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“Hyungie…carry meee”

Jimin has his arms held out to him and all Yoongi can think is right is on how the younger guy really looks like a giant cuddly teddy bear as he sat carelessly on the cold ground. With those puffy cheeks that was tinted in light shade of pink and his crescent like eyes almost disappearing on his face because of how wide he was smiling, really how can Yoongi say no to him? Still, their Seokjin Hyung and Namjoon were going to receive an earful from Yoongi tomorrow. Because how dare those two leave them alone after getting Jimin this drunk.

Yoongi can still see the bar they were at earlier because Jimin and him has not made it that far while those two idiots must be laughing at him right now back at their own apartment. Yoongi has only managed to drag Jimin up to where they were when the younger decided to wriggle away from his hold, opting to sit on the dirty sidewalk instead. And here he was now whining to be carried.

“Carry Diminie…”

Diminie? Jimin only calls himself that when he is really drunk. And it is just so cute, Yoongi wants to cry.

Yoongi knows he has that conflicted look on his face right now which their friends has of only ever sporting when he wants to say no but knows that he really wouldn’t say no to Jimin once again. Yoongi was known to always giving in to the whims of Jimin and that’s the reason why now he begrudgingly squats down right in front of the guy and just looks at his face.

Just look at his face, Yoongi’s own mind says. He was just so gorgeous and…no he is not gonna go all Taylor Swift right now. But what can he really say? Can he really say no to that squishy cheeks? He really doesn’t like doing anything that exert a lot of effort and uses a lot of his energy that was too low to begin with. But Yoongi groaned in resignation as he moves to turn his back on the younger.

“Hop on. I’ll carry you brat.” The last word doesn't  have any bite into it but he knows drunk or not Jimin will not let it pass.

“Don’t call me thaaat” Jimin’s whining came in an instant and it automatically made Yoongi’s smile, already imagining that cute pout on the guys face.

He heard him move but it was just when a hand landed on his shoulder that Yoongi heard him speak again.

”But Hyuuung I don’t want you to carry that. Carry me like...a princess.”

As Jimin starts to giggle, Yoongi snapped his head quickly to turn and look at the younger. He was now just right behind Yoongi and God was his smile really that blinding or…okay no…


“Carry meeeee like a princess hyungie. “ The guy even weakly his shoulder but it was so weak, the hand slides off Yoongi's ”Pleaseee”

When he juts out his lower lip like that…

Yoongi in his cheeks and looked away, back to the entrance of the bar where more drunk people are coming out. He knows looking at Jimin right now would automatically ensure a yes as an answer but was he really serious? He wants him to carry him like that on a ten minute walk to their dorm?

Maybe he should just call a taxi. Yoongi fishes out his wallet from pocket but when he opens it, the content clearly says no to him. Because just like what he said Namjoon and Seokjin has left them, and that is without a word when Yoongi made a mistake of going to the restroom. Yoongi only has gotten a text message from them saying they were on their way home and he has to take care of Jimin himself.

Hell yes he will take care of Jimin. He wouldn’t let this boy get in danger ever. But the problem is he has to pay for everything they drink including that expensive wine Seokjin has ordered. Yoongi never takes a lot of money with him because those two always pay for everything. So yeah maybe he depends on them a bit too much and maybe this is their revenge but…

“Hyung…it’s cooold…hurry…”

Yoongi rubs his face with his hand in frustration before settling his gaze again at the younger. He has a beanie on but it is just now that he realized Jimin was not wearing any jacket. Now how can Yoongi not notice that earlier? It was freezing how can Yoongi not check if the younger has his jacket on before leaving the bar?

Yoongi without really thinking of his own body takes off his jacket and immediately wrap it around the younger’s shoulder. The guy’s eyes opened a bit well maybe just widen because he was not really closing it but honestly he doesn’t even know with those small eyes of Jimin anymore as Yoongi settled the jacket and instruct him to insert his hands on the sleeves.

“But…yooou’ll be cold.”

That sweet voice of Jimin whenever he was worried always gets Yoongi every time.

“You should have thought about that before going out without a jacket.”Yoongi says just like how a father scolds his child “Where the hell was your jacket? I thought you have it with you earlier.”

“Don’t know…where…it went.”

Yoongi wondered if he should go back to the bar and look for the jacket.

