The Day Off

A Picture With Thousands of Beauty.

The ringing of the alarm woke the sleep of Taehyung who seem to be groggy and inefficient. As usual before the night of his day-off, He forgets to turn off the alarm as he always planned to sleep for a whole day. Taehyung had a rough one yesterday at work, With all the stacked-up paperworks and deadlines, Though he is in the same place as Matthew. He had lost all the time to relax, With the bothering reflection of sunlight from his window striking to the wall, Taehyung couldn't bring himself to sleep again. He rose up from the bed, Got himself some microwaved kimchi fried rice from yesterday. Living alone isn't easy, Following his Parent's death he wasn't able to taste delicious home cooked food, He usually buys processed goods and cooks on his own. Taehyung sat at his dining table, Eating while watching the pile of clothes grow taller and taller in his eyes.  "Ah i should go to the laundry now'" With a heavy sigh, He brought a plastic with all of his two days worn out clothes to the laundry nearby his crib. "Taehyung-ah have you been lazing off again?" A middle-aged man laughed his statement off. "Ahh yes Uncle i forgot about my clothes" Taehyung said, Chuckling right after. "Oi, Don't wait for me to go knock on your door, A handsome kid needs clean clothes" Taehyung smiled and shrugged it off, Walking back to his crib.

Taehyung took heavy lazy steps as he was walking, Probably trying to get some air. It was silent, He likes this kind of peace. As he was near to his destination, He turned his head back. Searching for something as he roams his eyes in the silent sorrounding. Taehyung then shrugged it off, Continuing to take steps forward but he kept on looking back. With an uncomforatable feeling, Taehyung opened the door. Finally back inside his home. 



"I'll have one Americano."

"Yes thank you."

The day off wasn't a lazy one for Matthew. He got out of his dormitory, Walked around the streets of Seoul. Making memories of his own as he is finally living in his homeland. At a coffee shop, He called Taehyung awhile ago. Inviting to chat with him but Taehyung chose to say no as he was having a 'severe headache'. Matthew sat, Reading korean news on his phone. He then lifted his head up, Just admiring the cafe's ambiance. Until his head stopped in one direction, The direction where a woman was seated. Matthew had a confident smile on his face, Walked towards the table where she was. Sitting at the empty seat infront of her.

"Hi, I don't mean to interrupt but i think i saw you somewhere..." 

"You're the fax boy i know you." A feminine voice taken him aback as he was still trying to say something. "Ohhh right, My name's Matthew but you can call me Big-- I mean Matt" He said with a slight stutter. "Matteogi." She replied, Still looking down on her phone. "Pardon?" Matthew asked, Confused of what is happening at the moment. "I said Matteogi, That's what i want to call you. By the way, I'm Somin." She finally lifted her head up, Looking at Matthew who was frozen for a brief moment at the sudden turn of events. She then reached her hand to him holding her phone. "Sns, I'll follow you and your number too" Somin smiled mischeivously. 

"Sns, I'll follow you and your number too" Matthew froze, He thought it would happen as he planned to but instead, Somin had the guts to ask for his sns account and his number. "O-oh...Okay...Nice meeting you by the way, Somin." With a shy smile on his face. He had her phone on his hands now, Pressing for his number and his sns before giving it back to her. "Don't worry Matteogi, We're friends now. Approach me once work is back, Okay? I have to go now i finished my latte i still have things to do, See you on Wednesday!" 

"Oh really? Yeah yeah see you!" Matthew bowed politely at Somin who was now rushing on packing her things up in her bag. He was left surprised at what just happened. Whispering to himself, "Woah.....Did she just..." Shaking his head with a big contented smile, Matthew took a deep sigh, Looking out the glass wall as he watched her leave from afar. He then took his phone out and chuckled, A bigger smile spreading on his face from ear to ear. "somin_jeon0822 got you baby"


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