In the locked closet .... [ Mystery Letter ]

Let the fate decides : Win or Die


They’re still wondering what might Luna and Sulli pulled since it’s something they feels like pulling 2 different things. “ Close the door first “ Taemin said. Myungsoo go and closed the door as Taemin order. Then, he walked back to them. “ So, what do we do now ? “ Sulli ask them. Everyone look at each other. “ Let’s just pull that ‘thing’ out “ Myungsoo said. Sulli look at Myungsoo and smile cynically.

“ Yah ! Why are smiling like that ?! “ Myungsoo shout. Suddenly, Taemin hit Myungsoo on the head, “ You pabo-yah ! Why did you shout like that ? Aish “ Taemin said, sounds like whispering. But then, they heard a girl chuckled. But then, it stop by itself. “ Omo ! You heard that ? “ Myungsoo said. “ Myung-ah, you said ‘let’s pull that ‘thing’ out like you want to pull it “ Sulli said. Ignore his question because she heard it too.

“ Shut up Sulli-ah. I ask something else “ Myungsoo said. Sulli chuckled as Myungsoo look so anxiously. “ Arasso arasso “ Sulli said while laughing over him. Myungsoo glance at Sulli. “ Okay. Let’s stop this. Let’s just pull that ‘thing’ out just like Myungsoo said “ Taemin finally gave an order. Myungsoo stick out his tongue to Sulli. Sulli ignore him and look at somewhere else. “ I thought it’s finished already. But you still want to fight I guess ? “ Luna said.

All of them look at Luna. “ Just forget about it. Let’s pull it out “ Luna said and bow to the under bed. “ I’ll pull it “ Taemin said. “ You sure ? “ Luna ask him. He nods. Luna gave him his way and Luna step aside. Taemin kneel infront of the bed and try to reach that ‘thing’ they’re talking about. He palpate under the bed but then, he feels like that ‘thing’ grab Taemin’s hand. “ Omo ! “ Taemin became shocked. He pull out that ‘thing’ out.

“ Suzy-ah ! “ they all shocked when that ‘thing’ they’re thinking which feels like cloth and hairy is Suzy. Suzy put her finger to her lips and ask them to shut up. They all keep their silence but they still shocked. “ What are you doing down there ? “ Sulli ask whispering. “ I’ll tell you. But please keep this as a secret “ she said. They all nods.

“ Actually …. “


[Suzy POV]

I was in bed when I heard someone sing my childhood song.

Gummy gummy bear bear , when I was in bed.
Someone enter the room, just to give me …

The words someone should be omma ! It’s a girl voice. And she didn’t finished the song. I pretend to sleep. But then, she said , “ I know you’re not sleeping “ But I keep pretending to sleep. “ You will regret it “ she said again. I started to wake up from bed. I turn back and saw a woman standing and leaning at the door while holding a rope.

“ Who are you ? Why are here ? “ I asked her. She smile, cynically. Then, she walk to me. I get off from my bed. “ You sure you don’t know me ? “ she said. I nods. We stand infront of each other. “ Hmm, I can’t just tell you who am I “ she said. “ What about playing a game ? “ she suggest. It’s getting weird. But I still ask her , “ What kind of game ? “

“ A simple game. You just need to list me something “ she said and turn back. Walking around the room. “ List you what ? “ I ask her. “ Aww haha “ she laugh. “ You’re too in rush. Let us know the punishment too “ she said again. “ Hmm, if you succeed I’ll tell you who I am. But if not, you’ll be friend with this rope and the fan. Okay ? “ she ask and look at me.

Be friend with rope and fan ? What does she mean ? “ Let’s start “ she suddenly said. I can’t even ask what she mean. “ Can you tell me when is your first, second, third and so on kiss and with whom ? “ she ask. Tsk, what a simple question. For sure I can answer that. And get ready to tell me who you are. “ With my first boyfriend, Soo Hyun. At the park on our first date. Second, third, forth, fifth and sixth still with him. The seventh one with my scandal, Taecyeon and the eighth and tenth one too. The ninth with my second boyfriend. “

I stop for a while. Thinking about the kiss I had. But then, I continued. “ The 11th, 13th, 15th with my second boyfriend, what’s his name again ? Hmm, ah Seulong. And the skip number with my scandal when I couple with Seulong, his name is Hyun Joong “ I listed all my kiss. She smile happily and walk to me. She stand infront of me and wrap the rope around my neck. Then she pull me to the under fan.

“ Let’s die okay “ I was so shocked ! Is this what she mean by friend with rope and …. Fan ? I was stunt. She pull me and hang me to the fan. Without I realize, she pull the chair under my leg. “ Arghh ! Arghh ! Y.. yah ! “ My breath is stuck. “ P… pu .. pull me .. down !! “ she ignore me and close the door. Before she got out of the room, she stick something behind the door.

Flashback end

“Then, how did you escape ? “ Taemin ask. “ Luckily, she’s so stupid. She just pull it away but didn’t remove the chair. I still can reach the chair. But you know what ? I think I’m going to dead “ Suzy said. “ Luckily, I’m save “ Suzy sigh in relief. “ Are you okay ? “ Myungsoo ask Suzy as he walk to her. He flip Suzy’s hair away and touch the effects of the rope on Suzy’s neck.

“ Ne “ Suzy nods. “ But she think I’m dead “ Suzy said. “ So, you have to keep it as secret “ she said again. They all nods, understand. “ Ah ! “ Suzy suddenly seems like to remember something. “ What ? “ Luna ask her. She look at Luna. “ IU ! “ Suzy said. “ What’s wrong with her ? “ Luna ask again.

“ After I got off the rope, I walk to the door. It says … wait “ Suzy walk to her drawer and pull out a piece of paper. “ Here “ she gives it to Myungsoo , “ No one can escaped. Cause I own you … In the locked closet … “ Myungsoo read the things written on the paper. “ In the locked closet ? “ Luna repeat. “ In the locked closet ? “ she repeat again. “ Ha ! “


What did she understand of the letter ? Wait for the next chapter to know the answer okay ? I’ll update as soon as possible.

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Chapter 29: Awesome! but I still couldn't entirely understood on the revenge part.
Chapter 29: Wahhhh that's sooo good sequel???
Chapter 29: Ahh. It's such a cliffhanger -.- author-nim please make a sequel hahaha x3
Batrizy #4
Chapter 29: So it was only Jiyeon dream?
Happymaknae #5
Chapter 29: Whata... Whut!!!???? Aishhh~~~ hahhaha!!! So confusing~~!!
Chapter 28: Oh no . Onewww -___-, you're holding a knife . Update soon!
_nonsensical #7
Great, you're back! So the voice, Jiyoung and Hyunseung are ghosts? Onew, please don't be evil! You can't kill others, it's wrong..
@maknaetaelli, thank you :) I've updated again !
@milkycouple101, ah you already know :( I'm sad then. Hehe :3
@woou_madness, I've make a comeback !!
_nonsensical #9
Come back soon.. We'll miss the updates of the story..