Guess where we're going

Couples Retreat

A/N: Hi readers, so this is a story with some of my utmost favorite ships. Seulrene, Sinrin, and Joyri. And combined with too much reality tv so already a good sign lol. Warning, slight futa for Seulrene but mostly referenced/implied. Please enjoy as always


Son Wendy, is a world renowned, highly recommended relationship expert. She has solved problems for everyone. From high profile celebrities to everyday couples. She solved the problems of idols, Jung Jessica and Hwang Tiffany, and now they are happily married. There isn’t any relationship she can’t fix. But, she has never been given the task of couple therapy. With three different couples. When her boss told her about the month long experiment that would take place on the island of Jeju. She thought it was crazy, at first.


Three couples, all in three different stages of relationships, sounded like hell. Not only like hell, but like a very bad idea. Her, as the lone therapist, with 6 other personalities. But, here she is looking over some files. The first couple is a married couple. The Kangs, Joohyun 27 and Seulgi 24. They have been married for two years, but has been together seriously for many years. Apparently, it was Joohyun who had requested the counseling. She cited certain issues but didn’t get into details. There was a huge thing that said, “Have babies”. So, it’s clear that Joohyun wants kids and Seulgi is probably hesitating. Other than that it’s very vague, but they are the married couple. They have a very slight age difference. So, Wendy wonders if that has anything at all to do with what plays into their relationship. Well, Wendy supposes she will find out.


The second couple are the, engaged couple. Jung Yerin 23 and Hwang Eunbi 21. On the surface, she doesn’t see what their problems are. In fact, Yerin is the one who applied. She has all sorts of little hearts drawn next to her partner's name. It’s very cute, actually. Yerin seems to be really in love with Eunbi. She constantly praises her in pretty much every way possible. It says “My, Eunbi is amazing!”. Wendy knows better, though. Because there has to be something else going on behind, Yerin’s clear, lovey dovey attitude towards her fiance. For sure, Wendy can’t wait to find out. It’s her job to get to the bottom of things.


Lastly, is the youngest couple, college kids who are dating. Park Sooyoung that is heavily crossed out and replaced by Joy, 21 years old, and her 19 year old girlfriend, Kim Yerim or, Yeri actually it says. Joy seems to be the one that applied for the couple counseling. She is very brief in her words, but also seems to be really upset. She feels that, Yeri is lacking affection towards her, and never pays her much attention. She even references, Yeri as “The little jerk” in many sentences. The dating couple sound quite interesting already. Well, if nothing else at least everything is all paid for. It will be like a month long vacation, only it’s not. It still sounds like hell, but she is a professional. Can she actually survive it, though? Can she do what few have done and help 3 relationships? She will damn sure try her best.


Meanwhile, Kang Joohyun has been trying for the past 20 minutes, to wake up her wife. She has been knocked out for so long.


“Yah, Kang Seulgi. Wake up!”


The adorable, y bear like woman is seriously not budging. Joohyun should really be used to this. She has been with Seulgi forever. So, she knows how hard it can be to wake her up.


“Baby, please wake up.” The raven-haired woman starts to kiss the brunette’s lips softly. “I have something important to tell you.”


She runs her fingers through her brown locks. Seulgi, still is out like a light. There are a few things she can do now to wake her up. But, she will do the option that is much more fun.


“Sweetie, I’m pregnant!”


“Yah, what!” Seulgi shouts, and falls out of bed. Joohyun giggles to herself at the sight of her wife falling out of bed. She still helps her up and back onto the bed though.


“Sorry, but you wouldn’t wake up.”


“Y-Yea,” Seulgi sighs. “I swear, you’re like pregnant every week.” Since Joohyun plays this trick on her all the time.


“Well, I could be. If someone would give me a baby.” The shorter woman gestures to her wife’s boxers.


“No, not this argument, right now. What is going on, Hyunnie?”


“Okay, so no baby, now. But you’re going to give me a baby, Seul. Maybe not now, but you will. Anyway, do you remember that couples retreat I told you about?”




Joohyun knows for sure that Seulgi doesn’t. “Never mind, it’s okay that you don’t remember. But, I signed us up. We’re going to spend an entire month in Jeju!”


