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A/N: Hey Chingus! I'm back!!

Here's our update for today, I hope you all like it, 

How are you chingus? I hope you all have a great day! 

Don't forget to smile and think positive, because great things will come your way.

Peace yow!~









“Detective Liu… nice concealer…” Minseok and Kyungsoo started laughing like maniacs while pointing at Amber’s face. She looks so annoyed while glaring at the two egg heads that he threw his sticky notes pad at the direction of their table. Hehehe… did I overdo the concealer?


After her stint last night at the hospital because of my *ehem* roundhouse kick *ehem* that accidentally landed on her left cheek, she was discharged this morning and was given pain medication plus an advice from the Doctor to immediately go to the hospital if she feels dizziness and pain again in her head.


My hit left a visible bruised in her cheeks that was purplish this morning that's why I forced her to sit and stay still in the car while I apply some concealer in the bruise so it won't be that visible. But I guess... It's still noticeable hehehe...


I bit my lips controlling myself not to laugh and covered my face with a case folder. If Amber sees me laughing at her she’s gonna be mad at me later hehehe… or maybe I’ll get a cold shoulder or maybe not even a kiss. I can stand her cold shoulder because it won’t last long, a minute or two she’ll be pouting at me and squishing my body for a hug sniffing my neck like a puppy.


What I can’t stand is not having a kiss, because good Lord…. Amber is an excellent kisser with a capital K. Not that I have anyone to compare her to because she’s the only person I have ever kissed in my whole existence but believe me, Amber is an excellent kisser. Hahaha!….


Did I said ‘excellent kisser’ twice?


Hahaha…. Her kisses are my weakness… plus her warm stares and bright smile… even in a bad day, just to see her stare and smile so warm from across me makes it bearable.


“Pssst….” I looked around and saw Jinri smiling at me in a teasing way, pointing at Amber who’s back is facing her then pointed at her face doing an action like putting a make-up then pointed at me last.


Geezz… why can’t she just ask me directly!? Its a dead end! Minho knows it too after we brought Amber to the hospital. He saw I was on panic mode yesterday and kept on checking Amber in the Emergency Room, accompanied her for the CT Scan, and even until she was brought to the room I was crying my eyes out because I was really scared that I somehow maybe did some damage on Amber’s pretty head. Luckily, nothing bad happened and she’s cleared… she woke up at night while I was already sleeping beside her on that cramped hospital bed.  


I made a funny face at Jinri and saw Peniel teasing me too, even Minho! What’s with the heart fingers you egg heads!? Rolling my eyes at them, I focused my eyes on the print out of Park Yongsun’s status update before she disappeared. A photo on a rooftop at night, the view of brightly lit King Sejong's statue at Gwanghwamun Plaza in Jongno-gu can be seen in the background… I can’t estimate how far it is but I think the location is near.


The old lady came again to the Station this morning. She told me her masters are also doing their own search on finding their Miss, but reporting it to us is just their front. There’s a news black out, her parents asking us to not give statements or any information to the reporters because they want the search for her as quiet as possible.


If you want to look for your child, why not use the news media and print? Plastering the face of your missing daughter in news segments and even just a small corner in a newspaper can help.


Sometimes I stare at the wall of the meeting room thinking of a possible reason why Park Yongsun decided to disappear. There’s a high chance of possibility that she doesn’t feel the love and she needs attention from her parents, but why will the old lady will say that strange words about the eldest son of her masters? Why doesn’t she want her masters to know where the girl is?


I got my answer when Grandma and I had a close door talk inside the meeting room. Chief park was out, making his rounds in the area. Holding Grandma’s hands, I asked her the truth.


She said Park Yongsun is a neglected child. Her parents doesn’t even care where their children are, if they still go to school or ask how are they. Because of being busy with their empire and flying in and out of the country, they don’t even notice the disturbing behavior their eldest and heir to the company has been doing to his sister.