But in the end just sighed deeply because he really can’t leave Jimin alone and dragging him again back there was not an option. Once he has the jacket fixed on Jimin he stops to just stare at him again. That beanie, right, it was his own beanie too that he has lend to Jimin some time ago. Yoongi was suddenly reminded of Jimin’s habit all of a sudden. Even though he knows he should not ask for promises from a drunken man and he should just talk to him when he is sober, Yoongi still feel the need to say it right now.

“I’m lending you the jacket now but you have to give it back to me later.”

Yoongi never really voice out that concern of his before. But he really can’t let go of this particular jacket because this one was a gift from his parents, his mother to be exact.

Jimin was snuggled in the said jacket that really fits him and he just really looks so adorable in it but still it was Yoongi’s favorite jacket so he can’t let Jimin have it like everything he has borrowed from him that the younger has never returned.

“You can’t have it.” He said firmly and even pointed a finger at him, well on the jacket Jimin was wearing, once Jimin doesn’t gave him a reply

“I like this. It…smells likeee you” Jimin says as he even made a show of sniffing the collar of the jacket.

Yoongi felt his cheeks heat up but he shakes his head and resumed to try and make Jimin understand even in the guy’s drunk state why he doesn’t want him to keep it this time.


"Sun…shine…" Jimin mumbled “Hyung…”

Yoongi raised a brow but as he slowly remembered that word and a Taehyung present the moment that word slip from his mouth, his heart dropped.

“Tae Tae said you accident…tally…”

"Jimin. C'mon I'll carry you whichever way you want.”

Yoongi quickly said to push away the subject but really Kim Taehyung? He thought the younger would keep that a secret. Yoongi placed one of his arm around the younger’s back and then other on the back of his knees. The older tried not to groan as he starts to stand up, knowing that Jimin was sensitive when it comes to his weight. And he just can’t comfort him with the ‘you’re not heavy, I’m just weak’ line after.

"Not giving this back Hyungie"the younger sing sang as he wrap his arm around Yoongi's burning neck and nuzzle his head on his chest.

Yoongi gulped at the closeness but kept a firm hold on Jimin not wanting his weak body and weak heart to make Jimin fall to the ground.

"You will.”Yoongi said stubbornly “Tomorrow you—“

"I said I won't!"

"Jimin how many items do I have in your closet?"

Yoongi decided to start walking; the cold wind biting on the bare skin of his arms but Jimin has snuggled into him more and somehow it made the cold feel a bit bearable.

"You never return my things. Did I ever do that to you?”Yoongi know he was blabbering but he just really can’t help it. Jimin mimicked his words and Yoongi fought the urge to chuckle because of course he really can’t be mad at Jimin” You know what never mind. I'll talk some sense into you when you're sober."

"I'm not…drunk..."

Yoongi just scoffed and fastened his phase, because wow it is really getting colder.

"And hyung you…”Jimin has managed to unwrap one of his arm around his neck only to poke his little finger on Yoongi’s chest as he speak”…always return my thingggs… even when I'm not asking…them baaack"

"Well maybe because when you borrow something you're supposed to return it back?"

Yoongi huffed but he still can't stop that stupid smile as he looks down at Jimin who despite of his poking on his chest earlier has now already has his eyes really closed. He was already sleepy it seemed.

"Besides I don't really like your things. I prefer mine." Yoongi added

Jimin yawned and scrunches his small button nose. Okay Yoongi should stop looking at Jimin so that he won’t trip.

"My things are preeetty o-okay." He heard Jimin mumbled.

Not as pretty as you, Yoongi's mind muses.

"But if youuu think I'm…prettier well…"

Yoongi’s hand shakes and he almost dropped Jimin. He was taken aback.

Can Jimin read mind now?

The younger whined as he holds tighter onto him.

"Hyungie don’t make me fall~"

"Sorry sorry.”Yoongi mumbled. That was really close tho“You know what you're really drunk. Wow why did you force yourself to drink tha--."

"I’m not preeetty?"

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kpopwonders #1
Drunk Jimin is adorable
Chapter 1: Oww, how could Jimin not let Yoongi to properly put the ointment on? He was the one who dropped him, so it's only fair that Yoongi takes care of him afterwards, right? Hahaha It was such a funny and cute story! When Jimin called himself Diminie I finally lost it haha Can he get any more cute? That Sunshine... xD I absolutely love this story, it's so fun! Thank you for writing this! ^^
Cute and funny! But I don't get why Jimin not confessing when he is sober. It's not what he wanted? Be with Yoongi? He should be happy nah?
Chapter 1: sunshine jimin is so cute!!!