I want my bear!

Bunny & Bear, Chicken & Turtle Childhood oneshots

A/N: Hi readers, I’ve been getting pretty good responses on some of my RV childhood oneshots. So I’ve decided to turn it into a collection with my main ships Seulrene,  and Joyri! Everyone will be the same age here though. So I hope you all are really ready for some fluff overload. First up is Seulrene, and Joohyun seems to be missing a teddy bear!


Little Bae Joohyun is frantically searching the classroom for something very important to her. While, all the other kids are playing and interacting with one another. Joohyun is searching all over and running from one part of the room to the other. Ms. Kim Taeyeon is a bit of a lost for words. What has Joohyun so upset.


“Joohyun, are you okay?”


“No, Ms. Kim. I can’t find my bear.”


Her bear? Ms. Kim wonders. She doesn’t recall seeing the girl bring in any toys for today. Still, she comes over and places calming hands to her shoulders.


“Joohyun, breathe okay. Tell me about this bear?”


“She…” However, there is a loud commotion between Yeri and Joy. Two of her other students who are always in trouble. This time they seem to be fighting with one another.


“Joohyun, stay here. I’ll be back.”


The small dark-haired child does no such thing. She needs to find her bear and she needs to find her right now. She wasn’t in the last place she left her, and that worries Joohyun, because she could be anywhere.


When Ms. Kim gets over to the two kids. They are both making really ugly faces at one another.


“Yeri, Sooyoung. What’s going on here?”


“It’s Joy! Ms. Kim.”


Taeyeon sighs. “Yes, Joy. Anyway, why are you both fighting?”

“She said that I look like a squirtle!” Yeri, the smaller of the two shouts in an offended tone.


“You do look like a squirtle! How is that my fault?” Joy tells her.


“Well, you look like a chicken!” Yeri fires back.


“You look like a squirtle!”






“Okay, okay, calm down.” Taeyeon tells them. “It’s not nice to call each other animals. I’m assuming a squirtle is some sort of animal?”


That’s when the kids look at her like she’s lost her mind. How can she not know what a squirtle is.


“How old are you, Ms. Kim? If you don’t know what a squirtle is?” Joy asks her seriously.


“Yeah, you have to be really old. If you don’t know what a pokemon is.”

“Okay, that’s it, fight it out.” Taeyeon tells them. “Just don’t draw any blood. I need to see how Joohyun is.”


Only, Joohyun is running around the room, pushing people and things out of her way. She needs to find her bear right now.


“Ow, can you not shove, Joohyun!” Jennie shouts at her.


“Leave me alone. I need to find my bear. I don’t have any time to waste with you.”


“Joohyun, your bear is missing?” Lisa asks. “What does it look like?”


“She…” Only Taeyeon is there once again trying to calm the girl down.


“Joohyun, you have to calm down, okay. Take a deep breath.”


The small child does as Ms. Kim says, and takes a deep breath. She doesn’t know how this will help her find her bear, though.


“Ms. Kim, I can breathe later. I need to find my bear.”

Taeyeon bends down to look at her. “Sweetie, calm down. Tell me what does this bear look like?”


“Yah, Joohyun!” Little Wendy shouts out from her puzzle. “Is it this?” She holds up a brown teddy bear that is wearing a hat and shoes.


“No.” Joohyun shakes her head. “That’s not her.”


“What about this one?” Yeri also shows her a teddy bear but it is wearing a baseball suit.


“No. That’s not my bear.”

“Yah, this is a bear!” Joy shouts now showing her a huge teddy bear shaped bucket.


“No!” Joohyun shakes her head, with tears in her eyes. “She has a body! She’s not a bucket.”


“Well, sorry for trying to help. Find your own bear, then.”


Joohyun is actually crying now, so Taeyeon gently rubs her back. “Don’t cry, okay. We’ll find your bear. Where did you see her last?”


“By the table where we have snack time. But when I came back she was gone. Ms. Kim we need to find her. She could be hurt.”


Taeyeon seriously has her doubts that a teddy bear could be hurt. But this is a child and she needs to be gentle with her.


“Okay, so tell me what she looks like.”

“She’s cute with round ears, monolid eyes, and button nose. She is wearing a white shirt with yellow shorts.”


Everyone is looking at her like she’s lost her mind.


“What? Why does a bear have so many clothes?” Yeri asks.


“What kind of bear is that?” Joy wants to know.


“Joohyun, I think you need a long nap.” Wendy lets her know.


“I don’t need a nap. I don’t know why you aren’t more worried that she’s missing.”


