I Think I Wanna Marry You

Red Chrysanthemum

Prompt 13:

A marriage proposal

Daehyun stood on stage for the final night of his musical, adrenaline still pumping strongly through his veins. The director had come on stage for the final bow giving a speech about how thankful for the turn out she was and for her entire cast. She made her way over to Daehyun, a smile on her lips when she motioned with her hand and soft notes started filling the theater, Ed Sheeran’s Perfect. She set her hand on his shoulder speaking in the mic, but she was looking to stage left.

“So today, we have a special guest, he has a surprise for our leading male actor here.”

“Hyosung what—”

She handed him the mic and nudged him to look in the same direction she was, Jongup stood there with a bouquet of all his favorite flowers. He looked beautiful in the stage lights, a soft crème colored sweater with ripped jeans and grey Tom’s sneakers. What was he doing here? His voice was soft when he spoke into the mic.

“Hi, uh, everyone, I’m Jongup, most of you probably know me,” Jongup about tripped over his feet and Daehyun laughed softly into his mic, lord help his awkward, sweet boyfriend. “Daehyun, we’ve been together for what’s felt like years, but it’s probably because you’re annoying.”

“Hey, I’m not above fighting you in front of an audience.” The crowd chuckled and Daehyun went to meet Jongup in the middle of the stage, the rest of his cast mates tittering and chuckling behind their hands at the two. “Ba— uh, Jongup what’s going on?”

“Daehyun, I know the theater is one of the most important parts of your life and I wanted this moment to take place in that part,” Jongup handed the flowers over to Daehyun who felt his cheeks heat up and he about jumped them when he saw Jongup kneel. There were gasps all around, but Daehyun was only tuned into Jongup, he saw nothing else, heard nothing else, it was just him and Jongup. “I love you and I just wanted to make you happy the way you make me, so, will you marry me?”

Daehyun stood speechless for a moment before falling to his knees he gently set the flowers and mic down. He nodded rubbing the tears from his eyes feeling Jongup put the ring on his left ring finger. There was thunderous applause as Jongup kissed all around Daehyun’s face, wiping his tears away as the older hiccupped and there were soft shh’s from Jongup. Daehyun sniffled whispering softly.

“I love you.”

“Let’s go, we can go order Chinese food and re-watch Sherlock in our pajamas and push the cats away when they try to steal our food.” He stood up taking Daehyun with him and the older just buried his face in Jongup’s neck. Jongup brought the mic to his mouth. “Thank you, Hyosung for letting me steal the spotlight for a moment and thank you all for sharing the moment with us. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to get this crybaby home for some dinner.”

Going backstage Daehyun didn’t move for a long while then he stepped back and punched Jongup in the shoulder. “You could have asked me at home in your underwear and I still would have been just as happy.”

“I know, but I also know you like the spotlight, so I did this, now go enjoy your after party with your friends and I’ll be waiting for you at home,” Jongup rested his hand on Daehyun’s cheek kissing him quickly “Love you, see you at home.”

“Okay, order me something spicy with beef, maybe noodles, oh and dumplings.” Daehyun kept listing things off and Jongup shut him up with another kiss and he grinned sheepishly. “You know what I like, I’ll see you in a bit.”

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Chapter 9: Oh my! I would absolutely love it if you were to continue this oneshot!