The halloween costume

The halloween costume

Sowon was standing in front of her closet as she started sighing. She totally forgot that the halloween party was that night and she didn’t have any costumes to wear. She took all her black clothes and tried it on but she just looked like herself in black.

She sat on her bed and let her back fell on the mattress. She looked at the ceiling and sighed again. She really hated parties but Eunha begged her to come and she couldn’t say no to the short girl. Sowon would rather spend the night watching a movie under a warm blanket with Eunha and some snacks but she was scared Eunha would find her weird for wanting to spend the halloween night just the two of them.

Plus all their friends were going to this party so Sowon couldn’t back away. All of them would come get her in the next minute if she told them she couldn’t go. She sat back down on the bed and looked at her closet again. Her eyes caught her sport clothes. Sowon just started playing soccer she could just dress as a soccer player?

Not finding anything better and seeing the messages from her friends asking if she was ready Sowon put her soccer jersey, her short, her long socks and her shoes. But after looking by the window Sowon changed her mind, it was pretty cold for the october 31. She decided to change the short with a jogging instead and since her soccer jersey was a long sleeve one she would be fine.

Once she was ready she put her hat and took her phone and her keys before leaving the house. She hesitated to take her car and decided not to. It wasn’t that far away and if she wanted to drink, something she was probably gonna do, to be able to endure this party, she couldn’t drive anyway. So the best option was to walk. Sowon checked her phone and answered her friends' texts saying she would be there soon. Apparently all her friends were already at the house where the party took place.

As Sowon arrived to the house she smiled, it was well decorated, there were fake tombstones in the garden and plenty of pumpkins with angry faces. Some red lights were lighting the porch and the entrance door. Sowon jumped as a big fake spider fell on her hand as she touched the door handle.

She entered the house slowly making sure nothing more would scare her again. Many people were inside, dancing and drinking, the decoration inside was nice too, spider web and skeletons were hanging from the ceiling and the little lights were making the house dark and mysterious.

Everyone was in disguise, some costumes were way better than others but Sowon wasn’t gonna judge seeing her own costume. She walked through the crowd and suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder, she turned around and saw Yuju.

“Follow me.” just said Yuju, she was wearing a supergirl costume and Sowon smiled, Yuju was pretty tall too, it fitted her very well, the short red skirt was showing her long legs and her boots were making her look very y.

Yuju guided her to their group of friends. Sinb and Yerin were wearing matching costumes, one was the devil the other an angel, Sinb of course was wearing a tight red dress and had two corns on her head while she was holding a red and black trident as her weapon. Yerin was in a long white dress that showed her shoulders and she had cute and soft wings on her back and a halo on top of her head. Those costumes fitted the duo very well.

Sowon saw Umji next, she youngest girl from the group, she was wearing a witch costume, she had a black dress, her hair were messy under her black pointy hat, her bright red lipstick was making the girl's lips looks luscious and she looked very pale. She was still very cute even with this halloween make up thought Sowon.

After complimenting her friends for their choice of costumes Sowon realised suddenly that someone was missing. “Where’s Eunha?” asked Sowon not seeing the short girl with their friends.

“She went to get some drinks.” said Sinb pointing to another room.

Sowon nodded and walked to the kitchen, she easily found Eunha. The short girl was the iest girl of the night Sowon was sure of that. She was wearing a short orange and black dress that showed her thighs, her collarbone and her shoulders. As Eunha turned around Sowon saw that the dress was like a corset with a long and cute orange ribbon laced up on the front of the dress. The dress enhanced the short girl’s cleavage. Eunha used a quite natural make up for her face, and she only added a fake drop of blood on the corner of . Sowon smiled, a y vampire, she liked that a lot.

But Sowon wasn’t the only one, many guys were staring at Eunha while she purred beer in some cups. One boy approached her to help her and he put his hand on the short girl’s back. Eunha nodded and he helped her but she slowly took a step away from him and smiled before thanking him but the guy came closer to her again and caressed her hair, Eunha turned her head away from him but he seemed to insiste.

Sowon clenched her fists and walked to them, she went behind Eunha and circled her with her arms. Eunha turned her head and looked up at Sowon before relaxing immediately into the tall girl's arms.

“You’re done sweetie?” asked Sowon while looking at the guy in the eyes. He looked back at Sowon but then he walked away.

Eunha took three cups and Sowon let go of her. “Thank you Sowon, I thought he wouldn’t let go of me.” said Eunha smiling at Sowon. “How do you find my costume?” she asked excited.

