


Here I am sitting in Starbucks, drinking my favourite white mocha frap. I am thinking on what to write for a small one shot when i thought why not use the setting i am in right now? I'm pretty sure that this plot is kind of main stream and i wasn't sure if i should publish it but then i decided to go with it since i have already wrote the entire story and i do not have much time to think of a new one shot. Anyways apologise for the simple plot. But hope you apprieciate this story since i took a bit of time writing this. 


”Clink!” The bell attached to the door of the cafe ringed, stopping Eunha and Sinb’s conversation. There was no one in the cafe so the two of them were casually talking. “Coming!” Eunha shouted from inside and walked out after losing a quick round of ‘sissorss paper stone’ to Sinb. “Yes? What would you like to have?” Eunha asked as she faced down, putting on her apron. She looked up to face her customer when she was done. She felt her world stopping. My Gosh! She is so beautiful! No wait scratch that! Is is absolutely gorgeous! Her wavy hair, her tall model like body, her curves, her fashion and her makeup is so my style! 

“Can you recommend some drinks? It is my first time here so I am not familiar with the flavour of the drinks.” Eunha was so absorbed in checking the girl out that her brain almost did not register that the tall customer was asking her a question. “Eh? U-uh.. m-may-b-be the caramel macchiato? I-it is m-my f-avourite d-drink here.” Eunha was in a spluttering mess. Come on! Be professional! You have seen a tons of beautiful person so this is no exception! “Great! I would take that then! Take away please.” The tall woman took out exact change for Eunha and gave it to her. Eunha carefully took the money but her hands accidentally brushed across the woman’s one and that was enough for Eunha’s heart to pound wildly again. Gosh! Even her hands are smooth!

"Um.. you may take a seat first or stand at the side while waiting for your order." Eunha cleared  and turned around, patting her chest and shaking her head before making the pretty customer her order. Slow and steady... don't make a mess in front of her. Do it later. Eunha repeatedly thought as she put her entire concentration on making the best cup of coffee for the customer. Eunha knew she took a bit longer because she was so careful in putting the correct amount of each ingredient and also calming her heart down repeatedly when she knew that the customer was staring at her intensely.

”Here is your order! Have a great day ahead!” Eunha said wholeheartedly to the customer which gladly took it. The customer bowed to her and waved a quick goodbye before rushing out, not waiting for Eunha to wave goodbye to her. So pretty.. I hope she would come back and order- “Seems like someone just stole your heart eh?” An annoying voice was heard. Eunha quickly spun around and denied, “W-what? N-no.” Knowing her friend for so long, Sinb just smirked and raised her brows, “Yeah sure sure. You were too obvious. The way you smiled at her, made her coffee is more than enough to prove it. As a matter of fact, you took a whole 10 minutes to finish that caramel macchiato. The last time you made it that slow was that guy who was studying at SOPA. And that was 3 years ago.” 

Eunha’s face was beetroot. She could never hide anything from her friend of 15 years. “So...” Sinb continued. “Did you get her name on the cup?” Sink smirked again. Eunha gasped. “Oh ! Arghhh there was no customer earlier so I did not take down her name. Now how can I- would she come back here again? I’m screwed..” Eunha buried her face in her hands. “Come on, have faith in yourself! She would surely come back again! Most of your customers would usually come back after the first time so don’t worry too much!” Sinb assured.

 She would come back. Yes she would surely come back.


Days passed by quickly but the tall customer did not come back. At first Eunha missed her, but due to the many customers Eunha had to serve, she was dead tired by the time she went home and so she had no time to think about that pretty woman that made her heat flutter. Not like Sinb would bother bringing up that customer because she was so irritated at the fact that Eunha kept talking about her at the starting of the first two days after the encounter. Just as Eunha had completely forgotten about the woman, she showed up again.

”Hi! One caramel macchiato please. Take away.” The order came. Eunha looked up when she found the voice familiar and almost died of heart attack. She was back. This time round, Sowon was just wearing a casual outfit, oversized tee and a pair of shorts. Her hair tied up into a ponytail, no makeup was on her face. Her no make up face is the best! What a natural beauty. The fluttering feeling were back at it’s place again. “Ah.. okay..” Eunha wanted to say more but she was scared that she would turn into a stuttering mess so she stopped there after.

“Ask for her name unnie! Are you dumb?” Sinb whispered through her gritted teeth to Eunha making her snap from her stupidity. “R-right.. n-a-ame?” Eunha shakily asked as she grabbed a cup. I’m going to get her name! 

”Sowon. Kim Sowon.” The customer smiled.


Just like this, many months passed by. Eunha now realised that Sowon would only come on Mondays, Wednesday  and Saturdays. Exactly at 3pm, without fail, Eunha’s mood would brighten up because Sowon would enter the shop to only order one drink, caramel macchiato. Sometimes, Sowon would show up with a face full of make up, but on certain days, it would either be a light one or a no makeup one. Nonetheless, Eunha liked the no makeup one. 

