You Said

You Said


They gaze at each other. A moment of silence follows. HyukJae tilts his head and indicates towards the rest of the field. He wants to leave with DongHae now. He wants to see him up-close and marvel at his innocent beauty. He couldn't wait for the moment when he would be able to finally converse with him. It seemed all that he had hoped for ever since chancing upon DongHae the first time he saw him, was at last coming true. They grin at each other and get up slowly. DongHae puts his guitar back in its case and zips it up. HyukJae grabs his backpack and wears it. He brushes off the dirt from his pants and looks up expectantly at DongHae, waiting for him to get ready.



DongHae tries not to tremble with excitement at the prospect of finally getting the opportunity to talk to HyukJae. He swings his guitar case over his left shoulder and pats his pants. He looks around the ground for anything he might have forgotten to pick up; in effect taking his time and through this, making HyukJae impatient once again. He looks up and sees HyukJae ready to leave and staring at him, a combination of impatience and wonder clearly etched on his face. Finally, according to HyukJae, DongHae blushes a deep red and turns to walk along the stream. He wonders if he should just cross the stream and get nearer to HyukJae already, but quickly dismisses the thought. He wants HyukJae to come to him. He had shown a surprisingly large amount of interest in DongHae, so he wanted HyukJae to make the first move; although this could hardly be called a 'move', DongHae thought. It was a simple step across a stream, he chides himself.



HyukJae grins to himself at the sight of DongHae shaking his head and muttering things he could not comprehend. He watches DongHae move with appreciation in his eyes. Ever since the first time, he had always paid close attention to the way DongHae walked. Well, he paid close attention to everything DongHae did, but his walk seemed to mesmerize HyukJae. The way DongHae moves his hips in a sensuous manner, his arms moving along with his feet; the way he would gaze up at the sky and then close his eyes in pure bliss, a smile spreading through his cheeks, crinkling his eyes, the occasional running of his hand through his hair or sometimes adjusting his cap. All of this HyukJae observed with a growing hunger for the other man. He could barely hold himself from jumping right across the stream and assaulting him. That wouldn't do, he thought and tried to compose himself. He had anticipated this for quite some time now and he was not going to ruin it. No chance.



On the other hand, DongHae, while trying to calm his increasingly pounding heart, tries to look at HyukJae from the corner of his eyes. And all that comes to his mind, yet again, is beautiful. HyukJae appears absolutely Godlike to DongHae, with his pale skin shining in the sun, giving off a sparkling appearance and beauty. He moves in a way that, in DongHae's opinion, the best of the dancers would be put to shame. All of a sudden, an image of HyukJae doing a body wave invades his mind and he has a hard time controlling himself from blushing too much. Where did that come from, he silently exclaims to himself. Black hair glinting in the sun, DongHae watches HyukJae take a peek at him and grins to himself, satisfied. He fixes his t-shirt and clears his throat thinking that hopefully, the burger he had before coming would not leave a smell of onions in his mouth. The last thing he needed for this to go in an undesired direction would be smelly mouth. He wonders if he should try to breathe into his hand and check his breathe, inconspicuously of course, but decided against it. HyukJae is watching me, he reminds himself; not that it was exactly necessary to do so, considering the fact that HyukJae had been staring at him ever since he first laid eyes on DongHae. He smiles to himself and looks sideways at HyukJae, nearly tripping on a rock he overlook and landing face first on the ground. He steadies himself blushing furiously but frowns when he sees HyukJae, who's shoulders look like they are doing a jive of their own as he tries to control his laughter. O great, he thinks to himself. Now he is laughing at me! DongHae blushes a deep pink and contemplates throwing a pebble towards HyukJae, just to show he is not amused. He searches the ground for a sizeable pebble as he walks and comes upon one. He swiftly picks it up and aims it towards HyukJae, who, it should be noted, was in his own little world, still chuckling at DongHae and his almost mishap. DongHae blew his fringe covering his forehead and threw it at HyukJae.