“Very nice.” said Sowon smiling back. “No wonder those guys turn around you, you’re beautiful.” added Sowon blushing. “You’re a beautiful vampire I mean.” quickly said Sowon as she looked away and Eunha laughed.

“Thank you.” just said the short girl shyly. “Help me?” she asked and Sowon nodded taking the last three cups. They joined their friends and tried to enjoy the night.

Sowon wasn’t having much fun, all those boys were looking at Eunha and many of them tried to make move on her while dancing. Eunha ditched most of them but accepted to dance with some of them and even shared a drink with one. Sowon was in a nightmare and it wasn’t just because of the halloween atmosphere of the house. Seeing Eunha smiling and having fun with those boys made her so angry inside, but Sown was mostly angry at herself.

It had been years that they knew each other, and Sowon felt those feelings for Eunha growing everyday but she never got the courage to talk to the short girl. Sowon was so scared Eunha would reject her and she just couldn't lose her…

Sowon felt someone standing beside her, it was Sinb who looked at the same direction than her. “Looks like Eunha is very popular tonight.” said Sinb before looking at Sowon who frowned.

“Shut up Sinb.” just said the tall girl as she finished her drink.

Sinb laughed. “Come on, just go for it, just tell her.” said Sinb and Sowon frowned even more.

“I don’t- I mean I‘m not-” Sowon stopped talking and sighed. “What do you want me to tell her anyway?” finally said Sowon realising her friend understood she was in love with the short girl.

“Tell her you love her you dummy.” said Sinb and Sowon eyed her. “Please we all see how you look at her.” smiled Sinb pointing to their friends and Sowon looked over there, Yerin was pointing to Eunha mouthing “go”, Umji was encouraging her with her thumbs up and Yuju was nodding at her with a big smile.

Sowon bit her lips, she really loved her friends but she couldn’t talk to Eunha. “I can’t…” said Sowon looking at Sinb.

Sinb nodded. “It’s like you want, but don’t come crying when Eunha will tell you she meet a great guy at this party.” warned Sinb pointing to Eunha laughing with a boy.

“You know what, keep an eyes on her for me, I’m going home.” said Sowon and Sinb frowned at her.

“Sowon it’s only 11pm you can’t leave now, it’s the halloween night, which mean we will party all night!” explained Sinb and Sowon shook her head while smiling.

“Well, have fun all night, but I really want to go home.” said Sowon sincerely.

Sinb nodded and hugged Sowon quickly. “Be careful and text one of us when you’re home.” said Sinb and Sowon nodded to her before turning away and leaving the house.

Sowon looked at the garden and shook her head, someone smashed all the pumpicks. She looked one more time at the house and decided to walk away. Just as she reached the corner of the street, she heard someone running and calling her name.

She stopped and turned around, Eunha was running down the street to meet her. Sowon waited for the short girl and got hit on the arm when Eunha arrived in front of her.

“Yah! Why you hit me?!” asked Sowon not expecting Eunha to hit her.

Eunha crossed her arms on her chest. “You’re leaving without telling me!” complained the short girl. “And you just make me run after you with those heels!”

Sowon shook her shoulders. “You seemed to have fun, I didn’t want to interrupt.” explained the tall girl trying to hide her sadness.

Eunha hit her again. “Interrupting what? Are you silly?” asked Eunha and Sowon looked down. Eunha looked around them and shivered. “I’m scared, will you at least walk me home?” asked Eunha looking at the tall girl in the eyes.

Sowon frowned. “You don’t want to stay at the party? It’s still early...” she asked and Eunha shook her head.

“What the point if you’re not there.” said Eunha as she started walking. Sowon followed her and they walked side by side in silence. “You didn’t even dance with me…” suddenly said the short girl with a sad tone.

Sowon was surprised. “You wanted to dance with me?” asked Sowon confused and Eunha rolled her eyes.

“Sinb’s right, you’re so dumb sometimes.” said Eunha as she started walking faster. Sowon walked after her and bumped into her as the short girl stopped suddenly.

“Eunha?” asked Sowon worried as why the short girl suddenly stopped walking, was she that mad that Sowon didn’t dance with her? wondered Sowon putting her hands on Eunha’s shoulder but the short girl didn’t move. “I’m sorry okay… I really wanted to dance with you I just-”

“Sowon.” cut Eunha still looking right in front of her. Sowon looked in the same direction as Eunha and saw someone in a clown costume standing in the middle of the street with a baseball bat in one hand and a megaphone in the other. The clown just stayed there, not moving. Sowon frowned as she felt Eunha moving closer to her. “What is that clown waiting for?” asked Eunha clearly scared by that person hiding behind the clown mask.