That’s when Taeyeon thinks. She hasn’t seen Seulgi in quite awhile. The last time she has seen her she was playing some game with Lisa. Now that she thinks about what, Joohyun is actually saying. Seulgi was wearing a white shirt and yellow shorts. The girl looks like a cute teddy bear.


“Joohyun, are you saying that Seulgi is missing?”


“Yes! That’s what I’ve been saying this whole time. She’s missing.”


Yeri and Joy literally fall out on the floor. Wendy’s mouth is dropped in shock.


“You should have just said that Seulgi was missing!” Joy screams at her.


“I did. I already said she was missing.”


“You said your bear was missing.” Wendy tells her.


“She is my bear, and she is missing. If you don’t want to help me find her, then don’t.”


Now the teacher is worried. If Seulgi is actually missing. Then that’s not good at all.


“Okay, calm down everyone. We need to find Seulgi, and find her soon.”


“She could be hurt.” Joohyun whispers worriedly.


Taeyeon knows how close Joohyun is with Seulgi. It makes sense that the girl is so upset.


“We’ll find her.” She promises, and so the search for Seulgi begins. She could be anywhere. Yeri, Joy, and Wendy are looking through the toy boxes, under the desks, and even in the bathroom.


“Joohyun, are you sure Seulgi didn’t just run away from you?” Yeri asks seriously.


“Yah, shut up. She wouldn’t.”


“That’s not nice, Yeri. What if Seulgi is really hurt somewhere. We need to find her.” Wendy tells her, and Yeri nods, as she doesn’t really want for her to be hurt, at all.


“Seulgi! I’ve got Pringles!” Joy screams out into the hallway, maybe Seulgi walked off somewhere. No answer but they are all worried. Joohyun seems to be worried the most, as she is in between crying and looking.


“Seulgi-yah?” She looks in the cubbies where they keep their coats and bags, but no sign of her. Other kids are looking too but there is no such luck.


“Seulgi, where are you?” Yeri asks with Joy trailing behind her.


“Seulgi, are you hurt? Scream if you need help?” Wendy too, asks if maybe Seulgi is hurt and needs help.


Joohyun falls down onto one of the playmats and starts bawling. She is not going to be okay until she sees Seulgi. Everyone surrounds her in a minute.


“Oh, come on, don’t cry.” Joy says with a worried gaze. She hasn’t seen Joohyun ever cry like this before.


“Want some chicken? That makes me feel better.” Yeri offers. That only makes Joohyun cry harder and worse.


“Don’t cry, Joohyun. We’ll find Seulgi.” Wendy says nicely.


“I just want my bear.” She cries.


“Joohyun, don’t worry. I know we will find her.”


“She might need me, if she’s hurt.”

That’s when there’s shuffling sounds further down the play mat area. Behind Joohyun, where there are toys of various sizes and huge blocks. There is a yellow blanket being moved and Seulgi yawns.


“What’s everyone doing here?”


“We’re looking for, Seulgi?” Joy answers.


“Oh.” Seulgi yawns again. “Okay.”

“Wait, Seulgi?” Taeyeon says first, noticing the small bear like girl underneath the blanket and all the toys blocking the path.


“Seul!” Wendy says in relief.


“There’s your bear, Joohyun, hiding behind all the toys.”


It takes all but a second for Joohyun to get up and start pushing all the toys and blocks out of her way. Everyone is just stunned with how quickly she does that.


“Seulgi-yah! You’re okay.”

The monolid child is now being engulfed in a hug. She has no idea what’s actually happening.


“Joohyun, were you crying?”


“Yea, I thought something happened to you. I was really worried when I couldn’t find you.”


“Only you could cause this much trouble, Seulgi.” Joy tells her seriously. “Were you seriously just sleeping?”


“Hm.” She nods, head tilted to the side, looking so adorable and cute. Of course, no one can stay angry with her.


“Well, we’re glad you’re safe, Seulgi-yah.” Taeyeon tells her. “Come on kids, let’s go.” She ushers the rest of them away from Joohyun and Seulgi, as clearly they need to catch up. Joohyun is clinging onto her for dear life, with her arms wrapped tightly around her shoulders.


“Um?” Seulgi whispers.


“I was scared. When I couldn’t find you, Seul.”


Seulgi looks more awake now. Then gently pats her on the back. She can see that Joohyun was actually scared.


“Don’t be scared, okay. I’m fine, promise.”


