C H A P T E R 5

Forgiving him 77 Times
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You inhaled the crisp morning air as you stared at the pastel blue skies. Since your break up with Jungkook, you’ve felt more composed than before and your nerves were no longer running on high. Despite your calm composure, your heart still felt like a gaping blackhole, eating away at any happiness you had left. Not that you had much happiness to begin with of course. You were slowly getting used to the dull ache in your heart and had cried lesser over Jungkook. There was only one problem left. 

Since the divorce, you couldn’t help but feel that your colleagues gave you pitying looks each time you walked past them. You didn’t understand why you were considered the victim in the divorce, after-all, it was a fake marriage, a sham; and a scam. Granted, no one else besides Namjoon, Jungkook, Taehyung and you knew that it was a fake marriage but you still hated the pitying looks they gave. Once, you had overheard your colleagues gossiping about you and Jungkook in the pantry, about how Jungkook was a womanizer with his infidelity leading to the eventual divorce; that you were pitiful for falling ‘head over heels’ with Jungkook. As you stood outside the pantry, you didn’t know whether to go in and make your presence known, to show that you were strong and over Jeon Jungkook even though you were not, or to run away to the female toilet and cry your heart out. Luckily for you, Namjoon had solved your dilemma as he cleared his throat and walked into the pantry on your behalf leaving your colleagues scurrying away.

You turned your head away from the blue skies, focusing on the gray office tower instead. You slowly strode into the office lobby, with your heels clacking behind you. Taking a deep breath, you willed yourself to be strong, to face your colleagues, your boss, and your ex-husband, for just another 3 more months.


“Lawyer Im, client 4th is here and inside your office.” Your secretary spoke as she pulled a face. You nodded and gave her a small smile, noting her frustration while thanking her for the heads-up. Client 4th was labelled as such simply due to him being married for the fourth time in the short span of time that you’ve been working here. He wasn’t the easiest client to deal with because he was stingy and well, somewhat of a male chauvinist. Plastering a smile, you opened the door and entered your office.


“Hello Mr Jung, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?” You moved towards your chair and settled your handbag down. Silently kicking off your heels, you placed your feet on the soft carpet as you maintained your professional smile.


“Lawyer Im, I need you to draft a contract for me, or whatever it is so that I won’t have to pay a dime to my soon-to-be ex-wife. I don’t want to pay for child support or any alimony of the sort.” Mr Jung snorted as he continued to ramble on about how he was forced to marry his wife since she felt he wasn’t committed enough. “I don’t understand women. Why do they like to force guys? First, they force us to get married, then, they decided that a marriage isn’t enough. So, they force us to have kids. Now that we have kids and the marriage isn’t sustainable, they force us to pay for child support.”


Mr Jung’s speech was enough to make you roll your eyes in your head whilst cursing him mentally. But as you listened to his chauvinistic rambling, you couldn’t help but to speak up for his wife that you didn’t even know. “How could she have forced you to get married? If you didn’t love her, why would you even marry her?” You weren’t sure if the annoyance you felt was due to your own failed marriage and that this womanizer sleazebag of a client had somewhat reminded you of Jungkook.


“Well, she did say that if we weren’t getting married, we’d have to breakup. And a breakup would mean no , right?  That means, if I wanted to have with her I’d have to marry her. And if we had , we might have kids.” Mr Jung’s retortion had left you silently fuming even though a smile was plastered on your face.


“Mr Jung, you’re my client and I’ll definitely help you.” Maintaining your composure, you nodded your head reassuringly to Mr Jung. “Unfortunately, in the eyes of the law it may be rather hard for you to weasel out of this one. Your past 3 marriages have already left you with 3 kids. And your ex-wives had proof that you couldn’t take care of them physically since you’re away most of the time and as such, you had to provide child support.” You tried your best to shove Mr Jung a I-totally-sympathize-with-you look, before continuing “I’ll try my best instead to sort out the minimum you could give, but from a professional legal viewpoint, the chances of you not paying child support would be quite low.”

