The Other Members

Like No Other

Eli tok advantage of the manager's kind offer to let her use the dance studios as much as she wanted. She showed up three days in a row. Every time she would flip on a fast techno or dubstep song and let the music take over her body. After the first day she started to get the feeling she was being watched. She would look towards the door and see nothing, but she knew a pair of eyes were burning into her back. She grew uncomfortable and stopped going. But she kept wondering who it was.


It was about five days later that she got the call from the manager saying it was time to meet the rest of the members. Eli was so nervous and excited that she got there a few minutes too early. So did someone else. It was a tall, slim boy with dark brown hair and high cheek bones. He glanced at her as she came in. She dipped her head in greeting.

"Hi." She said

"Hey." He responded. She could tell by the way he relaxed in the chair that he was a cool guy. He took a second look at her. "You aren't Korean?" He asked.

"No, I'm from America." She said.

"Oh, I lived there for a while." He said looking at her with more interest. "What part?"

"Boring old North Carolina."

"Ahh... I was in California."

"Do you know English?" Eli asked taking the seat opposite of him.

"I'm not perfectly fluent but I can get by over there." Was his reply. He stared at her then gave a smile. "I'm L.Joe."

"Dante." She said smiling back. He gave her a strange look so she stopped. Her smile was what could give her away.

They talked some more until two other people showed up. One she recognized as the guy who auditioned right after her. When he saw her his eyes widened for a split second before returning to normal. His hair was dark brown with a redish tint to it. His facial structure seemed a little feminine but his body was masculine and fit. He took a seat next to her.

The boy he came in with had black hair and a baby face. He smiled nervously when he came in. He was only a few inches taller than Eli but he looked very young.

The last three members arrived individually within eight minutes. All seven of them sat silently and awkwardly waiting for something to happen. After a few minutes the manager walked in.

"Well," He began. "Congratulations to all of you for making the team." He smiled. "We had over a hundred people auditioning so you guys did really well." He took a seat at the head of the table. "Now you'll be going through some serious training before you can debut. We'll be touching on the most important areas: voice and dance lessons for the most part. Training starts in three days, here at 10:00 am. As for the dorms, you will be moving in together some time within the month. We're still looking for some place to put you. Any questions?" No one said anything. "Good now introduce yoursleves starting on the right." 

He pointed to a tall skinny boy with big lips and wild hair. "I'm Niel." He said. His voice still hadn't hit puberty.

Eli introduced herself as Dante and turned to the others waiting for their names. Chunji was the one who'd looked at her weird when he'd seen her as he walked in. Ricky was the young one with the cute face. L.Joe introduced himself next. Changjo was the last person who had arrived. He had spiky hair and round cheeks. The last one was CAP. He was the oldest and had black hair and deep brown eyes. He looked a little more withdrawn from the others. Didn't seem like a people person. 

"And as I'm sure you all know, I'm Manager Kim." The manager said when they'd all gone through intrductions. He smiled at all of them clearly pleased. "I'll leave you to get more aquainted. I'll return shortly after taking care of some stuff. Just say some stuff about yourselves."

He walked out and the room was silent for a moment. Niel glanced around then smiled. "Well, I guess I'm supposed to go first." He said. He went on to say he was 14 years old and loved soccer very much. Singing was something he'd picked up a couple months ago. When he was done he looked over at Eli. She smiled. "I'm Dante." She began. "I'm American. I'm 17 and I love to dance." Chunji smiled knowingly and spoke about himself next. He was 17. He played basketball and did a lot of singing. Then Ricky went on to say he was 14 and liked singing and playing sports and games. L.Joe was 17 and explained that his hobby was writing songs. Changjo was liked to dance and Eli made a mental note to talk to him more about it later. Last of all CAP said he liked to read.

The seven of them sat talking for another half hour. Eli liked them. Niel and Ricky seemed to hit it off pretty well. L.Joe liked talking with her about America. Chunji was interested too and asked her a lot about herself. She went and talked to Changjo about his dancing. He explained that he had an interest in martial arts first but as soon as dancing was exposed to him he got hooked. Eli smiled. She could get used to being with them. They were just fun to be around. But Chunji was the closest to her age so she got along with him best. 

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msawkward #1
aha! I was right! xD Can't wait for more! (: I hope no one heard him this time too... e____e Chunji you dummy!
msawkward #2
WHAT. LJOE. WHAT. So did he hear that movie night? damn. can't wait for more! :D
Aww l.joes so cute x3
Oh snap what's gonna happen now that Chunji knows??
i love your FF
update soon~