The hospital

My Comatose Angel

It was early in the night for the boys, having just gotten done with a few schedules in Seoul, it was time to board the plane so that they can make it to another show, this time in Macau. The longer the day had dragged on, Jimin could feel a stiffness happening in his shoulder. The boy didn’t think to much of it, since he figured he just overworked it from practice and the long day. So he decided sleep and relaxation on the plane would help it. Once he boarded on, that is exactly what he did, he slept. The flight wasn’t too long, but when he woke up and got off the plane, he grabbed his bags and immediately ended up dropping them. His hand went to his shoulder where he felt a searing pain. Taking a deep breath, he attempts to grab them again and immediately drops them. The pain from his shoulder radiated down his arm, giving him no strength in the appendage. His eyes went wide as he turned to his manager. The man walks over to Jimin, gently pressing on his shoulder and arm, but immediately pulls away with the young male tried to pull away because of the searing pain. He didn’t say anything at the moment, especially since there are a lot of people around. Instead he grabs Jimin’s bags and keeps the male close to him.


The group manages to get out of the airport safely, but to the keen eyes of the fans though they could tell someonething was wrong with Jimin when they saw him. But their excitement to see the boys overpowered their worry at the moment. Once they were safely inside of the van, the manager turns to the driver. “Head to the closest hospital first.” he says. Behind him, he heard the other members talking, mostly asking if Jimin was alright and proving one of the maknae’s comfort. A smile appears over the manager’s features. Once they reaches the hospital, he climbes out with Jimin. Turning the other members, he gives a small smile. “Go ahead and return to the hotel. We’ll be back as soon as we can.” he says leading the male inside.


Once inside, Jimin sat int he waiting room, it was pretty empty and he was glad for that, he didn’t have to worry much about being seen and being found out. As he waited, his manager was at the receptionist desk, explaining and getting Jimin checked in while filling out the forms. Once he was done he turned to the young idol. “Jimin-ah, I’m going to step outside and make a call to Bang PD. If I’m not back, come get me if you need me or when they call you.” he says with a smile as he gently runs his fingers through male’s hair as a sign of comfort.


“Yes Hyung.” he says trying to give the male a reassurng smile. So Jimin waited, taking out his phone and messaging s to keep them updated on what’s happening. A flood of messages came back;

‘Good luck Hyung.’ It was sent Jungkook.

‘Keep us updated with new developments if you can. We’re always here.’ This time from Jin.

‘Fighting Jiminnie’ Taehyung

‘Hope its nothing serious. Just be optimistic.’ Hobi

‘ I’m sure its fine and nothing serious.’ Suga

‘Whatever it is, you got this Jimin’ Rap Mon sends.

‘Thanks guys. I’ll keep you all updated.’ Jimin replied to them all.


As Jimin waited he heard footsteps pattering around. Curiousity caught his attention as he looks around a finds a girl walking around. He seems to catch her attention as she walks over and takes the seat next to him. The smile she shown was small but held a similar brightness that could match Jhope’s. It was infectious and he smiles back at her.
“Hello.” she says, her voice is small that held a weakness that surprises the male. “I’m Jaelin.” she introduces herself, but didn’t hold out her hand. “What are you here for?” she inquired curiously tilting her head curiously as she looks the male over.


Jimin thought it was odd that the woman didn’t hold her hand out but figuring it was a hospital she probably thinks he’s sick or she’s sick so he didn’t think too much into it. “Hello.” he replies. “I’m Jimin.” he returns his name. Seeing that girl had looked him over. “Ah, my shoulder is hurt. I’m just here to get it checked out before tomorrow.” he answers her.


Jaelin’s eyebrows furrowed, wondering if there was something important going on tomorrow. “Tomorrow? Is there something important going on?” she inquires, her brown eyes showing an innocent curiosity that you don’t find much of.

At the question, Jimin was surprised actually, since millions of people around the world knew of him, but not being recognized had a refreshing feeling to it. “Something like that.” he says with a smile, deciding that it might be best to reveal who he truly was.


The conversation between the two was short, but it felt a lot longer, not realizing they had ended up lost in their own bubble that broke when Jaelin had stood up. “I should be getting back. It was niced to meet you Jimin. I hope your shoulder feels better.” she says with a smile as she disappears around a corner. Just as she disappeared, a nurse came out, calling his name. “I’ll be right there.” he calls back as make his way to the entrance where he finds his maanger. “Hyung, they called me.” he says as the two make their way inside.


Being taken into a bay, Jimin was instructed to remove his shirt and as he did so a nurse came inside hooking him up to a few machines that checked his vitals. As the nurse finishes up, the doctor walks inside with a translator, both of them inroducing themselves to Jimin. As he was asking questions and getting answers, he took a look at Jimin’s shoulder that showed no signs of trauma to it. But from the reaction he receives from Jimin when he touches the shoulder shows that there is something wrong. Turning to his nurse, he gives her a list of tests to conduct. As the tests were conducted and results came back all normal, it lept the doctor to ordering a head and shoulder CT. It was a quick and painless procedure, and as they were waiting for the results, Jimin was left alone. The manager having gone to update Bang PD, as well as the members and to get out to get them some food when when Jimin leaves.


As Jimin is left alone he sees the curtain bustle thinking it was the doctor or nurse coming back, but he was a bit surprised to see it was Jaelin from earlier. The woman gives him that infectious smile, as she moves to on the edge of his cot he sitting on. “So, any updates about your shoulder?” she asks him with the same curiousity he saw earlier. At the shake of his head, she gives a soft hum and a nod of her head. “Maybe it really is nothing then. I mean, you obviously work hard.” she says eyeing his fit body briefly. “So it could just be muscle strain, or its overworked, hell, maybe you even slept wrong.” she says giving her own thoughts on why his shoulder is bothering him.


