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viridity - naïve innocence


Taeyong is an omega Prince. Jaehyun is an Alpha general. There is a war coming.





Our story begins far away from the world we knew.
We are in the Helum System, a solar system like ours with a sun in the middle and planets which are in the orbit around the sun.

There is life existing on every planet. Humans, Hybrids and other species, some of them would we call alien.

The planets are being overlooked by the Council, a committee that leads the politics within the planets and makes sure that there is peace between all the different ethics that live so close together.

The Council is on Therion, a planet you could consider as capital out of all the planets. All the other species are meeting here, senators from the other planets, workers who came for the opportunity to earn money.

But Therion is not so important for our story, at least for now. The story itself starts on a planet called Lunar.




viridity will be a three shot : meeting you, deserving you, loving you

pairing: main - jaeyong; side - johnten, markhyuck (maybe other pairs too)


i had the idea for this very long but i wont focus on this that much than on other works. please check my feed to find some more information about my works at the moment. for this story, you will have to wait a bit more for updates

i took some ideas from the lunar chronicles, like the name for the main planet our story focuses on. the rest of the story is my idea.

for giving this story a first read, a special thanks to PetitSkittles

please check her stories too ;)


have fun reading it <3 mamaxexo

(english is not my first language, i apologise for all mistakes)

I wrote and corrected this until 2am.
rip myself, I'm going to sleep now


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y_freaking_m #1
Chapter 1: Please make next chapter,I am dying.
AmericanoBrave #2
noraniaa #3
Chapter 1: Wow please continue!! I love it ❤️
Chapter 1: great story!
teflon #5
Chapter 1: please update authornim! I really anticipate the next one:)
Chapter 1: that cliffhanger.... agh... i’m ready fOr JAEY O NG
this is so good so far
Urgh, leaving us on such a cliffhanger... Pretty sure I spelled it wrong, but oh well. I'm too tired to care. I'm reading it again and I'm craving for more !
T9TY5Y #8
Chapter 1: I love this~ omega taeyong & mark are one of a kind
Chapter 1: I love this. Please update soon
faitherese0219 #10
Chapter 1: This is good. And that was such a cliffhanger. Anticipating the next chapters.