“Have a nice day!” Eunha said and bowed to Sowon who gladly bowed back. Staring at the fading back of Sowon, she could not help but sigh. “Just date already the two of you. Stop flirting around, it’s making me sick.” Sinb  rolled her eyes. Instead of retorting back, Eunha just sighed. “Not like I am her style.. she deserve a better one than me, a more talented one and more prettier one. Just watching her afar can make me happy so why bother dating her.” Eunha mumbled but Sinb caught it. Sinb  rolled her eyes once more. “Come on! It is so obvious that she likes you back! It’s just you that never take notice of it. Argh! Fine! I’m so done with you two.” Sinb screamed in frustration and went back to the kitchen. 


”Two caramel macchiato please.” Sowon requested. Eunha took down her order with the same heart pounding feeling every single time. “Coming up!” Eunha smiled and went to make her order. Sure she was surprised that Sowon ordered two instead of one but she did not questioned the other. It was her privacy after all. “Here is your order! Have a great day!” Eunha said the same sentence. Sowon took the two drinks but stayed in her spot. Usually after getting her drinks, Sowon would rush out but it was different today. Eunha took not and asked Sowon, “Is there anything you need?” 

“Can I see your boss?” 

Eunha gluped. She was the boss yet she had never loved that question. That was the sentence that made every employee and boss feel threatened. Eunha begun questioning herself what she did wrong. But she could never figure out. “I am the boss.” Eunha admitted. “What have I done wrong? What services did you not like or want to improve on?” Eunha slowly asked. But the reaction was not what Eunha expected. “Can you be on a break right now? An hour is all I need.” Sowon asked shyly. Eunha was taken aback. Is she asking me out? Eunha don’t think so much.. you are not her style. Stop fantasing. “Let me ask my friend to take my duties.” Eunha politely replied and ran over to Sinb. “Yah! Sowon asked me for a one hour date! Take over my duty for a while!” Eunha excitedly said. Sinb cocked her eyebrows. “Finally someone made a move. Come back with a girlfriend or else you don’t bother to come back!” Sinb threatened Eunha before shooing her out. “Good luck!”

”Okay! Let’s go!” Eunha had to control herself from bursting out from happiness. Finally she took note of me. “Uh, but where to?” Eunha asked as she sipped on her macchiato. It tasted surprisingly nice. “Park.” Sowon simply replied. “Here we are. Take a seat.” Sowon pointed to a bench in front of them. “Is there anything you want to say to me?” Eunha asked to break the ice. They had been silent for a few minutes and it was very awkward. She is seating beside me! Her scent is so intoxicating! “Listen carefully okay?”

Eunha dumbly nodded her head and Sowon took a deep breath. “Um.. thank you for the cups of coffee that you made for me.” Sowon shyly thanked Eunha who was feeling weird out. No one had ever thanked her for making coffee. But still, hearing those words from her crush definitely made Eunha blush. “The first cup you made for me actually made me feel much calmer. I was having a job interview that day and I was feeling the worried that I could not make it. I did there after, that was why I came back to buy another drink to celebrate. The subsequent days were just because I wanted to drink the caramel macchiato you made."

"Actually once, I went into the cafe but you were not there, but I still ordered the same drink but it tasted different. The one you made is much more heartfelt. I could taste the sincerity you put in. That is why I would only come to the cafe at 3pm because that is the only time the cafes is empty.” Eunha was staring at Sowon dumbfounded. Eunha had no idea why Sowon would randomly say this words. 

“There is another reason why I love coming at 3pm. Because I can see you at the cashier, taking my order prettily. I can take my own time to stare at you without caring if the person is at the back waiting for me to finish my order. Sometimes when I stare at you, I feel this butterfly feeling in the pits of stomach. At first I tried to dismiss the feeling but when I did not get to see you, I will go crazy. Do you get it? I, Kim Sowon is madly in love with you, Jung Eunha. Would you be my girlfriend?” Sowon confessed, making Eunha go crazy. 

Eunha badly wanted to say yes. But she thinks she is not good enough for Sowon. She wants Sowon to have a better girlfriend than her. “Sorry.. I am not good enough for you. Find a better one.” Eunha apologised and hung her head low, no willing to have eye contact with Sowon. She felt her head being lifted by two fingers. “Eunha , don’t you get it? You are my happiness. You are what I have been finding in my entire life. You are the best one I can ever get. Just being by my side will make me happy. I know you also love me back. You are just too obvious. So, please be my girlfriend. Be the girlfriend for the one and only Kim Sowon. Will you?”

Eunha felt her tears rolling down as she  nodded her head. “I-I love you too, Sowon."


Sinb smirked as she saw Sowon and Eunha walking into the cafe shyly with interlocked hands. “Seems like I will have to prepare to take over Eunha’s duties sometimes, as well as some lovely dovey moment~” 


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Chapter 1: Omooo kyeooo
Chapter 1: So cuuuuute (>ω<).•°•~♡
Chapter 1: I work at a coffee place and hopefully I can find myself a Sowon.
Chapter 1: awwww cute wonha♡.♡
Chapter 1: my wonha heart is so soft rn. I really love cafe love stories keke~ ◔ ⌣ ◔❤
Chapter 1: what a good fic to start the year :)
Chapter 1: ahhh . ~~~~ so cute ;)
Chapter 1: SO CUTE!!!