“I don’t know…” answered Sowon taking a step in front of Eunha in a protective way and tried to look closely at the clown. “Hey you!” yelled Sowon but the clown stayed immobile. “The party’s over there!” she told him while pointing to the direction behind her.

The clown bring the megaphone to his mouth. “I’m here for you tonight!” said the clown as he tilted his head, the megaphone was clearly changing his voice, it was like an electronic strong and deep voice.

Sowon put her arm in front of Eunha and still stared at the clown till he started laughing like a maniac into his megaphone before running to them. He wasn’t that close but not that far either and Sowon quickly took Eunha’s hand in hers as they started to run away.

Sowon didn’t know where she was going, she just wanted to get away from that clown, they could hear his steps as he purchased them in the dark and empty streets. Sowon turned into a corner and they ended up on the little parking lot of a small shop.

They hide between two cars, Eunha was making a face. “My shoes hurt…” whispered the short girl and Sowon nodded looking at the heels Eunha was wearing tonight. They both jumped as they heard a loud noise, the clown was hitting on something metallic with his baseball bat. Sowon took a big breath and tried not to think about all those news she read on halloween nights and how some sick erts killed people on this night just for ‘fun’. This couldn’t happen to them, she couldn’t die now, not before living her life, she still was so young… and she never told Eunha about her feelings...

“No need to hide, I will find you!” said the clown and Sowon tried to look up to see where he was but the clown saw her and ran to them. Sowon took Eunha’s hand again and they ran before he could caught them but only after some steps Eunha fell on the floor because of her shoes.

Sowon immediately stopped and turned to Eunha, the short girl’s knee was bleeding. Sowon knelled to look closer but the clown was getting close way more faster than before and Eunha couldn't run anymore. So Sowon stood up quickly and as the clown reached them she bumped into him with her shoulder, he fell on the floor and the bat fell too.

Sowon grabbed the baseball bat and stood in front of the clown who was now sitting on the floor shaking his head from the shock, he looked up and Sowon frowned. “Don’t ever try to touch her again you sick ert or I kill you.” she said menacing him with the bat.

“Wait Sowon, I'm sorry, don’t hit me!” said the clown and Sowon tilted her head, she took a step closer to him and took his mask off. 

“Heechul?” she asked and he smiled at her innocently. “What the hell dude?!” asked Sowon letting the bat fall from her hand on the floor. “Are you crazy?! Why would you do that?! You scared me to hell!” said Sowon hitting their friend on the arm as he stood up. The tall girl quickly went back to Eunha and gently whipped the blood from her knee with a tissue before she helped her getting up.

Eunha wasn't looking at Heechul she was mad, very mad at him. “I’m sorry girls.” he said again and Eunha turned her head away from him. “Eunha, I was about to stop this prank when I see you on the ground I swear but Sowon jumped on me as I approached to see if you were okay…” he explained and Eunha just took Sowon’s hand in hers.

“I hate you Heechul…” just said Eunha before walking away but she hissed as her knee hurt while walking.

“Eunha.” said Heechul running to her and standing in front of her. “I’m so sorry, let me drive you home, it’s the least I can do after this stupid joke…” he said with a nice voice and Eunha looked at Sowon before nodding.

Sowon helped her walk to Heechul’s car and they both sat on the backseat. Heechul smiled as he could see them with the inside mirror. Sowon put her hand on Eunha’s thigh. “You okay?” she whispered worried to Eunha who just nodded at her with a shy smile.

Then Sowon caught Heechul look on the mirror and she took her hand away before clearing . “How come you were after us tonight?” asked Sowon curious to know how and why Heechul decided to prank them.

He smiled as he started the car. “Long story short, I was going to that party to make the ambiance more terrific.” he explained but I saw you two leave the house and I decided to follow you a little and see if I could scare you.” he explained. “So I took another street and ran to wait for you in that street.”

Sowon nodded. “I really thought I would die tonight. Do you know how many stories I read about halloween nights ending up in with some weird murder?” she asked him and he laughed while Eunha was still silent.

Heechul parked in front of Eunha’s house. “Here my pretty vampire.” he said as she went down to open the door for Eunha. “You know, one good thing you learned tonight, is that Sowon will protect you at any cost.” he said to the short girl with a wink, making her blush as she looked at Sowon leaving the car by the other side.

