breadshop just a block away from our Apartment building. I’ll call my friend who owns the place and tell her to expect you tomorrow. You’ll love it there!~~” that’s what Pretty Soojung unnie said so we better go there tomorrow Amber!” I laughed out loud hearing her made-up adult sweet voice trying to copy the Pretty unnie she met. She’s really funny… she can even copy Yoda but of course you’ll be rolling on the floor laughing before she can even finish what she’s saying.  


“Just how pretty she is? Like to the scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the lowest and 10 highest?”


“Duh!!” she suddenly stood up from my lap facing me with an excited face and eyes wide like a gold fish “She’s perfect 11!” Oooohhhhhh~~~ now I’m more excited to meet that pretty neighbor!


“How about me?! What scale is my prettiness?” I jokingly asked her flipping my imaginary long hair and made a beautiful eyes cupping my face while pouting at her. I saw how her face changed into plain boredness, eyeing me with blankness.


She took a deep breath and crossed her thin arms in front of her body then spoke in a very serious kid voice. “Amber, you know I love you. And I don’t want you to be hurt.” WHAT!?


The little miss sighed loudly, patted my shoulders then left me there still sitting on the floor looking dejected. Did my niece just… WHAT THE HELL!


















“Bye Pretty Soojung unnie!” how cute!~ I waved back with a smile to the cute new neighbor of ours before entering our room with Dani leading the way. I was already closing the sliding door when I heard a voice calling little Yeri’s name.










“Weird… I think I already heard that voice… earlier…” I mumbled to myself and locked the door. But my mind said I should take a peek to see who it is. I’m just curious on how little Yeri’s Aunt look like… I found out from Leeteuk oppa that she is the Detective that’s going to be starting on the station the day after tomorrow.


And she bought us MEAT. LOTS OF IT. I’m really proud of my niece for being so cute that she can always get free things, I think its the Jung charm she inherited from me. And at the same time ashamed that I didn’t even got a chance to thank the new neighbor for buying it for her.


Why not introduce myself and say Hi?


Yeah… that will be great Soojung…


I was going to open the door again when Dani suddenly called me from the bathroom in a loud voice making me feel nervous that I ran in haste almost stumbling on the floor because of worry.




“WHAT!? DANI!? WHAT HAPPENED!?” I asked her still panting. She pouted at me and pointed at herself.


I burst out laughing when I saw her on the toilet bowl, her pajama pooling on her ankle while her bare cute slowly sliding down inside the bowl. This kid… “Raise your self up honey..” I sat on the stool beside her raising my arms so she can hold it while she does her dirty business. Eww..


“I’m sorry Soojungie~~ I ate Ice Cream…”


“Its okay honey, but next time just eat one… okay?”


She nodded at me with a cute pout, she took a deep breath then its over. I heard it dropping on the water hahaha…. “Finished honey?”


“Yes Soojungie~~ don’t smell it!” she covered my nose with her hands making me laugh. That will be too late I already smelled it hahaha!!


“Push the button now for the flush then the button for the bidet so your cute will be clean.”


“But… its just water. Where’s the soap?”


“Here…” I took the bottle of liquid soap at the counter ready to pump some on her hands when she shook her head while looking at me helplessly.


“Soojungie~~… I can’t.” She can’t?


“Why? You should do the washing now, you’re already 6.”


“I’m still 5 and will turn 6 on December…”


“That’s why I told you just push the button for the bidet so your will be clean honey.” gosh… Am I going to win this?


“But… but just using the bidet it will only wet my bum and take away you know… but it won’t sanitize it. Plus you always wash it for me…”


“Then give me your hand and I’ll put soap on it then wash it yourself…” I smiled at her controlling myself not to laugh at how she looks now. She looks so bothered with the fact that she’s going to wash her own for the first time with her bare hands. I want her to learn this thing now that she’s turning 6, make her independent.


She sighed then pushed the button for the flushing then pouted shamelessly like a cute puppy at me, like begging.. her finger just dancing on the button of our automatic toilet bowl like trying to tell me she really can’t but did push it. Ahhh! Why of all traits you can get, you got your mother’s laziness!




“Can I just promise you that I will try… but please give me time Soojungie. Imagine, its my hands. And I’m still 5… when I become 6 on December I promise you, I will start doing it all by myself!” awww…. she even raised her right hand in a scout’s promise. How can she even know that?!


She’s so cute! You’re lucky you got Aunt Soojungie’s beauty and brains… not your Mommy! Hehehe…


“Fine, until you turn 6. But promise me you will try…” I smiled at her and gave her a peck on her rosy cheeks that made her smile cutely before I start washing her cute . “How about at school? Who washes you?”


“Teacher Luna… I told her I’m allergic to toilet water…” What!? ALLERGIC? TOILET WATER!?


“Bwoah! Yah! Luna believed you?! Dani… that’s lying you know that..”


“Soojungie, its called a White Lie. I did it for a good purpose, I don’t want to touch my after pooping because I don’t want my hands to be contaminated with germs. And I do get itchy when I touch toilet water...”