“What!” Seulgi’s monolid eyes go wide. “You just signed us up, without even checking with me fist.”


Joohyun simply kisses her. She knew Seulgi would probably be a little upset about it. But, this is their marriage on the line. Joohyun just wants for them to be stronger and their marriage to thrive.




“It’ll be fine. We could definitely use some counseling. It will only strengthen us. Plus, there will be two other couples there.  I bet they are way more messed up than we are!” She sounds excited about that.


“What, oh,”


“You’re going, Kang Seulgi, there was never a choice.”


“Uh, yeah….” Seulgi smiles uneasily. “Yeah, never had a choice.”


Also, Jung Yerin has been trying to get her fiance, Hwang Eunbi to listen to her too. Eunbi has been playing video games for the better part of 45 minutes. Her eyes are glued to the screen, and she looks so out of it. It’s not like, Yerin wants to interrupt her game time, except for the times she actually does. Because she wants to cuddle or have . This is really because she has something important to say.


“Yah, Hwang Eunbi!” The dark-haired, Yerin pokes her in the forehead. Eunbi looks a little annoyed but not enough to stop playing her game.


“Baby!” Yerin pokes her harder.


“Leave me alone, Yenni. I’m busy right now.”


“But,” The blonde pouts. “I need to talk to you! I need to talk to you right now.”


“Can’t it wait. I’m really about to own this last boss, and….” However Yerin cuts the game system off. Eunbi’s eyes widen and then she shouts.


“What the hell, Yenni!”


But, Yerin just pulls her into a deep, passionate kiss. Eunbi groans in disapproval, for all of a minute. Before she does return their kiss. Even, when she is genuinely upset with her fiance. She does love the woman very much. She always has, and Jung Yerin is still definitely her biggest weakness.


“Yenni.” The brunette frowns, when they break away. “Why’d you cut off my game? I was about to own that boss.”


“Sweetie, you really weren’t. That boss had you in maybe 1 or 2 more hits.”


“Aw, come on. You’re supposed to at least pretend that I was going to win.”


Eunbi looks too cute with her grumpy face. That Yerin can’t help but pepper her face with more kisses. Even when Eunbi is grumpy, or pretending to be more savage than she is. Yerin still thinks she is the cutest thing ever.


“I love you, though. So, I tell you the truth, all the time. Whether you like it or not.”


“Fine.” Eunbi sighs. “I’m still upset that you cut off my game.”


“It’s because I need to talk to you. Babe, it’s important.” She caresses her cheek.


“Fine, what is it? Is it about the wedding?”


“The same wedding that we haven’t done any planning for yet?”


The brunette just grins sheepishly. They haven’t really discussed the wedding at all. There are no plans as of yet. But, they’ve only been engaged for a little over a month.


“Um, so I guess then it’s not about the wedding?”


“Bi, listen to me. Do you remember that couple counseling that I mentioned to you?”


“Yeah, sort of. What about it?”


“I signed us up! We’ll be going to Jeju, baby.”


“What? Come on. How could you do that without even confirming it with me?”


Yerin simply kisses her again, and as expected Eunbi does kiss her back.


“Because, I care about our relationship, Bi. We need the counseling, especially before we get married. Come on Bi!” The blonde pouts cutely.


 Eunbi can only take but so much of, Yerin being so cute, before giving into her.


“Okay, fine. Just no more aegyo.”


“Yay! Oh, there are 2 other couples too. So, we won’t be alone.”


“Yeah, wait what!”


With the dating couple, Park Joy gets home from work to find her shorter girlfriend already home. Today Yeri just has classes, and not work. So, she normally does get home before, Joy does when she just has classes only. She has her, Ariana Grande music on, and is playing games on her 3DS. The same 3DS that has been getting way more of her attention lately. Still, she loves the girl so much, and seeing her sometimes, is all the slightly older girl needs.


“Yerimie! Hi, baby.” Joy immediately hurries to join her on the couch. She instantly wraps her arms around the smaller brunette. Yeri, is really focused on her 3DS. It’s like, she didn’t even hear Joy come in. She probably didn’t. So, Joy kisses her cheek.


“Sooyoung, get off.”