As you spoke, you could tell Mr Jung was beginning to accept your proposal as he took your advice into consideration. Jumping at his hesitance, you spoke again, this time with more insistence. “Mr Jung, you’re paying me such a huge amount each time you get a divorce. You can trust me to do the best for you.” Summoning all the hypocrisy left in you, you shone a ‘genuine’ smile towards Mr Jung, hoping he’ll fall for it. You honestly didn’t want to help this cheap sleazebag get away with not paying child support and alimony to his ex-wife, certainly not when the poor kid had already lost a father.

Mr Jung sat in silence as he fondled with his phone. You scoffed mentally at him, as you were almost certain that Mr Jung probably had a new lover by now and in no time, you might have to handle his 5th divorce case before you actually left the company. At last, the silence was broken as Mr Jung simply nodded his head, before instructing you to get the paperwork done as fast as you can. Giving yourself a small smile of victory, you dialed for your secretary to show Mr Jung the way out.

Staring out of your office as Mr Jung left, you heaved a sigh of relief, playing with the soft carpet that lay beneath your feet. You silently cursed at Mr Jung as you stared at his back view, wondering why would such a male chauvinist exist on earth and why the hell would there even be four women who were stupid enough to marry him.


Your eyes and thoughts were then interrupted by the view of Jungkook, working his charm on the new intern.

Jeon Jungkook sure does attract women like a flower attracting bees.


Snickering to yourself and observing Jungkook, you found yourself reminiscing about the first time you had fallen for Jeon Jung Kook.



The first time your heart fluttered.


The two of you had been married for about 14 days now. Though the time could be seen as short, especially to outsiders, it had seemed like a lifetime to you. You couldn’t believe that it had only been 2 weeks since the two of you had married, but it wasn’t like you could complain since you had willingly signed the marriage contract.

The first few days of your marriage had been rather good, though it certainly wasn’t what you had envisioned. Since the two of you had hardly spoke after growing up, the marriage was awkward at first. You couldn’t get used to waking up in the same house with Jungkook, seeing him walk around in his cute teddy bear pajamas. You couldn’t get used to Jungkook making you coffee when you woke up, to Jungkook driving you to work, to Jungkook calling you his wife in front of everyone.

Yet, it was those little actions that made your heart skip just a little beat faster.

The next few days of your marriage then became civil as you got used to Jungkook’s presence. The two of you had somewhat found a way to be civil to each other, without the old banters the two of you had during childhood. Life was peaceful and you could feel yourself getting used to fake married life.

But as time went by, Jungkook’s alpha side started to rear its ugly head. He had gone back to his womanizing ways, flirting with the old and new office workers alike. Once, when you were in the living room, sitting and binge-watching some American drama, you caught Jungkook’s phone lighting up with your side-eye. Since Jungkook was showering, you took a peek at his phone out of curiosity.


To: Jungkook, 11.13PM.

“Oppa, do you want to come over now?”


Sighing, you left Jungkook’s phone back to where it was before switching off the television and heading back to your own room. It wasn’t so much of jealousy that you felt, because for the most part, you didn’t feel love for Jungkook. Instead, it was annoyance because you didn’t understand why Jungkook had to choose you out of all the easy s that he had.

The next few days at work wasn’t easy for you. Half the ladies in the office were flaunting to you about how Jungkook was flirting with them, showing off the little post-its Jungkook had wrote to them. While the other half was focused on giving you pitiful looks, not understanding why and how a lawyer who with high education would be stupid enough to set herself and her heart up to be broken. The treatment you received had made you felt humiliated, as if you were ed. You

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Hello everyone!!! i started a new historical fic, featuring characters from exo!!
If anyone is interested check it out here: https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1329741
or you can click the link/ poster in my foreword!


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mianderthal #1
Chapter 14: I! Love! This!! Fic!!! SO much ! Keep up the awesome writing!!
Chapter 14: I'm shocked, I keep coming back to this fic. It pulls all the right strings every time @~@
hurmm..one of the important things that keeps on watering a relationship is the constant n honest communications between both parties.. :)
Sounds promising
lol I almost thought someone had pirated your story when I saw the ad, all because of the x ^o^
Chapter 14: Can Jungkook and Hyera go back together? Pleaseee I'm begging you ??
Chapter 2: First chapter, but I already feel sad, to the point that I want to cryyyy ???
Looks interesting