Chapter Eighteen

Unexplainable: Season I



While the internet was eating up Junghee’s apology, at the same moment Jin text messaged Areum to check on her seeing how she’s doing.


While Jin was at home in the dorm, the rest of the boys were at the dance studio, the only place they can be left alone without hearing about how is Areum doing.  The six members are disgusted by how manipulative she can be and plus how deep is their Hyung is because all of her lies. Taehyung has quietly kept staying on up of the updates of the news including Junghee, the more of news telling lies makes him more depressed and sad making him less interested of their activities.  The room was silent, so quiet you could pick up a pencil dropped.  The boys couldn’t understand what was going on, they wanted to support their team mate, but knowing in their heart it would be wrong, betraying a friend knowing they’re innocent.  Jimin watches Taehyung continue to be tied to the computer. “It’s up.” The lighten brown haired boy turned towards the remainder of the group, they lifted their heads as Taehyung’s voice. “Noona wrote an apology on Instagram.” Yoongi reads along the melodic phrases of words as Namjoon reads it out. 

“It’s quite good.” Yoongi stated he steps back from the computer walking back to the couch. Everybody could feel one another’s steam just coming out of their ears, they linger to sit in silence while their anger builds up. 

“What's wrong with us?” Hoseok gained courage to open up the conversation.

“Cowards. We are cowards for not saying anything!” Taehyung let out all of his frustration by stating the obvious. 

“Taehyungie, we can’t tell the public without hurting both sides of the story.” Jimin rubs the back of Taehyung while he tries to soothe him, unable to grasp the situation he shakes his head while walking out of the room heatedly. Jungkook hurried after him leaving the boys stunned. Namjoon stayed out the discussion just hearing everyone’s opinions before he speaks up his own mind.

“Maybe we should.” The leader’s words startled everybody by the directness of his tone of speech.

“Are you crazy? Use your head, you’re the smartest one here!!” Yoongi hated to scream at the boys but this time he didn’t have control of his tempter as he scold the younger member after hearing the stupid idea even Namjoon was right.  He was simply taking his anger onto .

“I am using my head! Maybe we shouldn’t have lied to him and tell him the truth of how we felt. This would have not happened if we just told the truth.”

“Alright, let’s call Jin. Hoseok bring the two back over here.”

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I noticed that chapter two was hidden and chapter four wasn't...sorry! If you were confuse, I'm at fault. Here's the right order. Due to that, I 'll post earlier and do all chapters 2-4.


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Chapter 22: Precise ending! I had fun reading this story. I wish I could read an epilogue of how jin made it up to junghee and fix their rship ><
Chapter 20: It is time for confrontation.Being in their position I dont blame them one bit though for feeling so scared to face the truth. Now they are up to say something. Jin must know and be honest.
sushibops #3
Chapter 17: this is really cool, enjoying!
Chapter 16: POORRRR JUNGHEEEE THouGHHH the girl did nothing yet to be blame for something she didnt do. This world is so dirty everyone is trying to get you no matter what you do ;/ man jin has to sort things out with his friend. Choosing a girl over bff is a no no.
Chapter 14: Urmmm jin you chose the wrong girlfrie d to be exact :/ can I kill that betchh hish
Chapter 10: I am so happy to read your story!! Especially since it is jin and ;;;; ismemdkdkkekdkd hooked by this that I read it in one seat!! Love it <333