When I met Park Sangmin and conducted the questioning, one look at him and I already know his nature. The way he sniffs… red , bloodshot, glassy and unfocused eyes. He's just 22 but he already looks older than his age. I have a guess.... he is a drug user. I suggested that he undergoes a Drug Test but his parents disagreed, saying the focus should be in their missing daughter and not on their son. Plus the fact that he is a big ert too eeew. I should have snapped his fingers grrrrr......


That… her brother being a ert is what drove Park Yongsun to disappear.  


Grandma told me the story that one night Park Yongsun came running to her quarters hiding. She was crying and looks so scared, when she asked the young girl what happened… she said she woke up when she felt someone touching her. When she opened her eyes, it was Sangmin her older brother. Yongsun told Grandma he asked her to let him continue touch her privates, of course she fought with him and ran going out of her room to hide and eventually found herself in the maids quarters. The young girl told her parents about what happened but they disregarded it saying her brother wouldn’t do that to her. It happened again twice, and on the third try… he almost succeeded.


He tried to his own sister.


I can’t believe it at first when Grandma said it. Amber was there same as Peniel and Minseok because I asked them to record the old lady’s statement. We were all in shock. Who in their right mind will do that disgusting deed to your own sister?! Your own blood! He was supposed to care for his sister, treat her nice and all a brother should rightfully do.


But no… he chose to be the monster. The terrifying monster under her bed…. that will haunt her forever.


She told her parents about what happened but they didn’t do anything. Didn’t even lift a finger and call the Police to lock up their son behind bars for attempting to their own daughter. Nothing happened, and asked all the house staff to keep mum about the incident.


It was planned. Her disappearance was planned, Grandma said she knows about it but to where Park Yongsun is hiding she doesn't know that's why she went to the Station that day to talk to me. She said she has to warn me immediately because if her young miss is eventually found, she'll be back to the life in Hell she wants to be freed.


I raised my feet on Amber's lap under the table and got her attention, smiled at her and mouthed 'Relax' to calm her down a bit. She took a deep breath and sighed, then nodded her head with her signature warm smile not forgetting to throw another sticky note pad to Minho's direction who is teasing her.


Looking back to the photo in my hold, my mind drifted in the conversation I had with Grandma this morning inside the meeting room.






"Grandma... Did Park Yongsun said anything to you about a place she frequents? Like a special place of hers..." I gave her the cup of tea Jinri brought inside the meeting room. The old lady too the cup and cradled it to feel the warmth.


"She... She likes being alone. There was a time when she was 15, she didn't came home one night and her parents didn't even know about it. When she came back, she excitedly told me about camping and watching the stars up above." Star gazing huh...


So she went camping? Why not inside their own compound? I heard their property has a big lawn...


"She loves star gazing... And that girl is also very smart and intelligent. Very well read... She can't wait to finish High School and enter the University, because she said it means being away from Hell and living in the dorms."


Looking at Park Yongsun's school records, Grandma is right. The girl is intelligent but lacks social skills... Her teachers said even though she's always quiet in class and doesn't socialize with her peers, she's a good student. All straight A's and perfect for exams... Her homeroom teacher Miss Kim told me she asked the girl if she has any problems, difficulties because even she has been concerned about Park Yongsun's well being. The girl only told her it's nothing, just family matters that even her teacher can't​ solve... Problems only rich people has, the girl said to her.


"I talked to her teacher recently and she said Park Yongsun wants to study History in Kyunghee University. She said the girl has high chances of passing the entrance exam and entering the program not because her parents are rich but because she is really intelligent and she knows what she wants. What is her parents' say about it? Is it okay for them to let her study that kind of course?" I was met with silence from the old lady and her looking at the photo of Park Yongsun plastered in our white board that Peniel posted with the other leads we were studying.