Luckily, or unluckily as DongHae thinks, the pebble does not hit HyukJae. But it does startle him as he raises his eyes from the pebble in question to DongHae, who simply crosses his arms, purses his lips and continues walking. He giggles to himself and stops to pick it up. Playing with it on one hand, he starts to whistle in a jolly manner. As he catches up to DongHae, still walking by the stream, he starts to whistle loudly and gain his attention. He turns his head to look at DongHae and continues to whistle. DongHae turns his head with a frown set on his face as he glares at HyukJae. HyukJae at once stops whistling and puts up the most childish pout he could manage and blinks a few times. DongHae lets out a short laugh and shakes his head. Seeing him laugh again, HyukJae grins to himself and begins to whistle a random tune again. DongHae listens to him for a little while with a soft smile on his face and slowly, as if whistling to himself, he tries to improvise on the tune. He jumps in when HyukJae pauses to take a breath and whistles in another note, providing a harmony to HyukJae original note. HyukJae looks at him in surprise and starts to whistle again, while indicating at DongHae to increase his volume. DongHae, who had been staring at him and whistling to himself gets shy at this and pauses to giggle to himself. As he hears HyukJae stop too, he whips his head up and looks at him. HyukJae grins and points towards DongHae and then towards himself, indicates towards his mouth using his index and middle finger, brings his hands together to entwine his fingers and starts to whistle again. DongHae blushes at this gesture and nods shyly. Even if HyukJae was just pointing out that he would like DongHae to whistle along with him, the action seemed to have another meaning for DongHae; he tries not to get swept away by his wild imagination. He fixes his face, trying hard not to blush, and is about to resume his whistling when he notices where they have reached.



The bridge.



The bridge over the stream separating the two of them. DongHae blushes again. To hell with controlling himself, he turns toward HyukJae to see if the other had noticed it yet; only to find HyukJae staring at him with a gentle smile on his face. His eyes glitter as he takes the first step on the bridge to cross it. DongHae takes a deep breath to control his racing heart. This is it, he thinks to himself. No backing out now (not that he wanted to either). No more itching to get to know him better, up closer. From now on, it’s all about him, he muses. DongHae surprises himself at the concentrated attention he paid towards HyukJae. Never had he been this taken in by someone. Never had a person made him feel so special in a matter of an hour or two. Never had he wanted that particular bridge to be shorter. 






He counts the mere few steps HyukJae needs to take to reach him. He clutches the straps of his guitar case hard and breathes deeply.






DongHae's eyes don't move from him at all as HyukJae hurriedly takes the next step. 






They both stand in front of each other in close proximity as they stare deep into each other's eyes. All the longing, all the curiosity about the other come crashing down to HyukJae. They both run their eyes through each other's face in wonder and HyukJae blinks once dreamily and slowly smiles at DongHae. He says, “You’re beautiful."






A/N: Alraight! I'm not going to write anymore in this series guys T_T
Trust me, I really want to. But then again, I intended for the original one-shot to be one where EunHae get together through a simple meeting. I don't really want to go into the whole talking scene. Sort of takes away the charm no?This way, know that they got together through something as simple and unimportant as a pebble^^
So! Any questions, post them on the comments^^ And thanks for reading^^
P.S: I know quite a lot of you have been reading them. I have seen the amount of views these fics have had. Comment no!! They are love^^ <3
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this is amazing
DeadMeru #2
My heart officially EXPLODED due to the overload of joy/sweetness/cuteness, congrats, I love you, I'm gonna stalk you and left useless comments everywhere forever XD
idkwhatisgoingon #3
i loved the story T^T
please why don't u turn it into a multichaptered story and keep on writing?? pleasee :3
sorry if i'm too demanding xDD i simply liked it so much :D
Eunhae58 #4
I love the way you ended it :D I loved all five stories. I wish you would continue to write them but i must respect your choices in wanting to contine or not :D I will look forward to reading more of your stories c:
How I could have missed an update of my totaly-absolutely-favourite oneshot series? Aish!<br />
I sooo love Hyukkie, he's like an ideal guy: romantic, misterious...<br />
And the best ending - while reading i was getting more and more curious how You'd end it, and it's beyond satisfying(is there even a word like that?) ~
"On the other hand, DongHae, while trying to calm his increasingly pounding heart, tries to look at HyukJae from the corner of his eyes. And all that comes to his mind, yet again, is beautiful."<br />
I'm pretty sure Hae really thinks Hyuk is truly beautiful! It's nice how you made Hyuk complex not be Hae's problem!! Aw...^__^<br />
I don't usually read EunHae unless there's WonKyu involved, but I really like your story! Sadly, you're ending this series...wae? T_T
paamee #7
oh god oh god!! and all this time they hadn't uttered a single word??? whoa!!<br />
you're a if there isn't another update, sequel i mean!! hehe :) ;) <3
^_^ Where the other ones were sweet, this one is absolutely endearing and smile inducing the entire time. I like how you played on both their attraction to each other and the awkward self-conscious thoughts as well. It was a nice touch.<br />
<br />
And the lack of dialogue with the exception of the line at the end suited this piece very well. Words were just not necessary when their expressions and their body language said it all. Well done my dear.<br />
<br />
I also think that the ending is nigh on perfect. While I would be curious to see where this goes, what you've built up to this point is neatly wrapped up in that last paragraph. Thank you for writing this series. <3
I love it just the way you left it....all of it verse,from beginning till this are beautiful...^^