



Please tell me what you think in the comments!! (this message is before the oneshot because i feel like it would ruin the mood if it was at the end...)






“Yoooo, sorry I can’t answer the phone right now, I’m probably busy. I’m usually on my phone 24/7 but in this case it probably means I’m being productive and socializing or something… Crazy, I know! Anyways, you can leave a voicemail or a text and I’ll definitely call back as soon as I can!”




Jungkook smiled at the sound of his boyfriend's voice, it really never gets old no matter how many times he’s heard this recording.


“Hey Tae.” He started. “Back for another year of --ugh-- high school. Thankfully this is the last year though, I don’t know how much of this I can take.”


He watched as students rushed through the front gates. The Jocks, the basic es, the geeks, and the clueless new students who all looked like lost puppies.


“It’s going to be hard without you here this year. I can still remember the first day of middle school like it was yesterday.” He signed at the memory. “Stumbling through the front gates, thinking I could rule the school. I really had no idea what was coming for me...certainly not a flying shoe...that moment is going to stay with me forever. Literally. I still have the scar from the little piece of glass that was stuck to the shoe somehow--like, how is that even--”




The voicemail recording ended, he talked for too long. Again.


He looked up and saw that most other students were heading inside the building already, not wanting to be late. Before he put his phone away, he sent Taehyung a quick text. Something he didn’t have the chance to say in the voicemail.



I gotta head to class now, I’ll talk to you later~

Love ya <33


~ ~ ~

Ah yes, young Jungkook and the first day of Middleschool. What could go wrong?

Jungkook hesitated to walk through the front gates.  He was jealous of all the people around him, calling out to their friends and having reunions after the vacation. He had no one he knew here. All of his few friends applied for another school, claiming they weren’t smart enough to compete with Jungkook.

He took a deep breath and looked up from the ground. Suddenly determined to do his best this year, not only academically but socially as well. He needed to be confident, or at least seem so. But before he could even take his first step, something flew towards him from his left side and hit him in the head. Hard.


A shoe??


He was on the ground, hand pressed to his left cheek as he tried to process the situation. Through his blurry vision he could see a figure running towards him...was that the same school uniform?


“Oh. My. GOODNESS I AM SO SORRY!” The person said rather loudly.




“I just threw a shoe at you your cheek ok? Are you ok? How many fingers am I holding up?” He spoke rather quickly too…


Without responding, Jungkook shook his head to get rid of the dizziness. Now that his eyes would finally focus, he looked up to see the person who claims to have thrown the shoe at him. He saw… the most precious human being ever!


Fluffy brown hair (with a cowlick), bright eyes, strong but such innocent features.


“Whaat??” Jungkook sputtered, still not able to form coherent words.


“I’m soooooo sorry!” The boy took a step back and bowed. “You looked alot like one if my friends so my first instinct was to throw my shoe at them but them i remembered that none of my friends are going to this school but by the time I threw the shoe it was already too late.” he said all in one breath as he tried to get his shoe on.


He reached down to Jungkook, who didn’t realize he was still cupping his cheek. Helping him from the ground, the boy leaned in to examine where the shoe had hit him. Jungkook flinched away on instinct, not exactly wanting to trust a guy who threw shoes at his friends.


“Stop moving away.” he countered. “I’m legit concerned for you, my shoe could be a weapon if it wanted to. Our House is so messy I swear, there’s broken glass everywhere so I wear my shoes in the house so I know for a fact that there is something sharp on the sole--now let me take a look--OH IT’S BLEEDING!”


And that was how Jungkook met the school nurse on the first day of school.

And how he met Taehyung...and has a scar to prove it.

What a fateful day…


~ ~ ~


“Yoooo, sorry I can’t answer the phone right now, I’m probably busy. I’m usually on my phone 24/7 but in this case it probably means I’m being productive and socializing or something… Crazy, I know! Anyways, you can leave a voicemail or a text and I’ll definitely call back as soon as I can!”




