



I watched the snow falling lightly outside the window, coming down in soft flakes. No, not soft flakes-more like clumps? Bunches? It irritated me to no end. How could I not find a perfect word to define snowflakes when there are so many words out there?

I turned back to the piano and glared at it, before sighing and letting it go. After all, it didn’t particularly matter what I called snowflakes. In fact, not much mattered in life. Most of it was just trivial, background noise. It could all just be ignored.

Of course, the only thing I can’t seem to ignore has to burst in at this exact moment.

“Muyi! Did you see how much it’s snowing outside!? Let’s go!” Donghae dashed to my side, grabbing my wrist and attempting to pull me off the bench.

“No! Can’t you see I’m busy?!” I hissed, trying to regain control of my wrist. “I’m trying to compose a song!”

“You didn’t seem that busy. Let’s go!” He grinned and pulled harder, which caused me to fly off the bench, tumbling into him and the wall. Why did he have to be so ridiculously strong?!

“Urgh…” He sat up and shook out his brown black hair, looking like…he just ran into a wall.

“Why do you always do this…” I sighed and stood up, brushing my shirt back into place. He looked at me with his deep brown eyes from his place on the floor, giving me his puppy face. I frowned right back. His cute faces never work on me.

“Anyway, let’s go!” He dragged me out the door, too impatient to wait for the elevator, and dashed down the stairs, taking two at a time. We flew out of the lobby doors, and then suddenly, Donghae had left my side and was playing in the snow with some kids from our apartment building.
I took a few steps, only to realize Donghae had yanked me out without letting me get a jacket. Great. There I was, standing there in a white dress in the middle of January, watching my boyfriend have a snowball fight with a bunch of little kids. I huffed, annoyed, then walked out to swing near the playground where the kids (Donghae included) were playing. The snow was still falling lightly, but I couldn’t see it properly, seeing as how there was a pole blocking my vision. I got up, then stared at the sky, watching the ‘flakes’ fall down. I don’t know how long it was, but eventually I was aware of the cold seeping into my skin, straight to my bones. I was also vaguely aware of someone calling my name, and then there was black.

Donghae POV

“Muyi!” She seemed to be immobile where she was. She turned her head slightly, as if she heard me, and then collapsed.

“MUYI!” Ice flooded my veins as she fell to the ground, the whole world moving in slow-motion. I dashed forward, but no matter how fast I run, I can’t seem to stop her from hitting the pure white ground.

How could I be this stupid!? After the accident…after the accident, I should have been more careful! She’s only starting to recover now, and then I let this happen! Way to go, Donghae.

I picked her up and carried her back to the apartment, laying her on the bed. She looked surprisingly peaceful…wait, aren’t I supposed to be doing something?!
“First aid, first aid…” I paced back and forth, not knowing what to do. Suddenly, and idea popped into my head.

“Hankyung hyung!”

“What!? Donghae, why are you calling me now? And why do you sound like somebody just died?” He sounded annoyed, but I couldn’t worry about that now.

“Somebody is dying! Muyi collapsed, and-“

“Did you check her pulse?”

But no, I hadn’t.

“Just do it.” He sounded exasperated.

“How did you know I didn’t?” That was surprising.

“It’s you. Do it.”

I put my fingers lightly on her wrist. Luckily, there was still a faint pulse beating.

“Okay, she’s still alive…”

“That’s great. It means she’s just fainted, so you have nothing to worry about.” His impatience seemed to have come back. “Bye.”

“Wait hyung-“ He hung up on me. How could he do that!? I’m in the middle of a crisis here!

I lay down on the bed next to her. Well, nothing to do but wait…

Bright flashes of color ignited before my eyes. Hadn’t I just been in a car…? I turned my head to the right to find Muyi with her eyes closed. She would have looked peaceful, if not for the blood trailing down her face…

I found myself in a hospital room. There was a strange looking man at the foot of my bed.