“I can’t believe it… you tricked your teacher. The worst is Luna fell for your trick.” I took some paper towels then wiped her dry before pulling up her pajamas again. “There you go, nice and comfy.” I patted her bum smiling back at her. She wrapped her arms around my legs meaning she wants to be carried to sleep, a habit of hers that until now I do for her.


“Soojungie… sleep…”


“Climb on my back honey…” I lowered myself to her level and she did what I said wrapping her arms on my neck from behind. I stood up carefully holding her by putting my hands under her bum for support and started walking around our room humming a tune for her to sleep. This only happens when Dani has her episodes of being clingy and sweet at night.


“Soojungie… Yerimie’s aunt is pretty and nice and handsome...”


“You already told me that since dinner…”


“And handsome too. I called her samchon earlier at Eric’s store… because she is handsome than Eric.” I chuckled hearing it. “Honey, that’s rude. She’s a girl so you shouldn’t call her samchon…”


“I know she’s a girl, Amber is a girl’s name…” yeah… I know that too hahaha… Amber is actually a nice name. “She told me to call her Amber instead and treated me Ice Cream! Soojungie…. you will like her... she's handsome." I can't count how many times she has stated how handsome and pretty Yeri's Aunt is. Strange.


“Yeah… fine.. Yerimie seems like a nice girl too. You have a new playmate and your wish finally came true, you’re not the only kid in this building anymore.”


“I know Soojungie! Finally! She and I will be bestfriends!”


“I bet you will… close your eyes now and sleep honey….”


She reached for a peck on my cheeks then rested her face on my back finding a comfortable position as I rock her gently to sleep while walking around slowly in circles. “I love you Soojungie… and I love Mommy Sooyeon too.”


I smiled to myself hearing her innocent voice full of care. She never fails to say that to me, always the sweet kid. “I love you too Dani… and your Mommy loves you too.”


After a few minutes of walking around, I heard her soft snore indicating she’s already in deep sleep. I sat on our bed and carefully took her hands, slowly unwrapping it on my neck before putting her down. Gosh… my back… getting heavy everyday~!


I draped the blanket over her body and sat beside her sleeping form studying her face. Dani… I’m sorry if Aunt Soojungie isn’t here for you everyday. You know how hard and dangerous Soojungie’s work is… I’m doing this for you too, we have to earn money for your schooling.


Sigh… she really looks like me…


Soojung… you did good. Taking care of this precious angel even if sometimes she’s savage. Watching her eyes flutter and her chest rise up and down, I can’t help but sigh and remember my MIA sister who should be taking care of her instead of me. Not that I’m complaining, I love taking care of Dani. She’s my baby… its just that, having your own Mother beside you will be great especially on a small growing kid like her. But what can I do? Unnie has to earn money for her daughter and her Father is nowhere to be found forfeiting his rights.


“Don’t worry Dani, Aunt Soojungie will do everything to convince Mommy to come home for good.” I placed a kiss on her forehead and took a last look on her with a smile before standing up and made my way to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and took a can of Beer before making my way back inside our room and out to our small veranda overlooking the busy streets of Myeongdong.


I opened the can of beer when it suddenly sprayed in my sleeping shirt, wetting it. Sigh… “Dani….! you little punk!” she played with my beer again!


Nothing else I can do, might as well drink it now...I’ll just change my shirt later. I wiped my hands on my shirt and started drinking the cold beer while looking at the view laid out in front of me. Not the view I always wanted all my life but its okay too… this is the neighborhood where I grew up.







My name is Detective Jung Soojung, single, not looking for someone, not interested on someone. Why did I became a Detective?


Let’s start with… my Father was a Police Liutenant in the Seoul Metropolitan Police Department, a decorated one and respected. He was my idol. My Mom was a simple housewife and I have 2 siblings. My older brother, Yonghwa and my older sister who came after him, Sooyeon. I’m the youngest in our family and Dad dotes on me. Our family belongs to the middle income bracket and we live comfortably, we eat 4 times a day, has clothes we can wear, does family trips often. Dad was a good provider, that I can say.


He has always dreamed that Yonghwa oppa will follow in his footsteps of becoming a Police Officer but oppa has other plans. Oppa wanted to study Music… he wants to be a singer and

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snackplate #1
Chapter 52: Enjoying every details on the story.. a baby is already handful, what more with triplets…. Uhuhuhuuuu…
Appledots5 #2
Chapter 42: lmao
fxllamafan #3
Chapter 3: well soojung play a role as a cops, remain me of this story so I am back!
1151 streak #4
Chapter 52: Just finished reading this and still wondering why the hell I didn't notice this story before..... Love it. Perfect amount of everything in each chapter. 💜💜
mochick #6
Chapter 52: I wish you make an epilogue for this one Author-nim ... their life story are wonderful :)
Bluenight_0217 #7
Chapter 52: Great story. Thanks for writing stories like this.
Chapter 52: Awesome story!!! authornim tho long chaps need to read but still worth it?,cause I enjoy reading it and I love it.
Adesta123 #9
Chapter 52: Good story. Thanks Author ❤️
2078 streak #10
Chapter 6: I'm gonna buy latex gloves