“Happy Birthday Taehyung!! Wow, you’re so old now...Just kiddingggg. I’m soo sorry I wasn’t able to visit you, especially on your birthday...I’m a horrible boyfriend I know. But I promise to visit you as soon as I can. I also bought you a gift! I know you’ll love it, I guess I’ll give it to you next time I see you. Look forward to it! I love you Taehyung.”


~ ~ ~

Jungkook calmly strode through the park full of memories with him and Taehyung. He was able to picture them so well it was almost as if he could see ghost versions of their younger selves.


The park was busy with activity but Jungkook blocked out everything. The children on the playground, the food stands as well as the elderly group with their radios, everything. He wanted to focus on Taehyung. Memories are all he had.


He slowly traced his fingers over the carved letters in the willow tree, and smiled subconsciously.


“That’s a lousy ‘J’’s so uneven”

“Shut up...It’s not like you could have done better.”

“I’m just kidding geez. It looks amazing. I love it.”

“I knew it.”


The small ice cream stand by the corner….


“I told you 5 scoops was too much...look what happened now.”

“Noo my ice cream!! I didn’t think it would fall!”

“You thought 5 scoops was going to balance?”

“Just let me dream...Buy me another one?”





And most importantly the neglected rusty bench beside the swing set. What happened there that day was the root behind all other memories.


“Uhhh, Tae? What are you doing on a park bench at...nearly midnight?”

“Well I could ask you the same thing Jungkook.”

“I’m just out on a midnight yes. What are you doing here though?”

“My dad was getting on my nerves….i guess I’m camping out here tonight.”

‘Seriously? Aren’t you cold?”

“Nahh, I’ll be fine. I’ve done this before.”

“You’ve done this before? This is not OK...come crash at my house for the night.”

“It is ok. Now go back before your parents get worried.”

“No no no. Tae, you’re coming with me.”

“I’m perfectly fine here! I don’t want to trouble you. Why are you so concerned anyway?”

“The person I like is spending the night on a park bench, of course I’m concerned.”


“I swear that just came out…....uh...maybe you’re better off sleeping here. I’m going to head back now… BYE.”





“Well if you insist, then who am I to refuse?”


~ ~ ~

“Yoooo, sorry I can’t answer the phone right now, I’m probably busy. I’m usually on my phone 24/7 but in this case it probably means I’m being productive and socializing or something… Crazy, I know! Anyways, you can leave a voicemail or a text and I’ll definitely call back as soon as I can!”


“Hey Tae guess what? I finally found the time to come visit you! I’m on the taxi right now but I just have to drop by somewhere first. See you soon!”


Jungkook bounced around in restlessly in the back seat of the taxi. On his lap was a framed photo of them on their first date. Taehyung had freaked when he found out Jungkook has never been to an amusement park before. Beside him in the seat was a bouquet of flowers and a single red rose.


“Sir, we’re here.” the driver said.


He thanked and paid the driver. Stepping out of the taxi, he took a deep breath before setting out in the direction of his destination.


“You can do this Kook.” he told himself as he walked down the path.

Everything was completely silent. Only the sound of the wind rustling the leaves could be heard but Jungkook’s head was filled with Taehyung’s voice.


“Roses are so beautiful, each petal is like a miracle. That’s why I make a wish on every one of them…”


He held out the rose and twirled it in his fingers.




“I wish I could see you more often.”




“I wish I could tell you how much I really love you”




“I wish we could’ve spent more time together.”


“I wish we could have grown old together.”


“I wish we could’ve had a dog named Holly, just to mess with Yoongi hyung.”


“I wish Jin hyung would cook for the both of us again.”


“I wish our ship with Hoseok hyung sailed.”


“I wish Namjoon hyung could have passed some of his smarts to us.”


“I wish Jimin hyung had been with us more before this all happened.”


“I wish your dad wasn’t an alcoholic.”


“I wish he wasn’t drunk that night.”


“I wish he didn’t push you down those stairs.”


“I wish you were still by my side.”




“I wish it wasn’t your grave I’m standing in front of.”

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Zcinsta #4
Chapter 1: Omg this is so sad. I knew something was wrong and basically guess that taehyung was dead but my heart didn't except that till the end?