Jimin didn’t speak much instead just watches her though seeing her eyes briefly eye his body has him blushing softly in shyness. “That’s what I have been thinking.” he agrees with what she was saying.


Jaelin smiles as she stands up. “Well I have to go again.” she says as she begins to leave, but seeing the confusion cross Jimin’s face, she can’t help but giggle. “I’m not allowed to be here. But I got bored. So don’t tell anyone.” she says placing her index finger over her lips as if telling him he needs to be quiet before she leaves out of the bay and disappears once again.


Seconds after she left though the doctor came inside, “You’re CT results are back and everything is normal.” he says. “So its possible the muscle is just strained.” he says as he pulls out a pad to write him a prescription.


As the doctor, Jimin and manager were talking someone came into the ER, smiling at the nurses. “I heard there’s an interesting case here.” Another woman spoke. As the nurses nod and tell the woman, she nods as she makes her way to the area. It wasn’t often, that the woman came down but some gut feeling told her too. Walking into the bay, she smiles, “Dr. Can I speak with you?” she asks him curiously. Before walking out, she catches a glimpse of the boy.


The doctor looks over his shoulder, surprised at the seeing the female there but nods his head. “We’ll be right back.” he says. Walking out, “What are you doing down here Dr. Lim?” he asks her.

“Will you let me run a single test on him?” she asks him.

“You think its something psycological?” he asks her.

“Do you not know who that boy is?” she asks, and seeing him shaking his head, she can’t contain herself much longer. “He’s an idol from Korea.” she says. “Just one test and a lot of questions.” she asks him, doing her best not to bed.

The male doctor sighs, “Just be professional.” he says. It was no secret to anyone of Dr. Lim’s fangirl habbits thus the reason why she came down.
“I’m always professional.” she chimes as the two make their way to the room.
“Sorry about that. I’m Dr. Lim.” she says holding her hand out to the male.
“Jimin.” the patient says as he returns the shake of his head. “You know whats wrong with me?” he asks her curiously.
“I have an idea.” she says with a reassuring smile. Turning to the nurse, she smiles, “set up a MRI.” she says as she smiles.

At the mention of an MRI, Jimin’s eyebrows furrowed. “But I had a CT that said everything was normal.” he says.

“An MRI is different from a CT. Trust me.” she says giving a smile.

Once it was set up, Dr. Lim walks next to Jimin. “All you have to do is lay down, be still and answer my questions.” she says as the man nods.
Once everything was set up, Dr. Lim began her questioning. Asking everything from his private life, and to work. “Jimin, how do feel about the world tour your on?” she asks him, as she watches the images on the screen in front of her. When Jimin answers her, she ends the session. “That’s all. Thankyou Jimin.” she says turning the radiologist. “Send those to me immediately.” she says. While she waited Jimin was returned to him and told her could get dressed again and wait. It didn’t take long before the female doctor came inside with a tablet in her hand.

“You know me?” he asks her, as its the only reason she would know about the tour he was on.

Being caught the woman nods her head. “I’m an ARMY. But that isn’t important. These are.” she says sitting down next to him. “These are your MRI scans.” she says, making sure he looks it over with him. “This is what your brain looked like when you were talking about your daily life.” she says showing a comparison of a normal person. “This was when you were talking about your work.” she says motioning to the colored area. “This is stress, pretty normal but this.” she flips to the next slide, “is when we talked about the tour.” she says seeing a greater increase in his stress levels. “I’m more than positive that this is why your shoulder is being affected. You’re way to stressed.” she says settig the tablet down. “Dr. Qin is going to write you a prescription to help with the pain, but I advise to do as little movement as possible tomorrow. Personally I would rather have you rest in bed, but I’m sure you wouldn’t do that.” she says with a small teasing laugh. “Don’t overwork your should is all I’m saying and with a few days of proper rest and relaxation it would be better.” she says standing up.


Dr. Qin comes back, notepad in hand. “What we were saying ealier, I’m going to write you presciption for a muslce relaxer and for a topical cream to help with the pain.” he says. “Take the relaxers before you go to sleep. The cream can be used as often as needed.” he says. Handing the paper to the manager. “If you come with me, we can work on his discharge papers.” he says as the two adults leave the boy alone.


“So you found out what was wrong?” a familiar voice sounds as once again Jaelin seems to magically appear.
“Yea, aparently I’m too stressed out.” he says with a small laugh.

At hearing the diagnoses, Jaelin laughs softly. “That isn’t good, but atleast its something you can fix.” she says as she once again leaves the room. Before she completely leaves again, she pokes her head back inside. “Have fun at the concert Chimchim.” she says leaving before the idol can react.


Leaving the hospital, Jimin slumps into the car, for some reason feeling exhausted, but amused at the same time. Picking up his prescription, Jimin simply are the food his manager got earlier in the car. Returning to the hotel, s were gathered, waiting to hear what was wrong. Sitting on the bed, he explains what was wrong to s, receiving hugs from all of them. When Jimin finished his shower and took the pill, he smiles when Jin offered to massage the cream into his shouder. The massage hurt, but the numbing from the cream helped a lot, lessening the pain and Jimin felt relaxed that he ended up falling asleep during the massage.


AN: This took a lot longer to start than I thought it would. But here is the first chapter. This is going to be a short fic, that I'm thinking between 2-3 chapters at most with the possibility of a bonus chapter. It depends on how the length goes. So your probably wondering, Dr. Lim a neuropsychologist which I thought would be a fun and interesting element to add as to diagnose Jimin. I wonder, do you guys have an idea who Jaelin is and why she is always disappearing?

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ctnajihah #1
Chapter 1: <3<3<3
I'm waiting for the next episode... Please update soon.... ^_^