Joohyun nods against her, but doesn’t actually let her go. She clings onto Seulgi everywhere she goes. Taeyeon can only watch as she follows behind Seulgi to get toys, to sit in the circle for story time, to eat snacks, even at naptime she insists on sleeping besides her, even though every kid has their own cot. She made it work. Joohyun is really acting as if Seulgi will completely disappear.


“Joohyun, let her go!” Yeri is trying to pry Seulgi away from her grip. “We need her for our game.”


“No!” She whines, head onto Seulgi’s shoulder.


“Oh my god, you creep. Let her go!” Joy also tries to help Yeri, pull Seulgi free. But it ends up being a tug of war, with Seulgi in the middle. She looks so out of it that, Taeyeon definitely needs to intervene.


“Kids, settle down.”

“No, let her go!” Yeri and Joy are still struggling to get Seulgi free.


“You let her go! She’s mine.”


Joy and Yeri do let go. But Joohyun was still trying to pull Seulgi to her, and it makes the monolid girl fall back. She hits the floor hard, skinning her knee in the process. Everyone goes silent.


“Oh, Seulgi-yah. I’m sorry.” Joohyun apologizes.


“I’m fine.” Seulgi promises.


“That doesn’t look fine.” Wendy points to her skinned knee. Taeyeon quickly helps Seulgi up so she can get her knee cleaned. Joohyun trails behind though to see if Seulgi is really okay.


“Oh, you blew it now, Joohyun.” Joy cackles. “You hurt your precious bear.”


“She’ll stop playing with you now.” Yeri also laughs.


“Leave me alone. I didn’t mean for her to fall.”


“Say bye-bye, to baby bear.” They now tease together.


Wendy intervenes. “You know, if you guys didn’t let her go. She might have not fallen, and don’t be mean. Seulgi won’t stop playing with Joohyun.”


“Thank you, Wendy.” Joohyun smiles in thanks, but focuses on how, Ms. Kim is gently cleaning Seulgi’s wound and asking her what bandaid she wants. Seulgi doesn’t seem hurt bad or anything, and the second she is able to. Joohyun comes over.


“Um, are you okay?” She asks Seulgi softly.


“Yeah.” She nods with eyes forming crescents as she smiles. “I’m fine, I know it was an accident.”


“Still, I’m sorry. I’ll be more careful next time, I promise.”


“Don’t worry, Joohyun. Don’t you want to play with everyone else? Ms. Kim said I should just sit down for awhile.”


Joohyun shakes her head. She doesn’t want to play with anyone else. If Seulgi isn’t there too. She sits down with her, giving her a gentle hug, as if she is afraid to hurt her.


“I’d rather be here with you.”


“But, you could be having fun, Joohyun.”


She shakes her head again. She has the most fun with Seulgi.


“I want to be with you, most of all. You’re my most favorite bear, Seulgi.”


Seulgi smiles. “Your favorite bear?”


“Hm.” Joohyun nods. “Now that I found you. I won’t ever let you get lost again.”


A/N: First chapter done! ^^ So readers I do hope you’ll enjoy this little mix of stories I will have going on. Let me know in your comments though, and if you do prepare for so much cuteness even I don’t know how I will get through it.


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Chapter 2: i just realized I'm such a lonely potato
Chapter 1: this is so cute as expected :(( i really love mini velvet so much! can't wait for next chapter :)
Chapter 2: They’re so cute omg
Chapter 2: Mini Velvet is soooooo cute
Chapter 2: Omg I loved this one, got both Seulrene and Joyri (and friendship joyrene. There was even indirect Chaennie) But man it’s crazy in general what people do to get another’s attention. I have to admit I’ve done it before but hopefully not as obvious. Clearly joyrene do it cutely while I’m a mess. I think my favorite part was where joyrene tried to make Seulgi and yeri jealous by being nice to each other but in the end they got all cranky and fought again. I usually don’t like the young kid versions of my ships but you make me love it. You write them so well and so stinking adorable, I stan a talented woman ;)
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Omg this is seriously adorable! I love how everyone thought Joohyun was talking about an actual teddy bear when it was just Seulgi all along (whos like a bear taking a nap) and awww then bc of her and Joyri, Seulgi got hurt but man Joyri are truly the “bullies” lol I love it, those brats!
Chapter 2: Ohhh gosh.... I really do agree that... ITTSSSSSSS SOOO VUTEEEEE!!!!
Chapter 1: Ooossshhhh....

My seulrene heart...
Chapter 2: I love it!!! More, please!
Chapter 2: This is super cute! Kid Seulrene and Joyri just make everything so warm and fuzzy. More children fluff please, author-nim <3