“Yah, you know it’s Joy! Pay attention to me, baby.” She begs, while nuzzling her neck. She really just wants for Yeri to pay her some attention. Also, she could really use some affection from her significant other. She doesn’t think that’s asking for a lot.


“Okay, Joy then. Can you please get off of me? These pokemon aren’t going to catch themselves, you know.”


“Yerimie, put the game down, and pay attention to me.”


Yeri knows that if she doesn’t. She will have a whiny, needy Joy all night bugging her. She really doesn’t want for that to happen. She has a busy day tomorrow of work and school. Last thing she needs is to be tired, because her girlfriend kept her up all night with her whining. If she has to be kept up. It better be for and nothing less.


“Fine.” Yeri groans. Then turns to look at the red head. She really is interrupting precious game time, and her pokemon need to level. Not only that. She really needs to catch more. This had better be damn good.


“How was your day?” Joy asks.


The brunette just blinks. This, is what she is being interrupted for, because Joy wants to know how her day was.


“What? This is why you’re bothering me?”

“I just want to see how your day went, baby. We need better communication. I feel like we’re both so busy we hardly have time for one another.”


“Okay, fine. My day was hell, because Professor Yoon wouldn’t stop picking up on me. I was late for my economics class, and Professor Choi would not let me in. I couldn’t buy the book I needed because of course, my arch nemesis Jennie, got it before me. My day was also very boring. How was yours?”


“Great!” Joy smiles. “It was great. I got to work with, Yuri-sunbae at the company. She’s so nice and funny too, and then we had this really, great lunch. The food was so good babe, you would have loved it.” Joy sees how Yeri is frowning though. “Um, yeah so it wasn’t all that good. You know, you should really stop with this whole arch nemesis thing.”


“No. She is my arch nemesis. She took the last plate of chicken at the cafeteria from me. She knows what she did.”


“I know, baby. Come here.” The redhead hugs her now grumpy other half. “Now, that we did that. Let’s talk about something else. Do you remember the couple retreat I mentioned?”


“Yea, sort of, why?”


“Guess, who’s going?”




“Yes, you got it. We’re going, Yeri-ah. Us, as in you and me!”


Yeri groans. Why the hell would Joy do this without getting her consent first?


“Yah, Joy come on. How are we supposed to just go away, now?”


“We are going! Nothing is more important than our relationship. So, we are definitely going.”


Yeri sighs. It’s not like she doesn’t really love Joy. “Okay, fine.”


" Guess, what else?”


“Is, Ariana Grande going too?” The brunette looks hopeful.


“No.” Joy frowns. She pushes Yeri away slightly. “Other couples will be there, doesn’t it sound fun.”


“No, it sounds horrible. Why do you think I want to go to that?”


Joy, simply pulls her into a hot kiss. She doesn’t care if Yeri doesn’t want to go. The girl is going whether she wants to or not.


“Well, you don’t have a choice, sweetie. We’re going, everything is already set.”


“Ugh. Why me?” The shorter girl groans.


Meanwhile, Son Wendy goes over any and all final preparations. The three couples will be here tomorrow. She has no idea what really to expect. But she already has her foolproof couple counseling strategies, and techniques all ready to go. Although, each couple will be different. There will be some group sessions as well. She has divided them all in her head, and what could possibly work best for each individual couple. The Kangs, Joohyun and Seulgi are married. The engaged couple is, Jung Yerin and Hwang Eunbi. Park Joy and Kim Yeri, are the dating couple. Yep, three couples at different stages, indeed.


“Well, Wendy how bad could they all really be? You can handle this, you fix couples all the time. What could really be so different?”


A/N: Hi, so if anyone is interested in seeing this continued. I’d love to see what I can do with this. Expect a humorous, funny, cute, slightly drama story though. Thanks for reading!


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Chapter 1: The beginning is great, I wonder how SeungWan is going to keep up with them XD
Waiting with respect :)
Chapter 1: please update this story
Chapter 1: Omg I can't wait for the second chapter
Aaronissohot #4
Chapter 1: Oh i actually cant wait for thisss
Chapter 1: It's adorable 2 birds in one stone. My joyri and sinrin heart
Chapter 1: Interesting. Can't wait for your update. Fighting!
Chapter 1: It sounds really interesting,poor Joy