Looking for Ice cream

Looking for Ice cream

It was Sunday, Mina suddenly crave for some ice cream after the evening stroll. Jeongyeon said no because it was late and  it was cold out so the shorter girl used her last resort , Jeongyeon's kryptonite, Mina's aegyo  "pweetty please, Jeongyeon-san?". Jeongyeon hates when she's using that trick , she hates it because Mina knew her too well oh boy she guess she lost again "Okay but just one scoop understood?". Mina replied with her biggest eyesmile, gosh Jeongyeon wants to pinch that cheeks, "You cute adorable woman."  They found an Ice cream shop. Mina made her way inside skipping up and down like a five year old kid, delighted to get her precious treat and all Jeongyeon can do was to smile while being dragged by her, no wonder her friends call  her whipped Jeong but 'em  Mina can drag her to hell back to heaven for all she cares. Mina furrowed her eyebrows, tilted her head, uncertainty all over her face  because she couldn't decide which flavour and  it  reminded Jeongyeon from the day they first met.



It was a Tuesday evening in December, Mina was looking at this painting with the same expression, confused. Step by step, from one painting to another Jeongyeon walked her way towards Mina, pretending she's interested at the same painting Mina was  looking at but she's just lowkey gawking at her to be honest. Crimson red dress, fair skin, pointed nose, light brown hair cascading beneath her pretty face,  that moment Jeongyeon swore to God that she wanted to summon Van Gogh from his grave and command him to paint Mina because holy fucx she was looking hella hot like a fine Art that evening.


It took Jeongyeon five minutes to muster all  her courage and finally ask the girl "Penny for your thoughts?" really Jeong? thats all you've got? Now she's  looking at you  thinking  that you're a creepy , darn it! But instead, the shorter girl smiled  and said " I couldn't help but wonder, why was Van Gogh not famous during his time when he had painted this magnificent art? Its kinda sad dont you think?" Jeongyeon was taken aback -not by the question but because of Mina's sweet soft voice, heavenly father if only she could record this woman's voice and make it as her ringtone she  would have done it in a second but what was the question again? Oh yah the being sad thing "Yah it's so..sad". Then Mina continued babbling about Van Gogh and  his tragic life and Jeongyeon was there, intently listening to her- not that she's ignorant about the said painter heck she can even recite Van Gogh's biography like ABC if Mina wants her to- but no, she wants to listen to the girl, because when Mina speak angels sing from above, every words seems to turn into a love song. Jeongyeon came up with this lame excuse  "Would you mind if  I ask you for a cup of coffee and you know, talk about Van Gogh?"  She cringed at her own cockiness she wants to punch herself but if embarrassing herself means getting a yes from the girl in front of her then hell yes she's going to push this one in a million  luck, please say yes. "Sure". And Jeongyeon has  never been thankful to Van Gogh that night may he finally get laid in heaven.




" Butterscotch looks good but I bet Mint milk chocolate taste better b-but I want honey nut crunch too aish why is it so hard to decide!"  Five minutes passed but Mina still couldn't decide and Jeongyeon was teasing her about being so indecisive sometimes. So Jeongyeon suggested to just buy every flavour in the store and Mina laughed. Like that early January summer laugh  they shared at their friends place .


Mina was sad and sulky that time because she placed second in her ballet competition and that was the sight Jeongyeon couldn't bare so she  tried every  no jam jokes that she can think of  "Mina what do you call bees that produce milk?"  Mina lightly scratched her head  "Umm I don't know"  Jeongyeon coped  Jihyo's chest while saying "Boo-bees". The taller girl  earned a tremendous smack from Jihyo, a slap from nayeon, death threat from sana, a prayer and a bible verse from dahyun, a judging look by tzuyu, chaeng, momo and nearly got killed by them but damn , it was worth it, oh so worth it because she saw Mina's gummy smile and at last, Jeongyeon heard her favorite song again, Mina's laugh  and  it felt  like a bunch of pterodactyls flapping their wings against the core of her stomach. It was the kind of laugh she could listen to for the rest of her  life.





"Ok I'm going with Mint Milk chocolate" As expected. Red is Mina's favorite color, she like penguins, she can't live without ketchup ,  she ties her hair whenever she plays video games  and Mina will choose Mint Milk over any other flavor. Jeongyeon memorized everything about her like how middle schoolers memorize multiplication table or table of elements because it's essential, because they need it, because Jeongyeon needs her. "I knew you will choose that one, tsk typical Mina".  Mina  playfully pinched Jeongyeon's nose and  kissed her, pressed against  her so she could feel how cold Mina's  hands were.


