
Why Can't it Be (the two of us)


“C’mon! We can’t start the celebration without you Jimin.” Their world tour is finally over and after resting they all decided to celebrate the success of their world tour but Jimin wasn’t in the mood. “Taehyung,I love you but I’m really not in the mood for celebration right now.” Jimin smiled but he knows Taehyung won’t take no for an answer.


Taehyung pulled Jimin out of his bed and pushed him inside their bathroom and gave the clothes Taehyung chose “I am not taking no for an answer Jimin. Now hurry up and change! Everyone’s waiting for you.” After changing, Taehyung, Jimin and the rest of the boys together with the staff went to the restaurant to celebrate the end of the world tour.


“Ah, we can’t miss the drinks of course!” Hoseok said grabbing a glass of beer.“Don’t get yourselves drunk, y’all are too heavy to carry.” Yoongi said remembering the time he had to carry Hoseok all the way to their dorm since he was too drunk to even walk. “Hey! I’m not that heavy, hyung.” Everyone was having a nice conversation and enjoying the meal but Jungkook noticed that Jimin was drinking quietly which was odd cause Jimin would usually join his hyungs.


“Jimin hyung, is everything alright?” Jungkook asked and sat beside Jimin. “Y-yeah, just tired from the tour.” Jimin smiled at Jungkook but it  doesn’t convince him that Jimin is tired from the tour. “I’m really just tired Jungkook-ah, don’t worry too much.” Jungkook nod his head and joined the others who’s having fun.


It was getting late in the evening when everyone decided to head back to the hotel “Yoongi hyung, you sure you don’t need help?” Taehyung asked who’s trying to make Jimin stand properly but failing at it. “I’ll be good here Taehyung-ah. Plus, you need to put Jimin to bed, he had too much drink earlier.” Taehyung nods as he keeps an eye on his friend who’s already drunk.  Diminie’s not drunk! Just tipsy.” Jimin says, cleary, he’s drunk.


“Hyung, do you know why Jimin’s been down lately?” Taehyung asked, it’s been bothering him for weeks that his friend’s been down for weeks now. “Not really, why don’t you ask him tomorrow?” Taehyung nodded and says good night to Yoongi.


“Come on Jimin, we’re almost here.” Taehyung carefully pulled Jimin up, “You are not drinking anymore after this.” Taehyung said while he grabs their key to their room. “Taehyung-ah, diminie wants to tell you something.” Jimin said poking Taehyung’s cheek, “What is it Jimin?”


“It hurts Taehyung, it hurts so much.” Jimin said, as he looks down on the floor. “I like Yoongi hyung so much that it hurts.” taehyung sighs as he hugs his friend.  “I like him so much but why can’t we be together? Why is the world so unfair?” Jimin cries, all the times he held back his tears falls down his cheeks. “I don’t know Jimin-ah, yeah the world is unfair. ” Taehyung sat beside his best friend comforting him.


“Taehyung-ah, why aren’t you and Jungkook dating? Didn’t you told him that you like him? That you’re in love with him?” Everyone knew about Taehyung and Jungkook having mutual feelings. Jimin was there when Taehyung and Jungkook decided to stay as friends. “I’m happy just having him beside me. I know it was a stupid idea to stay friends when we both feel the same but, I’m happy just having him beside me.” Taehyung smiled, feeling contented.


After talking for hours, Taehyung finally got Jimin to lay on the bed after removing the jacket and shoes. Someone knocks on the door while Taehyung tries to change Jimin’s clothes. “Oh, Yoongi hyung, did you forget something?” Taehyung asked opening the door wider so Yoongi can enter the room.


“I wanted to see if everything is doing alright here.” Yoongi said as he passes by Taehyung to see if Jimin is asleep. “You should stay with him for the night hyung. I’ll stay with Hoseok hyung for the night.” Yoongi nodded and exchanged his key card with Taehyung. “Ah, Yoongi hyung. He’s not asleep yet so he might call for me so talk to him, okay?” Taehyung says as he grabs his phone and jacket and head’s to Hoseok’s hotel room.


