C H A P T E R 9

Forgiving him 77 Times
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You hit the brakes in time while the tires of your car screeched to a halt. Getting out of your car, you felt your body shaking profusely as you apologized to the other driver over and over again. You had just escaped death and every single emotion you felt; anxiety, fear, sadness, anger and relief were all crashing into you like a tidal wave.

You had almost died. You had almost died. You had almost died.

The thoughts went through your head as the driver of the other car tried to calm you down, asking if you needed him to call for an ambulance or for the police. You didn’t realize it but your body was slowly crumpling onto the floor while you desperately tried to hold onto the car-door, anything to grasp as long as you could stop yourself from collapsing.  It was almost as if all the emotions you felt for Jungkook were manifesting literally as you held on, desperate to grasp onto anything to keep you grounded.

You were angry and upset, trying to hold back the hot scorching tears in your eyes, as if you were afraid of being scalded if they rolled down your cheeks.

You were so afraid and yet, there was nobody for you. Not right now. You were so angry at yourself for letting this accident happen.

It was your fault that you didn’t focus while you were on the road, you chided yourself for being so preoccupied with thoughts of Jungkook that you tied yourself up with ribbons and almost delivered yourself to the gates of hell. You took several deep breaths, trying to calm yourself down, trying to assure to the driver opposite of you that you were okay and that you didn’t need the police or the ambulance.

He was reluctant to leave you alone though, asking you if there was anyone you could call, and that he would wait with you while your friends or family came.

With your shaky hands, you took out your phone and scrolled through your contact list.




His name appeared on your contact list and you wanted to call him. You wanted to call him because you were shaking, because you were scared and you desperately wanted to hold on to him. You wanted him to hold you, to tell you that everything’s alright now, you wanted so badly for him to protect you, for him to be your knight in shining armor.


But you knew better, you knew that Jungkook wouldn’t drop down anything or everything for you just because you were scared and almost died. You knew that you didn’t mean much to him and you knew he’d much rather do whatever he’s doing now than to pick you up and hold you tight.




Your hands hovered over Taehyung’s contact name, wanting to call him and ask him to pick you up. You knew that you were in no current state to drive and all you wanted to do now was to cry in the embrace of your best friend. But then you remembered that Taehyung was currently out on a date now, the first date he ever had in months and you didn’t want to trouble him.


So instead, you assured the driver you were fine, even though you were pretty sure you didn’t look like it. You tried your best to reassure the driver, shooing him away as you didn’t want to hold him up. Besides, he might be affected too since he could have been the one that died. Reluctantly, he left you and went along his way while you called for a toll truck to move your car and a taxi to get yourself home.




When you escaped from Jungkook tonight at the carpark, he felt like a kicked puppy rejected by his owner. He went to the club with Namjoon but he wasn’t planning on getting laid tonight, not after he made a promise with himself to somewhat woo you back. He had only wanted to get a couple of drinks, enough to dull out the ache in his heart and enough to forget about you, at least momentarily for the night.


But then he saw her, the way she carried herself, the way her facial features look, it reminded him of you. And there he was now, at the hollow apartment the two of you once called your home, with his hands gently rolling around her sides, slowly caressing her the way he knew you’d like it. His hands hovered over her chest as she moaned wantonly. With a dark gaze, he undressed her top as he gazed deeply into her eyes. Jungkook on her , intensifying the tingles he felt on his arm, getting excited at the thought of you.

After getting slapped that one time, Jungkook had been on abstinence, not wanting to take another girl as a substitute for you. But how could he not when a girl looking almost like you, strode into the club as if it was the universe’s way of saying ‘hey you need to get laid tonight, here’s a tribute for you’.


“, you’re getting my so wet,” Jungkook moaned while he watched the way his glistened with wetness, the way felt around his , the warmth that was slowly creeping its way through his heart, momentarily mending the gaping hole yo

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Hello everyone!!! i started a new historical fic, featuring characters from exo!!
If anyone is interested check it out here: https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1329741
or you can click the link/ poster in my foreword!


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mianderthal #1
Chapter 14: I! Love! This!! Fic!!! SO much ! Keep up the awesome writing!!
Chapter 14: I'm shocked, I keep coming back to this fic. It pulls all the right strings every time @~@
hurmm..one of the important things that keeps on watering a relationship is the constant n honest communications between both parties.. :)
Sounds promising
lol I almost thought someone had pirated your story when I saw the ad, all because of the x ^o^
Chapter 14: Can Jungkook and Hyera go back together? Pleaseee I'm begging you ??
Chapter 2: First chapter, but I already feel sad, to the point that I want to cryyyy ???
Looks interesting