Your words aren't lousy

Caught in a Lie


“Your words aren’t lousy. Those were the most comforting words I’ve heard all night. And it’s from a person I barely know so that makes it even more meaningful. I ranted to you without knowing your name even. It might be too late but what’s your name besides Mr Nice guy?”


“Ah I’m touched. And my name is Park Jimin.”


“Annyeong Park Jimin-ssi. I’m….”


The sound of a motorcycle stopping in front of the convenience store cuts her off as both she and I turn to look at the vehicle.


My first impression of him was that he was tall. I could see the long legs he had been blessed with as he got off the motorcycle. I guess he looked pretty cool and when he took off his helmet, I had to admit that he was good looking despite the arrogant face. I could also see why he was your boyfriend. He looked like the type of guy that you would date. Cool, tall and handsome plus he had a freaking motorcycle.


You stared at him as he made his way towards the table but you made no move towards him.


“Who’s this?”


Ah what did I expect? Of course your boyfriend had a deep gruff voice that made me feel insecure about my own voice.


“A really nice friend.”


I was touched that I was being acknowledged as a friend but the look her boyfriend gave me made the atmosphere a little too chilly. If it wasn’t for her sitting opposite me, I would have probably bolted out of the situation as fast as I could.


“Ah I see. I’ve been trying to call you. Why didn’t you pick up?”


“Same reason why you didn’t when I called you after you left.”


So the atmosphere felt really tense at that moment and I just wanted to leave but I couldn’t find the right timing to do so. I wanted to walk out of there undetected and be gone without a trace left behind but it seemed pretty difficult to do that. Maybe if I had just left that situation right there and then maybe I wouldn’t be stuck in my current situation.


“Babe I know you’re hurt.”


“I know I’m hurt too but who’s your babe though?”


I was trying to be invisible and non-existent but your words made me look at you and your stone cold face gave me chills. Not the kind your boyfriend gave me though.

You had attitude and I think that fact made me liked you even more. I guess I got attracted to that.


“Let’s not be like this okay? Can we just talk it out?”


“Sure. I mean we’re an hour late but let’s talk.”


“Can we go somewhere else to talk?”


“What’s wrong with here? It’s not like Jimin doesn’t know everything already.”


When I heard my name I jumped a little and looked at her while pointing at myself in bewilderment. I then did the mistake of looking at her boyfriend in the eyes and he looked pissed off, weary and done with either me or her. Felt like it was me but I wasn’t quite sure.


“Can we just talk in private? You’re tired, I’m tired so let’s not do this please.”


I expected you to retort back something sarcastic to him but you said fine and grabbed your phone from the table. I got ready to say goodbye casually to you as you walked towards him but then you stopped midway and turned to me instead.


“I’m sorry for being so burdenful to you tonight but I’ll make it up to you and buy you the drink I owe you kay? So if it’s okay with you, can you just key in your number real quick?”


She says this so innocently despite the tense situation we were all in and the fact that she was asking me for my number totally caught me off guard. I tried to use that as an excuse for why I immediately keyed in my number into her phone without any hesitation.


“Thank you so much for today. Let’s meet up soon.”


She smiled and waved goodbye to me cheerfully somehow and I do the same but warily and awkwardly. She walks off towards her boyfriend’s motorcycle while he looks at me with a confused expression. I probably just gave off the same expression. She got on the bike and slaps away his hands as he attempts to help her put on the helmet.


He put his own helmet on with his visor up. He looked at me with a cold but blank expression like he couldn’t be bothered by me but I knew what he meant. It was like a guy’s instinct to sense something like that. He was telling me to back off. He then pulls his visor down, starts the engine and drives off.


I guess that was my first warning.

I didn’t take it seriously enough though.


When I got back home, I told Hoseok all about it. I expected at least some constructive comment from him but all he had for me was,


“What ramyun did you buy?”


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