She turned her gaze at me and I saw sadness in there, pure sadness. "I have been taking care of her since she was a baby, she's like a daughter to me. She likes reading books and taking photos... She likes Korean History a lot and always asks me before when she was still a kid to tell her bedtime stories about Korean folklore. She doesn't like those fairytales, she likes adventure and wonder."


Adventure and wonder.... Star gazing at night....


"Grandma... This conversation we are having now is recorded. Everything you have said, including the part about Park Sangmin ually harassing her sister. If ever we find Yongsun and she confirms everything, her brother ually assaulting her... It's still up to her parents if they will file a case or not because she's still a minor. Our only hope is the NCPA..."


"Plus the fact that the Parks are one of those influential families in our country, we will have a hard time building a case against them… maybe that's the reason why her parents disregarded her complains about her brother." Peniel added while tapping his pen on top of his recorder.


"Detective Jung..." She took my hands on my lap and started crying. My heart can't take it when I see an elderly person cries, it's like remembering my own Mother grieving.


"Yes, Grandma?.."


"I know i am not in the position to ask you this... I am just a mere servant of their household. I've been serving the family ever since Master Park is a kid. But I love Yongsun so much... I don't want her to suffer. Please.... Find her but don't tell her parents right away. I beg you..."


"But Grandma... We have to do it because it's our protocol." It breaks my heart to see her beg. I can be suspended or worse, be charge of withhelding information if I don't report it right away.


"Promise me... Please... Promise me..." She broke down that I have to pull Grandma for a hug to console her. Peniel, Minseok, and I all exchanging a look of confusion and undecidedness.


End of Flashback





"Detective Jung..." Minseok dragged his chair and settled beside my table handling me a paper. I took it from his hold to see what it is. "Listed there are the credit card transactions of Park Yongsun before she disappeared. She bought a tent and a butane stove a week before..." I stared at the document and it's true, she did bought the two items in a sporting goods store.


Two days before, she bought groceries.


On the same day she disappeared, her last transaction is in Ailee's Breadshop.


At Ailee unnie's Breadshop?


"Looks like Park Yongsun loves bread, Detective. Even in her previous transactions, purchases in that breadshop appears."


So she frequents our neighborhood... I better check it now. I nudged Amber's crotch under the table with my feet causing her to jump on her seat. "Yah! Soojung!" Aiiishhh... Always the obvious!


"Give me the car key Liu, Peniel and I have to go…” I kept on nudging, even scratching her lap with my toes. She looks so red now hahahaha!!!


"Y-yah... Stop that..." I kept mum and straightened up in my seat, my feet retreating from her lap and fixed the documents on my table. I need to talk to Ailee Unnie and ask her questions.


She threw the car key to Peniel with a command that made me roll my eyes in amusement. She doesn't really trust my driving when I'm such a good driver! "Yo bro! Drive carefully..."


"Yes Detective Liu! Don't worry, I'll deliver Detective Jung safely back to you!~~" Aiiishhh! I kicked Peniel's while walking ahead of me that made him laugh in a boisterous manner. I glared murderously at the remaining egg heads and last, a glance at Amber giving her a smirk.


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snackplate #1
Chapter 52: Enjoying every details on the story.. a baby is already handful, what more with triplets…. Uhuhuhuuuu…
Appledots5 #2
Chapter 42: lmao
fxllamafan #3
Chapter 3: well soojung play a role as a cops, remain me of this story so I am back!
1151 streak #4
Chapter 52: Just finished reading this and still wondering why the hell I didn't notice this story before..... Love it. Perfect amount of everything in each chapter. 💜💜
mochick #6
Chapter 52: I wish you make an epilogue for this one Author-nim ... their life story are wonderful :)
Bluenight_0217 #7
Chapter 52: Great story. Thanks for writing stories like this.
Chapter 52: Awesome story!!! authornim tho long chaps need to read but still worth it?,cause I enjoy reading it and I love it.
Adesta123 #9
Chapter 52: Good story. Thanks Author ❤️
2079 streak #10
Chapter 6: I'm gonna buy latex gloves