“Taehyungie! Kim Taehyung! Why aren’t you answering me?” Jimin yelled and tried to stand up from his bed, “Taehyung is not here Jimin, he said he’s going to sleep with Hoseok hyung tonight.” Yoongi said as he sat down on the other bed. “Ohh, Min Yoongi hyung!” Jimin turned to face Yoongi who’s scrolling on his phone.


“Need anything Jimin?” Yoongi asked while he scrolls through his phone, “I just wanted ask something hyung-” Jimin turned to his side to face Yoongi who’s still scrolling on his phone. “What is it?” Yoongi replied and put his phone down.


“Do you hate me? Why are you avoiding me hyung?” Jimin asked, Yoongi puts his phone down and looks at Jimin. “I don’t hate you Jimin and no I’m not avoiding-” Jimin cuts off Yoongi before he could finish his sentence. “You are! Every time I try to talk to you, you either tell me you’re busy or that you’re going somewhere. Why are you avoiding me hyung? Why?”


Yoongi sighs and sits beside Jimin and looks at him in the eyes. “I love you Jimin, I have loved you the moment I saw you but we just can’t.” Yoongi said, he didn’t want to avoid Jimin, looking at him for afar was enough. But he didn’t know that Jimin would think that he’s avoiding him.


Jimin sighs, “Can you sleep beside me, hyung?” Jimin asked, he just wishes he won’t remember what happened tonight. “Alright, let me just turn the lights off.” Yoongi said. He walks to where the switch is and turns the lights off.


It was already in the middle of the night but Yoongi can’t sleep. He looks at Jimin who’s sleeping beside him, letting out a sigh, “I love you. I really do.” Yoongi says and closes his eyes and tries to sleep.


It was already late in the afternoon when Jimin woke up with a hangover. “Oh, Yoongi hyung? Why are you here? Where’s Taehyung? Did he sleep in your room last night?” Jimin said a bit dazed. “Yeah, he told me he wanted to sleep with Hoseok last night so he changed rooms with me.” Yoongi said handing a bottled water to Jimin.


“D-did I do something stupid yesterday or did I say something I shouldn’t have?” Jimin asked after drinking the water Yoongi gave him. “Both, had to make sure you were asleep last night.” Yoongi said focused on his laptop. “What did I say last night hyung?” Jimin asked as he face Yoongi who’s still busy doing work on his laptop.


“You should ask Taehyung about that. You asked me if I hate you and why am I avoiding you. That’s it, you didn’t say anything else.” Jimin is relief, he’s never drinking again that’s for sure. “I’m gonna head back to my room and see if Taehyung’s awake so he can accompany you here.


“Wait, hyung! I want to tell you something!” Jimin suddenly feels nervous, he now regrets what he said. “What is it?” Yoongi said turning around to face Jimin. He takes a deep breathe, it’s now or never. “I like you Yoongi hyung.” Jimin says and grabs a pillow to cover his face.


Yoongi was silent. He likes me. He thought, “Answer me, please.” Jimin said, not looking at Yoongi. “S-since when?” Yoongi asked, he couldn’t believe Jimin likes him as well. “F-for a long time now.” Jimin replied, Yoongi walks towards Jimin and pulls him to a hug.


“I- I thought you- that you’re in love with someone else.” Yoongi said looking at Jimin and hold him as if he’ll disappear. “Hyung, I won’t disappear.” Jimin rests his forehead on Yoongi’s and they stayed like that for minutes. “But the world, is not fair,” Jimin smiled bitterly. “I love you, hyung.”


Yes, the world is never fair. Yoongi and Jimin, decided to stay friends just like Taehyung and Jungkook did. Just like Taehyung, it was enough for Jimin to have Yoongi beside him.


Maybe one day, they could finally be together.


Maybe one day, when they’re finally together, they won’t give a damn on what others say and they won’t give a damn on why people don’t want them to be together.

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