Chapter Two

My So-Tall Boyfriend

Meanwhile, Zin brought Boram to the garden. 

"Boram-ah, can you do a favor to me?" Zin asked as he holds on Boram's hand and face her.

Boram looked up at Zin's face and smiles. She really admires Zin's feature, he looks so.... soo.. charming under the sun rays...

"Boram ? Boram-ah ?" Zin called Boram as he waves his hand in front of Boram's face.

Boram wakes from her thought and smiles "Ye? What is it oppa?"

Zin chuckles "Aigoo, my baby is so cute !" Zin said as he pinch Boram's cheek. 

"oppa!" Boram absent-mindedly pokes on Zin's nose. "tell what do you want to do?"

"I want you to close your eyes" 

"Wae ?" Boram blinked.

"Haish, just close your eyes, baby" Zin said as he cover his slender hand to Boram's eyes.

"Arraseo but oppa, I can't see" 

"I'll lead you baby" Zin said as he tooks Boram's hand and hold it tight. "Let's go" he said as he walks with Boram's in front of him. 


"Are we there yet oppa?" 

"Almost there...." Zin walks up a little and stop "There, we're here"

"Can I open my eyes now?" 

"Not yet!"Zin said as he pulls away his hand.."Do not open your eyes yet, no peeking" he said as he moved to the somewhere.

"Oppa!! What are you doing ?" Boram pouted

After Zin sat on their date mat, he smiles "Arraseo, araseo, you can open your eyes now"

Boram slowly opened her eyes. She looked at Zin who is sitting on a matthat had been surrounded by a rose petals and there is picnic box on the mat. "Oppa?" she smiles

"You like it?" Zin asked , smiling like a little kid.

"I .... I love it oppa !!" Boram said it loudly as she runs to Zin and hug him tight . "oppa!" 

Zin chuckles and hugs her back. "Glad you like it."

"Oppa, kumawo.." Boram thanked him as tears excaped from her eyes. She was so happy 

"Hey, why are you crying" he faced Boram and quickly wipe her tears.

"It's tears of joy, oppa! I can't believe you did this to me, you're so sweet" Boram said as tears started to flow out from her eyes.

"Aigoo, don't cry" Zin said as he pull out his hankerchief and wipe Boram's tears. He put the hankerchief at Boram's bottom nose and pressed it slightly. "Blow" he told Boram

"Ye?" Boram looked into Zin's eyes.

"I said blow" Zin repeated himself

"Ohh," Boram blowed her nose and Zin wipe it smoothly

"There you go, now stop crying." he pouted'

"arraseo" Boram said, slowly stop crying.

Zin opened the picnic box and pulls out a chocolate cake. He cuts it into small pieces and handed it towards Boram. "You want some?"

Boram nodded. Zin chuckles "Say AHHH" he told Boram

"AHHH ~" Boram opened and Zin fed her the cake. He smiles at Boram's cuteness. 

"Omo .. oppa !!! it's yummy !!!!" she munched on the cake.

Zin giggles. "Aigoo, why is my baby is so cute?" he pinch Boram's cheek and laughed.

"Because.... I don't know" she puffed her cheeks.

Zin pokes her cheek. "Let's eat, I'm hungry~"

Boram let out a small chuckles and took a sandwich. "You want some?"

Zin nodded like a little kid and Boram smiles. "Say AHHH" 

"AHHH" Zin opened his mouth and Boram pushed the sandwich into his mouth, well a whole sandwich now is in Zin's mouth.

"Bo..Borammmmm!" Zin shouts trying to swallow the sandwich. 

"Keke, my Zin is sooo cute!" Boram laughed.

After Zin managed to swallow his sandwich, he smiles slyly "You are so gonna pay for this, Boram-ah" he said as he tooks Boram's hand.

"No, you can't!" Boram stuck her tongue out and run away from Zin. 

Zin stood up and chase Boram. Boram runs faster as she saw Zin is chasing her. "Oppa, you can't catch me!" 

"Really? Let's see about that" Zin said as he runs more frantically and finally holds on Boram's waist. "got'cha baby" he said.

"Omo ... oppa, mianhae" she apologizes as she stuck on Zin's embrace.

Suddenly, they felt droplets of water is pouring on their face.

"Is it raining oppa?" Boram blinked.

"I don't know, the skies look fine" he looks around and smiles. "I think I know why, look at that" he pointed to a lawn water sprinkler 


"Ahhh"she ahh-ed and quickly turn around to face Zin. "Oppa, let's dance"

Zin giggles as he release Boram from his embrance and extended his hands to Boram "Can i have this dance, my lady"

Boram giggles as she took Zin's hand and spun around "Of course, my prince"

They dances happily as Boram spun around and Zin holds her hands tight. At the end, they ends up by kissing each other and the feeling is good. 


At night

After a long day of her date with Zin, Boram goes home with a happy feeling. She doesn't care anymore about her problem with Zin, she just wants Zin by herself. 

Late that night, Zin texted her

Boram-ah, oppa have so much fun today, ♥♥ 

-From: Handsome Prince Zin-

Happily, Boram replied back.

Jinjja? Me too, oppa, Gumawo !

-From: Cute Princess Boram-


Sleep tight baby, Dream about me okay?

-From: Handsome Prince Zin-


Nae, you too oppa ~ Saranghaeyo *kiss**kiss*kiss* 

-From: Cute Princess Boram-


kekeke *kiss back* Nado, saranghaeyo baby. See you tomorrow. Oppawill pick you up okay?

-From: Handsome Prince Zin-


Nae, paipai oppa!

-From: Cute Princess Boram-

Later that night, Boram sleeps with smile on her face and she is hugging a teddy bear that Zin gives her.

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wahhh so cute ^^
JaejoongluvEunjung #2
Chapter 5: Awwww my boram is chooooo cute :*
love ur story plzzz update soon
<3 T-ara <3
Love this. ♥
Update soon. :">
ouh please, please, please update soon :)
lol love-hate
you story is really good update soon~
I don't really like these kinds of fic cuz I prefer but I LOVE YOUR STORY!!! It's really cure!!! You did a great job ^^ Keep going ;)
AyWany #7
Aww, they're so cutee^^ please continue more;-)