“I will walk you in.” said Sowon getting closer to Eunha. Heechul apologized again then the girls walked away.

Heechul smirked. “I guess Sowon will stay the night?” he asked and Sowon turned to him confused, Eunha looked at Sowon before looking at Heechul and biting her lips.

“Yeah, she can sleep over, don’t wait for her, and don’t go scare more people for tonight.” she warned him and he laughed before nodding and going into his car. He waved at them and drove away. Eunha looked for her key and opened the door. Sowon guided Eunha to the couch and helped her sit before taking the short girl shoes off and putting her hurt leg on the coffee table with a pillow under the short girl's feet.

“You okay?” asked Sowon again with a soft voice and Eunha nodded with a shy smile. “Want to drink something?” she asked and Eunha laughed.

“It’s my house I should be the one asking you if you want to drink something.” said Eunha and Sowon smiled back at her.

“Are you kidding me? this house is like my second house.” said Sowon standing up and walking to the kitchen, she made them two hot chocolate and went back to the couch with Eunha. “Here it will warm you up after this crazy night.” said Sowon sitting beside Eunha.

The short girl let herself get comfortable and lay her head on Sowon’s shoulder. “Do you want to watch a movie?” asked Eunha shyly. “But please not a scary one…” Sowon laughed and nodded as she took the remote. “Thank you…” whispered Eunha slowly.

“Thank you for what?” asked Sowon confused as she turned her head to look at Eunha who was blushing.

“For always protecting me…” said Eunha. “I know that tonight you were as much scared as me but you stood up in front of him to protect me and I just wanted to thank you for that.” she explained and Sowon blushed, of course she would protect Eunha, she loved the girl so much. Eunha was still looking at her in the eyes. “And you protected me against those y guys at the party too.” added Eunha. “I didn’t know this costume would attract that much people’s eyes… I only wanted one person to notice me to be honest…” confessed the short girl.

“Oh… really?” asked Sowon feeling her heart hurt knowing Eunha choose this costume to please someone. “Did it work?” asked Sowon swallowing hard. “Did that person notice you?” she asked wondering how it would be possible not to notice such a cute and sweet girl.

Eunha shook her head. “I don’t think so…” she said pouting.

“Well it’s hard to believe…” answered Sowon not wanting the short girl to feel bad tonight. “You are so pretty in that costume, I’m sure everybody noticed you at this party.” said Sowon with a sad smile.

“It’s okay.” smiled Eunha. “You can’t force people to like you back right?” she said and Sowon nodded as she imagined herself going back to that party and let her fist meet that person’s face for hurting her little Eunha like that. “Maybe next time that stupid giraffe will notice me and ask me for a dance.” added Eunha looking at the TV.

Sowon froze. “Hmm Stupid giraffe?” asked Sowon and Eunha nodded with a shy smile. “But I’m the stupid giraffe no?” asked Sowon so confused now.

Eunha sighed and rolled her eyes. “Yeah you are.” she said and Sowon blushed madly. So Eunha liked her back? she wasn’t dreaming, Eunha wore that costume for her, she wanted to dance with her, this night went from nightmare to dreamland in some minutes. Sowon couldn’t believe it and was screaming in happiness inside her head. “You’re so dumb…” sighed Eunha seeing Sowon wasn’t reacting, she was about to stood up but Sowon circled her with her arms and kissed her on the lips softly.

Eunha relaxed into Sowon’s arms and kissed the tall girl back. They broke apart and looked at each other blushing. “Am I still dumb?” asked Sowon smiling and Eunha nodded.

“I wouldn't like you that much if you were not that dumb.” she winked and kissed the tall girl again.

That was the best halloween night Sowon ever had.



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Chapter 1: aigoooo... just missing some fluff and here I am browsing your fics 😅 always the right decision
wonhafever #2
Chapter 1: i really live a story when eunha really have a crush to sowon. that was soooo sweet. please make another one like this
Jojo2199 #3
Chapter 1: I love it!!!
Possesive Sowonnie is very hot. Nice story by the way author- nim.
Chapter 1: Omg! I don't know why but i find that Heechul part is very funny
fitzbirds #6
Chapter 1: Ah, such a cute story! Loved it ☺️
Chapter 1: Wow!! I like it!!

I'm surprise it's not RATE M though HAHAHAHAAH
I was so expecting a rate M! What is this?!

It's very cute and fluffy ^-^ <3 I love it!
ahlolo #8
the photo cover esited or not ? thata good