“Uh…the doctor?” He looked a little confused by my reaction…oh, right. Hospitals have doctors. No wonder he was in a white coat. Muyi would laugh so hard at my lack of common sense…

“Anyway…” He still looked a bit bewildered. “You were in a car crash, but you’re fine. Just one bruise on your knee, but other than that, you’re free to go.”

“Ah, thank you!” I smiled and jumped out of bed, before I realized I was wearing a hospital gown, which is a little breezy, if you get my drift…

“They’re in the cupboard.” The doctor pointed to a small cabinet behind him, and then left the room, shaking his head. I pulled on my pants at light speed, then proceeded to dash outside my room at top speed, only to crash into the nearest nurse,

“Yah, watch where you’re going!” She got up, annoyed, and retrieved the medical instruments she dropped.
“Sorry!” I quickly got up and bowed. “Can you tell me which room a girl named Zhang Muyi is in?”

“Zhang Muyi…” I watched as her eyes went down the list of the clipboard she was also holding. “She’s in the ICU unit on the third floor.” She pointed to a stairwell behind her, and I rushed up it. Running down the end of the hallway, I saw many doctors gathered in one room labeled ‘ICU’. Huh, I wonder what’s going on.

Oh, wasn’t Muyi in the ICU…?


I watched the moon and the stars through the window, sometimes cut off by the still-falling snow. Which didn’t make sense, if you think about it. How could you see the moon and stars when it was snowing? Isn’t it only supposed to snow when the sky is overcast? So, how could it possibly snow with no-

“Muyi, go to sleep.” Donghae groaned and shifted from his sleeping position next to me.

“Shush.” I pushed his head back down and returned my gaze to the window.

“Why do you have to be so stubborn?” He sat up, looking at me with droopy eyes.

“Move, you’re blocking my view!” I unsuccessfully tried to shove him out of the way, and then simply glared at him.

“C’mon, don’t be like this.” He flopped back down, then grabbed my shoulder and pulled me down as well.

“I was trying to find out the perfect name for a grouping of snowflakes.” My voice was muffled by his shoulder.

“Why does it matter?”

“It’s not like I can just call them a molecule that consists of two hydrogen and one oxygen atoms that has been frozen!”

“…What?” he sounded thoroughly confused.

“It’s basic chemistry!”

“Can’t you just call them snowflakes and be done with it?” He sounded just as irritated as I was.

“Obviously not. They are so much more than just ‘snowflakes’. If you really wanted to define them, you could say they are conglomerations of ice crystals that-“

I was cut off by a gentle pressure on my lips. Before I could even react, it was gone, replaced by unfathomable chocolate brown eyes. Only in this type of silence did I realize exactly how fast my heart was beating.

“You’re too much of a perfectionist.” His gaze never left mine. “But then, I guess that’s why I love you so much.” He chuckled, and then gently held my cheek with his palm. I couldn’t tell he was leaning closer until he was a few centimeters away from me.

“Relax.” He whispered, and then closed the distance between us.

I closed my eyes out of reflex as his lips pressed against mine. He shifted his weight forward and wrapped his free arm around my waist. Not knowing what else to do, I tentatively put my hands around his neck. I decided to take his advice for once, and just relaxed. He seemed to sense my somewhat open attitude, and deepened the kiss, then suddenly pulled away, leaving me gasping. Once I had regained my breath, I found him grinning like an idiot.

“Good night!” He said in a singsong-y voice, hugging me around the waist, pulling me close enough so I could lay my head on his chest.

“Good night.” I muttered grumpily.

“I love you…”


“I’m waiting…” I could hear the smile in his voice, and I couldn’t help but sigh.

“I love you too.”

[Author's Note]

LOL I know the flow . Whatever. I'm tired.


YAY happy fun time and all that. I hope you liked it :3 COMMENT :D and check out my other stories if you have time :D

(I don't want to write anymore...)

PS I EDITED THE PICTURE MYSELF using Piknik xDDDD I would have done a better job but SOMEBODY was rushing me :D

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I LOVE THIS !!!! ^^
It's sad, but cute ! >< way to go, author !
shanks you~~
Leigh-Ann #4
you could be either :D