Traveling Curiosities


“Jimin.” A man walked past, lightly brushing his waist, and he knew that was his cue. Jimin nodded and stepped out from behind the wall of black curtains. He climbed the set of stairs onto the wooden stage, striding past a stout bearded man looking very official behind his podium, and entering the scope of the spotlight. It was bright, instantly radiating heat all over Jimin’s skin the second he stepped beneath it. The crowd silenced as their gazes all turned to him. He did not look at any particular spot in the mass of spectators, but he knew they all had their eyes glued to his thin but sculpted frame.


Hey everyone!

This is my first BTS fic; I got really inspired the other day and just had to write this. Right now it sits as a one-shot, but perhaps in the future I'll consider developping it into a full story because I absolutely love these kinds of AUs.



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