Day 1

Diet Experiment

So it’s the same day (obviously lol). Anyways..

Weight: 124 lbs

So everyday i weigh myself in the morning before leaving to school. I don’t typically eat that much which is really bad for me. I usually just drink apple cider vinegar in the morning and i don’t particularly feel hungry. Usually by dinner time i’ll feel the hunger pains. I’ve also been using kpop idols as inspiration bc i know that if they are able to lose that much weight, i can too. 

I aldo hate exercising so i usually depend a lot on my food consumption for me to stay healthy. And i want to rlly work on my legs. (my body is so unproportional) I used to run when i was younger so my legs are very skinny compared to my upper body. They tell me my legs look malnutritioned XD since i have a thigh gap and bc it’s very slim (??)

Im currently in my second class of the day and i’m kinda feeling hungry (since i’m on my period)

But anyways,, i’ll pretty much update like once or twice a day i guess lol

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