Indeed it was cold, but nothing can top the coldness she felt that day on their first fight. Mina gave Jeongyeon cold glares that send chills down her spine. Half-passed nine, hair fixed- dressed up in white, sitting alone in that table for two , waiting for her "Where are you Jeongyeon?" Of all the occasion Jeongyeon's brain chose to forget this one, what a douchebag. "I'm on my way" But even satan wasnt on her side, because Mina heard on the caller line  the voice she kinda lowkey hate " Jeongyeonie is that Mina?." Angry is an understatement fuming is the right term, she  can feel the  wrathful Mina  hiding underneath that calm posture " So tell me Jeong, you were with Bona right?" damn she wants to run away. "B-babe Im so sorry I swear I was on my way  but then I accidentallysawbonaIsaid"HI"wechattedforAwhileIdidn'tnoticethetimeImsorryPleaseforgiveme" She explained in one breath, she even stupidly attempted the sorry sorry dance but Mina  just sighed, stormed out the front door on her face. Jeongyeon slept on that cold couch for 2 weeks. Setting her calendar April 13 , Jeongyeon learned her  lesson that time . One,  Never forget the anniversaries .  two, dont mix Mina and bona in one sentence.




"Actually Miss can you please cancel the Mint Milk , I'm going for the butterscotch one" Mina and her last minute decisions. "You sure babe?" Jeongyeon asked but Mina was surely fuming with sureness, "Yup". Well here goes the unpredictable Mina  again. Whenever Jeongyeon thought that she knew every inches of Mina like the back of her hand, Mina's whimsical side crashes her confidence and put Jeongyeon  into her  place again like whenever Mina randomly grabs  Jeongyeon's collar and kisses her in the crowd or whenever Jeongyeon  opens the door, Mina sitting there  in her mid-length silk gown, seductively calling her " Yoo. Come here. Now. " and Jeongyeon is  at Mina's mercy  " ohooh Fiesty Minari I-I mean yes master". Jeongyeon loves every time Mina's unforeseeable side  shows up because the Calm Perfectionist Mina rarely do that, because It made her feel like she still have things to learn about the girl.




"How about you Jeongyeon-san? What do you want ?" Mina was asking her about what flavor that she wants. But  all Jeongyeon ever wanted was to show the world to her. She wants to have star gazing with Mina at the isle of skye in scot land or kiss her under the eifle tower. Jeongyeon wants to go snorkelling in Cuba and feel the coral reef underneath their  feet or build campfire  beneath the northern lights in finland while looking at the moon and fall in love with Mina over and over again . Jeongyeon wants to hold Mina's hand in the busy street of Seoul or just simply enjoy some puzzle game inside their cozy apartment. Everywhere she wanted to be, she wants Mina to be there with her  so that no matter what, every time Mina  saw an airplane she'll be reminded of Jeongyeon.  



Jeongyeon  told Mina  she'd go for the Mint Milk and the shorter girl  was  shocked because Jeongyeon never ordered mint milk before and then Jeongyeon will reasoned out " because I know you long enough to know that you're not so good with your last minute decisions and you'll regret ordering butterscoth a minute later and you'd sulk. So Me, the Great Yoo Jeongyeon, the good girlfriend, is ordering mint milk as a backup plan incase her indecisive girlfriend, Ms. Myoui Mina, suddenly came to a realization that she wants mint milk.   " Mina  tip toed and kissed Jeongyeon's lips, a token of appreciation . And the taller girl smiled, flustered. "Babe let's have ice cream date regularly  shall we?"  This ice cream date was indeed a good idea, Jeongyeon thought.


They settled their selves at the near table. It was starting to rain and Mina suddenly asked  why does rain falls . The usual Jeongyeon, answered "because it's the signal for the frogs to mate?". Mina laughed and said "No silly". Then she took her time in explaining about the vaporization and gravity thing but Jeongyeon didn't quite catch that because she was busy drowning in Mina's presence. Distracted by Mina's soft voice that rides to the rhyming sound of the rain.   Jeongyeon remembered waking up next to her ,sunlight hitting Mina's ethereal face and flowing dust speckled  around her. Mina was only in sweaters, hair so messy from being in the bed all afternoon. Mina was a beautiful mess and Jeongyeon was  the crooked mess before Mina came into her life and corrected her. From relationship to another, Jeongyeon putted over love. But Mina solved the ed up Jeongyeon like a math problem. Mina showed  that the numerator should be love and the denominator should be superficial pleasure . All the bad choices she made that lead her to this moment, that led her to Mina, in a weird way she's the kind of reason Jeongyeon doesn't have any regrets  in life.   Mina's like a beautiful stilt in Jeongyeon's moving chaotic world. Her tylenol when  she's in pain. Her smile whenever she's feeling blue. Mina makes her wanna jump off the highest building in the city just to prove that she's unbreakable when she's with Mina.








" I love you. Alot"



Mina smiled " I love you too. Alot"




And in that moment Jeongyeon knew she loves Mina more than anyone else she had ever loved. In that moment Jeongyeon knew Mina is her once in a lifetime. And yet all they were doing was just looking for ice cream.




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KM_3451 #1
Chapter 1: Sweet
Chapter 1: You really write beautifully. Amazing! The pacing, the changes in between. And that whimsical feel. You enticed me visually using only your words! Amazing!
522 streak #3
Chapter 1: Beautifully written _| ̄ |○ thank you for making my day. Hopefully you'll come up with more soon ^^
Chapter 1: thank u <3
this is so cute :.)